Who Are The Real Extremists?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Somehow, Americans seem to think that what we were given in the first half of American history can and will go on forever.....no matter how they behave outside of their daily lives.
I refer to the world of politics....and how little attention many give to that venue.

True, it takes a great deal of effort to amass an education, a real one, not the patina of knowledge issued by government schools.

Little do most folks realize how close we are to the abyss....

1. "Trevor Loudon, an author and blogger from New Zealand ... decried the “normalcy bias” that blinds Americans from seeing a future America without liberty, the Constitution and military strength..."

2. ....you think it’s going to go on forever,” Loudon said. “But there’s no law of nature that guarantees that.”

3. ....“if America fails, and America is in danger of failure — that is a harsh reality — if America fails, the West goes down,” he said. “Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Nicaragua, Venezuela and the crazed Islamic allies will carve up this planet amongst themselves. And, if you think the Dark Ages were a tough time, I think it’s going to be pretty bleak for a very long time.”

4. “We’ve been very, very lucky for the last sixty years that the most benevolent power the world has ever seen, the strongest military power the world has ever seen, it’s America that’s been leading the world,...

5. ....Loudon noted the irony of President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies calling the tea party “extremists” and “terrorists.”

6. The tea party, he said, is the “most patriotic, gentlemanly, fair-minded, generous, peaceful people — the exact opposite of terrorists. Yet, you have people in your Congress, mostly in the Democratic Party, who are allied to supporters of North Korea and Iran and Venezuela and Cuba and Communist China.”

7. “You’ve been infiltrated, and the infiltrators want to deflect attention off what they’re doing by basically demonizing the most patriotic, inoffensive people in this country,....

8. ...the Democrats are merely “disguising their own anti-American activism.”
Who's more extreme: The tea party or Obama and the New Democrats? [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

From "Red Army," by Aaron Klein:

9. While the United States is one of the few democracies without an official socialist party, in reality socialists occupy some of the highest positions in the “Marxist-socialist” bloc in Congress. In fact, the Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded as a sister to the Democratic Socialists of America, the DSA.

a. Before the socialist network infiltrated the Democratic Party, its ideology permeated academic institutions for decades.

b. In the 60’s, radicals attempted to overthrow the US capitalist system by actual revolution: the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) or its spinoff, the Weathermen terrorist group. DSA was established to transform capitalism by democratic means.

10. The DSA remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

a. The Socialist International boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.” http://www.thenewamerican.com/world...-35/2947-the-grasp-of-socialist-international

11. Creation of the Progressive Caucus is credited to Bernie Sanders. The groups in the radical network include a) the Congressional Progressive Caucus, b) the Congressional Black Caucus, c) the Populist Caucus, and the d) Progressive Democrats of America.

a. Allied with the above is ACORN, SEIU, and the Institute for Policy Studies
b. And, indirectly, the Center for American Progress and the Apollo Alliance.

Is there a way back?

I have my doubts.
It brings to mind Maxine Waters and her subconscious slip...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3I-PVVowFY]Maxine Waters (D) Slip of the Tongue Reveals True Intentions (Socialism for America) - YouTube[/ame]
The real extremists have one thing in common: they have benefited greatly from Liberty in America, yet actively undermine the values that make such Liberty possible as well as the ability of others to have a chance at success.
The real extremists have one thing in common: they have benefited greatly from Liberty in America, yet actively undermine the values that make such Liberty possible as well as the ability of others to have a chance at success.

You do know that this describes you perfectly. Right?

Like literally, this IS you and 90% of the rest of the "conservatives" on this site.
I hear the left complain bush outsourced all the jobs. what has the left doen to bring them back?

i hear the left complain bush deregulated the banks (actually it was clinton) what has the left done to regulate them?

i hear the left complain bush gives corporations corporate welfare. What has the left done to change this?

what has the left ever done to fix one thing they complain about?
Is there a way back?

Of course. If you follow the necessary steps



I hear the left complain bush outsourced all the jobs. what has the left doen to bring them back?

i hear the left complain bush deregulated the banks (actually it was clinton) what has the left done to regulate them?

i hear the left complain bush gives corporations corporate welfare. What has the left done to change this?

what has the left ever done to fix one thing they complain about?

