Your Judgement v. Media


Sep 23, 2010
The reason for my comments are best understood if you first read this brilliant article by Jeffrey Lord:

The Sabotage Republicans
By Jeffrey Lord on 11.8.13 @ 6:10AM
The betrayal of Ken Cuccinelli has the GOP going back to the future.

The American Spectator : The Sabotage Republicans


There’s a lot rank & file Tea Party conservatives can do when the runup to the midterms shifts into high gear. The first thing they can do is sit on their hands, and their wallets, until after the nominee is chosen. It does not cost a penny to vote for a conservative in a primary; so let Karl Rove’s Republicans spend themselves into homeless shelters backing a loser. It will be doubly painful for establishment Republicans should an establishment candidate get the nomination without the conservative vote —— then surely lose the general election because conservatives stayed home.

In short: Break the media’s grip on picking the nominees by reversing the trend of big money buying nominations with buckets of advertising dollars. The people who work for government and the media are the only people benefitting under the system as it now operates. Nothing is going to get better in this country until the media is held in the same contempt the public now has for Congress and big government.

Doing nothing before the nominating convention still leaves plenty of time to donate time and a few bucks to a conservative nominee you trust. Even if your judgement is flawed it is better to make your own mistakes than it is to make the mistake of believing anything the MSM tells you.

NOTE: The political con job that says “It’s either me or another Democrat.” was terminally ill under Bob Dole, died under John McCain, and was buried by Mitt Romney. The long history of bipartisan “collusion” between establishment Republicans and Democrats that brought the country to today’s sorry state of affairs is proof enough that it matters not which one of the two gets elected. When Republicans had Congress, and the White House with Karl Rove’s boy Bush the Younger in the driver’s seat, they did NOTHING to stop the growth of government.


The number of congressional seats conservatives pick up in 2014 will determine the presidential candidate in 2016. It will do no good to elect a conservative president without first giving him a power base in Congress. Until the number of seats is substantial conservatives should not waste a penny, or an ounce of energy, on presidential politics.

Take this to the bank. Karl Rove’s Republicans would rather see Iran get nuclear weapons than see a truly conservative majority in Congress. The establishment Republicans Jeffrey Lord talked about will spare no expense on the their war to keep a conservative president away from a substantial number of conservatives in Congress. Bloody trench warfare between establishment Republicans and Tea Party conservatives begins in earnest in next year’s primaries.
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Chris Christie offers the first test of judgement. I sense the MSM is gathering steam behind Christie. I’m also sensing some resistence among conservatives:

The Chris Christie Circus!
By A.J. Cameron Monday, November 11, 2013

The Chris Christie Circus!

I can’t warm up to Christie no matter big the media bonfire becomes any more than I could warm up to Mitt Romney and Amnesty John McCain.

Incidentally, remember when Romney tried to present his conservative bone fides. It was a joke coming from the guy who gave his state Romneycare. At the time Romney reminded me of a quote often attributed to J. P. Morgan when he was asked how much it costs to maintain a yacht. He replied:

If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it.

I adapted old J. P.’s observation to fit politicians:

If you have to tell people you’re a conservative you ain’t.

On the other hand, Christie won’t say if is a conservative because he ain’t.

Christie does brag about working across the aisle. That’s no plus. Running the bipartisanship scam is the oldest liberal trick in the scam hall of fame. I don’t know how it works in NJ, but in Washington bipartisanship means the Democrats get everything they want and conservatives get an empty sack with a hole in it. That’s the way it’s been since the LBJ years.

Christie also claims he can turn blue into red. He can start by flipping NJ. He won by a landslide because liberals voted for him not because he turned blue into red. Massachusetts liberals voted for Romney, too, and the state’s been getting bluer ever since even though most voters hate Romneycare. I suspect they are hoping HillaryCare II will bail them out of Romneycare. That should tell the rest of the country how screwed up liberals are in Northeast states.
Christie will be the best candidate, at the point, that we can foresee.

McCain and Romney were the best at the time of the campaign.

The middle elects presidents, not the conservative or liberal edges.
Christie will be the best candidate, at the point, that we can foresee.

McCain and Romney were the best at the time of the campaign.

The middle elects presidents, not the conservative or liberal edges.

To JakeStarkey: I’m sure you believe it because it fits your interpretation of reality.

Reality check

Media and money pick the candidates and, by extension, elect them. Republican candidates are chosen by the media because they are acceptable substitutes for losing Democrats.

From the OP
In short: Break the media’s grip on picking the nominees by reversing the trend of big money buying nominations with buckets of advertising dollars.

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