What EVERY Christian Does...


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
There's no getting around it. Since the beginning of the Followers of The Way and later Christianity, There has not and is not a Christian in existence who doesn't:

1. Take some of The Bible literally (very small percentage, actually)
2. Simply discard some of it, altogether
3. Interpret the vast majority of it in the way they are most comfortable with or in a way that suits their agenda - be it spiritual, political, violent, judgmental or whatever.

Anyone care to dispute or simply discuss this fact?
I dispute it. I dont see how you can possible stereotype a group of people, such as Christians, as having one particular position on things when Christians are so numerous and diverse.
There's no getting around it. Since the beginning of the Followers of The Way and later Christianity, There has not and is not a Christian in existence who doesn't:

1. Take some of The Bible literally (very small percentage, actually)
2. Simply discard some of it, altogether
3. Interpret the vast majority of it in the way they are most comfortable with or in a way that suits their agenda - be it spiritual, political, violent, judgmental or whatever.

Anyone care to dispute or simply discuss this fact?

I would love to prove you wrong, but you are afraid of me.
I dispute it. I dont see how you can possible stereotype a group of people, such as Christians, as having one particular position on things when Christians are so numerous and diverse.

I never said we all have a particular position. As a matter of fact, the differences among our denominations are evidence to point three.
I dispute it. I dont see how you can possible stereotype a group of people, such as Christians, as having one particular position on things when Christians are so numerous and diverse.

I don't think he is stereotyping anyone. I think his point is that we all take and discard parts of the Bible according to our personal filters. Frankly, we are forced to do that because it becomes impossible to follow the Bible literally in its entirety since it tends to contradict itself a lot. Additionally, the language forced different misinterpretations. I know many people who believe that "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us" is strictly limited to those people who walk on your property or you walk on theirs. Or "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want..." is indicating that if you are a person of God you will have no desires or greed when in reality it's saying that those who give glory to God shall be spiritually fulfilled and provided for.

I know a lot of people who thinks Lot's wife literally turned into a pillar of salt (that he presumably used to season his soup for the rest of his life) instead of the idea that her heart turned "salty" due to an inability to let go of her former life and she never again found fulfillment or joy. I think that's the kind of stuff he is getting at.
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