Is this a serious post?
The real extremists have one thing in common: they have benefited greatly from Liberty in America, yet actively undermine the values that make such Liberty possible as well as the ability of others to have a chance at success.

You do know that this describes you perfectly. Right?

Like literally, this IS you and 90% of the rest of the "conservatives" on this site.

Let me respond in the only appropriate manner:

The real extremists have one thing in common: they have benefited greatly from Liberty in America, yet actively undermine the values that make such Liberty possible as well as the ability of others to have a chance at success.

You do know that this describes you perfectly. Right?

Like literally, this IS you and 90% of the rest of the "conservatives" on this site.

Let me respond in the only appropriate manner:


Hey, at least you don't disagree.
I hear the left complain bush outsourced all the jobs. what has the left doen to bring them back?

i hear the left complain bush deregulated the banks (actually it was clinton) what has the left done to regulate them?

i hear the left complain bush gives corporations corporate welfare. What has the left done to change this?

what has the left ever done to fix one thing they complain about?

"I hear the left complain bush outsourced all the jobs."

Spoony....I'd like to insert what we would have seen were not the so-called 'journalists' actually more than mere amanuenses, stenographers of the Left....

"The American automobile industry has come roaring back…So now I want to say what we did with the auto industry, we can do it in manufacturing across America. Let’s make sure advanced, high-tech manufacturing jobs take root here, not in China. And that means supporting investment here. Governor Romney … invested in companies that were called ‘pioneers’ of outsourcing. I don’t want to outsource. I want to insource."
Outsourcer-In-Chief: Obama Of General Motors - Forbes

What a liar.

1. The Obama administration had joined the new Arab-based International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and agreed to provide millions to support international green energy jobs. “In its fiscal 2012 budget request for international programs, the administration has asked for $5.2 million for IRENA.” U.S. Taxpayers on the Hook As Obama Joins a New International Renewable Energy Agency | CNS News How many jobs in the United States will this endeavor provide?

2. Obama regulatory and tax policies sent jobs overseas.

3. “President Barack Obama will present his “jobs plan” on Wednesday at a company which is shipping jobs overseas…. WestStar is a high-end, specialty manufacturer that just opened a new facility in San Jose, Costa Rica — creating many new jobs there, but not in the United States.” http://test.dailycaller.com/2011/09...c-company-that’s-shipping-jobs-to-costa-rica/

4. “This isn’t the first time Obama has chosen to speak at a North Carolina company outsourcing jobs overseas. In mid-June, Obama spoke at Cree LED Light Company to discuss his job creation and economic policies. Cree has been shipping jobs to China.” Ibid.

a. Cree was also a recipient of Obama stimulus funds, a portion of which was also used to send jobs overseas. Limbaugh, “The Great Destroyer,” p.27.

5. “The Department of Energy estimated that 82,000 jobs have been created and has acknowledged that as much as 80 percent of some green programs, including $2.3 billion of manufacturing tax credits, went to foreign firms that employed workers primarily in countries includingChina, South Korea and Spain, rather than in the United States.” 'Green' jobs no longer golden in stimulus - Washington Times

6. WASHINGTON -- Xerox, whose CEO, Ursula Burns, is advising President Obama on exports, last week told its product engineering employees that it is in outsourcing talks with India-based IT services firm HCL Technologies. Xerox CEO, an Obama appointee, may send jobs to Indian firm - Computerworld

7. (CNSNews.com) – U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said today that he told his daughter to buy a Japanese car--a Toyota Sienna--and that she did so. U.S. Transportation Secretary: I Told My Daughter to Buy Japanese Car | CNS News

8. “U.S. funds, Arizona effort help Mexico trucks pollute less
Using EPA grant money, the state offered to refit the trucks with the new exhaust systems, replacing factory-installed mufflers with converters similar to what is required for U.S. trucks. The process takes two or three hours to complete at a cost per truck of about $1,600…. The entire cost - parts and labor - is paid by the EPA grant through ADEQ.” http://www.azcentral.com/news/artic...rizona-mexico-truck-pollution-regulation.html

9. “…Obama administration is now taking your American tax dollars and using them to fund the BBC World Service — Britain’s state-financed radio network.” The PJ Tatler » Your tax dollars now funding the BBC in addition to NPR

The snake in the White House has done nothing but lie.....

