What ever happened to Mr. Putin?


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2014
Mr. Putin kind of disappeared from public view a couple days ago. Rumors are swirling through the media as to why the unexplained absence. My initial hunch was he was pouring over a map of Mariupol planning every last possible chess piece position. I noticed there were several articles claiming Putin was ill, even that he had had a stroke. I decided to try this angle. And I found something very telling. Three days ago a trailer for an upcoming show on Russian TV appeared in which Putin states that Russia was instrumental in the annexation of Crimea. I noticed Putin is heavy into the back of his chair. His suit jacket is bunched up at the collar. His arms also seem very heavy and his legs are unanimated except for something he does with lifting up the front of his foot occasionally. His head moves as he talks but it is as his body is asleep. Looking at several other interviews Putin has given over the past couple of years this last one is markedly different. My theory; enemies of Putin have poisoned him and forced him to give a confession of his actions relating to the Ukraine. OK. It is not so much as a theory as a wild guess. I do think there is some merit to the guess however. Here is the trailer:

My theory is based on my belief that he will have to make a a very important decision about how to deal with the Chechen President and those involved in Nemtsov's assassination.

I believe he is holed up trying to come up with a strategy that won't make all hell break loose in Chechnya again.

If Kadyrov ordered the hit on Nemtsov or was involved in any way this is really dicey. Really really dicey.

This is a very tense time.
This was already acknowledged by Putin/Russia from the beginning. ..... :cool:

The possibility of the Chechen connection? Most certainly. Mr. Nemtsov is not the Second coming of Christ like the western media would have us believe. He was despised by many.

Including by the Chechen President. They were verbally at war with one another.

Now I am hoping that the assassination was only born out of the hatred of Nemtsov over Charlie Hedbo because in typical fashion of a has been who needs to feel relevant Nemtsov ranted on over that incident.

I truly pray that Kadyrov was not involved in any way whatsoever.

ETA: for those that aren't up to speed on Russian politics President Kadyrov has been highly instrumental in keeping the peace in Chechnya.
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This all must be very confusing to the Chechen mercenaries and thugs murdering Ukrainians for Putin in Ukraine.
This all must be very confusing to the Chechen mercenaries and thugs murdering Ukrainians for Putin in Ukraine.

Pravy Sektor leader Yarosh called for Doku Umarov to act against Russia very publicly last year . It is well know that Pravy Sektor supports the terrorists in Chechnya.

How do we know this? Because Yarosh blatantly says they do.

Chechen terrorists are fighting with his militias in eastern Ukraine. After all that has transpired, I have no problem if Kadyrov has sent assistance to the eastern rebels to fight back against the thugs in Kiev.

No problem whatsoever. I have never backed the violent and illegal coup and I never will.
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This all must be very confusing to the Chechen mercenaries and thugs murdering Ukrainians for Putin in Ukraine.

Pravy Sektor leader Yarosh called for Doku Umarov to act against Russia very publicly last year . It is well know that Pravy Sektor supports the terrorists in Chechnya.

How do we know this? Because Yarosh blatantly says they do.

Chechen terrorists are fighting with his militias in eastern Ukraine. After all that has transpired, I have no problem if Kadyrov has sent assistance to the eastern rebels to fight back against the thugs in Kiev.

No problem whatsoever. I have never backed the violent and illegal coup and I never will.
Dymtro Yarosh has very limited influence. A year and more ago it was thought Right Sektor was a force that would have great influence, but Yarosh has turned out to be mostly bluster. Right Sector was only able to capture less than 5% of the vote in the national elections, which by the way occurred after the impeachment and almost a year ago. It pretty much makes the complaints and debate about how the current government came into power irrelevant. You can argue about whether the President was impeached according to a specific portion of the procedure of calling for an investigation, or you can simply point out he was replaced and gave up his position when he fled the country. The point is the new government, which is the same as the one that replaced the old one in what you refer to as a coup, was elected in an election monitored and observed by international groups that unanimously judged the elections to be fair and properly conducted. The people of Ukraine overwhelmingly endorsed and elected the government currently in power.
Your guy Yarosh invited Umarov to come help in Ukraine a year ago and the rest of Right Sektor as well as the Ukraine government made it clear Yarosh was talking without authority. Yarosh needs to be cautious or he will end up like the other so called Right Sektor leader, Sasho Bilyi, killed while being arrested by Ukrainian police. Right Sektor groups are allowed to exist by the Ukraine government because they are privately funded and supplied militia groups that volunteer for the front lines and willingly expose themselves to high casualties in some of the most brutal fighting.
You have made the comment that Chechens are fighting with Ukraine militias. Do you have a link that is not Russian to verify that, or is that something you just heard about or read somewhere?
Today Putin decided to wear a red and white striped shirt. ;)

This all must be very confusing to the Chechen mercenaries and thugs murdering Ukrainians for Putin in Ukraine.

Pravy Sektor leader Yarosh called for Doku Umarov to act against Russia very publicly last year . It is well know that Pravy Sektor supports the terrorists in Chechnya.

How do we know this? Because Yarosh blatantly says they do.

Chechen terrorists are fighting with his militias in eastern Ukraine. After all that has transpired, I have no problem if Kadyrov has sent assistance to the eastern rebels to fight back against the thugs in Kiev.

