What happened to liberals pushing gun control?

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
What happened to liberals pushing gun control?

At one point, they pushed it rather strongly. Nowadays its hardly ever brought up.

If the anti-gun crowd is so right, if their argument is so sound – why pull back from the issue?
Perhaps they just enjoy watching the NRA types rant?

Aside from a federal law prohibiting those who are baker acted from posessing firearms I think we have all the gun laws we need.
I thing they are working the angle of outlawing lead bullets for environmental reasons. They seem to use the EPA to whatever end they want. ;)
Liberals moved to big cities where we have control. Connies want to shoot it out..fine.

Have at it.

40,000 Americans die of gun shot wounds every year.
Liberals moved to big cities where we have control. Connies want to shoot it out..fine.

Have at it.

40,000 Americans die of gun shot wounds every year.

Riots kill people too. Gay sex kills people too. Drugs kill people too. Stupidity kills people too.
What happened to liberals pushing gun control?

At one point, they pushed it rather strongly. Nowadays its hardly ever brought up.

If the anti-gun crowd is so right, if their argument is so sound – why pull back from the issue?

It's a loser. IMO guns should be controlled and the argument for gun control is sound. The issue is emotional, not rational and likely cost Al Gore the election (well that and the USSC).
Liberals moved to big cities where we have control. Connies want to shoot it out..fine.

Have at it.

40,000 Americans die of gun shot wounds every year.

The reason the right to bear arms became one of the first "rights" is the reason why it should never be eliminated.
Because all on the left are not like fox teaches you M14?
How is this response relevant to the question I posed?

Was gun control not at one time a big political issue pushed by the left?
Is the argument behind the push for more gun control not sound?

If the argument is sound, why stop pushing it?
Because all on the left are not like fox teaches you M14?
How is this response relevant to the question I posed?

Was gun control not at one time a big political issue pushed by the left?
Is the argument behind the push for more gun control not sound?

If the argument is sound, why stop pushing it?

Yep the left could be more like the right and keep pushing things but never actually doing them?
They first need to bring Totalitarian rule closer to the goal post before trying to disarm us again.

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