...the media swears by him...

....and the stupid believe him.
Who Are The Real Extremists?
TPM republicans responsible for the credit rating downgrade.

TPM republicans responsible for the sequester.

Republicans who shutdown the government and sought to force the Nation into default.

Social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists who oppose equal protection rights for same-sex couples and privacy rights for women.

Nativist republicans hostile to immigrants and the rights of immigrants.

The radical right and their reckless, irresponsible fiscal policy hostile to working Americans and hostile to needed and appropriate regulatory policy.

Much of conservative doctrine and dogma is radical, reactionary, and extreme – as republicans and conservatives continue to blindly promote its proven failed policies.
Who Are The Real Extremists?
TPM republicans responsible for the credit rating downgrade.

TPM republicans responsible for the sequester.

Republicans who shutdown the government and sought to force the Nation into default.

Social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists who oppose equal protection rights for same-sex couples and privacy rights for women.

Nativist republicans hostile to immigrants and the rights of immigrants.

The radical right and their reckless, irresponsible fiscal policy hostile to working Americans and hostile to needed and appropriate regulatory policy.

Much of conservative doctrine and dogma is radical, reactionary, and extreme – as republicans and conservatives continue to blindly promote its proven failed policies.

I really wanted to be able to engage you as a sentient being and I don't like doing what I'm about to do but you've left me no choice.


The Tea Party is responsible for all of our ills even though they're only 5 years old? You're a blind, partisan fool. I don't care for their opinions either but there is no way in Hell they are responsible for what currently ails us.
Who Are The Real Extremists?
TPM republicans responsible for the credit rating downgrade.

TPM republicans responsible for the sequester.

Republicans who shutdown the government and sought to force the Nation into default.

Social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists who oppose equal protection rights for same-sex couples and privacy rights for women.

Nativist republicans hostile to immigrants and the rights of immigrants.

The radical right and their reckless, irresponsible fiscal policy hostile to working Americans and hostile to needed and appropriate regulatory policy.

Much of conservative doctrine and dogma is radical, reactionary, and extreme – as republicans and conservatives continue to blindly promote its proven failed policies.

Well, now, C_Chamber_Pot......seems you require a remedial.

The Tea Party is based on the following American values: individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

And you oppose all of 'em?

So...."Much of conservative doctrine and dogma is radical, reactionary, and extreme – as republicans and conservatives continue to blindly promote its proven failed policies" must mean that your post is, as is true of just about all of your post......


Why don't you go see if you can rent some intelligence....
Who Are The Real Extremists?
TPM republicans responsible for the credit rating downgrade.

TPM republicans responsible for the sequester.

Republicans who shutdown the government and sought to force the Nation into default.

Social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists who oppose equal protection rights for same-sex couples and privacy rights for women.

Nativist republicans hostile to immigrants and the rights of immigrants.

The radical right and their reckless, irresponsible fiscal policy hostile to working Americans and hostile to needed and appropriate regulatory policy.

Much of conservative doctrine and dogma is radical, reactionary, and extreme – as republicans and conservatives continue to blindly promote its proven failed policies.

Well, now, C_Chamber_Pot......seems you require a remedial.

The Tea Party is based on the following American values: individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

And you oppose all of 'em?

So...."Much of conservative doctrine and dogma is radical, reactionary, and extreme – as republicans and conservatives continue to blindly promote its proven failed policies" must mean that your post is, as is true of just about all of your post......


Why don't you go see if you can rent some intelligence....

The Tea Party is based on the Christian values of

sending women to prison for having abortions

persecuting homosexuals

and above all making sure that the poor endure the full, unalleviated pain of their poverty.

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