No problem whatsoever. I have never backed the violent and illegal coup and I never will.
Dymtro Yarosh has very limited influence. A year and more ago it was thought Right Sektor was a force that would have great influence, but Yarosh has turned out to be mostly bluster. Right Sector was only able to capture less than 5% of the vote in the national elections, which by the way occurred after the impeachment and almost a year ago. It pretty much makes the complaints and debate about how the current government came into power irrelevant. You can argue about whether the President was impeached according to a specific portion of the procedure of calling for an investigation, or you can simply point out he was replaced and gave up his position when he fled the country. The point is the new government, which is the same as the one that replaced the old one in what you refer to as a coup, was elected in an election monitored and observed by international groups that unanimously judged the elections to be fair and properly conducted. The people of Ukraine overwhelmingly endorsed and elected the government currently in power.
Your guy Yarosh invited Umarov to come help in Ukraine a year ago and the rest of Right Sektor as well as the Ukraine government made it clear Yarosh was talking without authority. Yarosh needs to be cautious or he will end up like the other so called Right Sektor leader, Sasho Bilyi, killed while being arrested by Ukrainian police. Right Sektor groups are allowed to exist by the Ukraine government because they are privately funded and supplied militia groups that volunteer for the front lines and willingly expose themselves to high casualties in some of the most brutal fighting.
You have made the comment that Chechens are fighting with Ukraine militias. Do you have a link that is not Russian to verify that, or is that something you just heard about or read somewhere?

First lets start with Yarosh and the fighting in the east. I never lie.

Kyiv Post baby.

Right Sector's leader Yarosh wounded near Donetsk

Right Sector s leader Yarosh wounded near Donetsk
Now argument of impeachment. I want you to know Camp my people are from the west. I still fight for my Ukraine. This is my heritage this is my life even here in Sundown Manitoba.

We witnessed an illegal violent coup backed by Nuland, McCain and the American government to overthrow a duly elected President government.



They removed him from power illegally and consequently any government after this point is illegal.
Still no Putin. Russia lost the Cold War. Now they lost their president. If only we could lose ours. ;) (Secret Service going to get me yet, as soon as they stop running over boxes that is.)

There is preparation for a large event at the Kremlin. Apparently the one year anniversary of the annexation of Crimea. Something I just read that struck a cord however. Do not know why but I figure might as well pass it along and we can all see if I know anything. Someone suggested Putin is holed up in a bunker somewhere until it all blows over, whatever that is. Somehow that strikes me as having merit. We will just have to wait and see.
Now argument of impeachment. I want you to know Camp my people are from the west. I still fight for my Ukraine. This is my heritage this is my life even here in Sundown Manitoba.

We witnessed an illegal violent coup backed by Nuland, McCain and the American government to overthrow a duly elected President government.



They removed him from power illegally and consequently any government after this point is illegal.

Article 111 doesn't count. Yanukovych fled his office in Kyiv. He was not removed as you claim unless you count his own decision to remove himself. And you don't get to decide if his replacement was legal or not. He vacated the position of President. The Parliament claimed this gave them the right to replace him. The sides argued and debated. They only entities that count in such a debate are the Ukrainian courts and the international community that recognizes or refuses to recognize governments as being valid or not.

You seem to insist that the view point taken that the impeachment and replacement procedure used was invalid, but the authorities that count disagree with you. As I stated previously, it is a meaningless debate now. It became meaningless when the elections were held on 25 May. Those were supervised elections and monitored by international observers. The Ukrainian people, including the ethnic Russians who speak only Russian and live in Oblast east of the Dnieper voted and the nationwide vote gave overwhelming support to the government that has been in control ever since. Any debate was resolved with that election. Whatever is said or believed about the replacement of the government is the past and other than a subject of historical conversation, meaningless. You can not overturn the election and install the old government because the President that quit has changed his mind.

In reference to the comment about Nuland, McCain and the American government overthrowing the Ukraine government is right out of the Moscow propaganda playbook. Think about it. The suggestion Moscow and you are making is that Nuland works for McCain and McCain makes the decisions instead of of the State Department and overrules President Obama. Do you really believe McCain has influence and authority over US foreign policy?

What do you think would happen if you went to the western regions of Ukraine and expressed the views you have? How do you think people would react? Do you understand the people you call Nazi's and the folks you accuse of causing violence during Maiden are from these areas? Western Ukraine is fiercely nationalistic. In many areas the clothing style is clothing with insignia patches of support for the nationalist groups. Camo is very popular. The people view the war and invasion by Russia as a fight for the survival of Ukraine. The government in power today, the government who chased the Russian puppet out of Ukraine, are viewed as the heroes who saved Ukraine from Russian control. Yanukovych was a politician of Russian ethnicity from Donestk who was trusted and lost trust with the Ukrainian people when he went to far over to the Moscow side. He forgot he was Ukraine and remembered he was Russian. It didn't go over well with Ukrainians.
Now argument of impeachment. I want you to know Camp my people are from the west. I still fight for my Ukraine. This is my heritage this is my life even here in Sundown Manitoba.

We witnessed an illegal violent coup backed by Nuland, McCain and the American government to overthrow a duly elected President government.



They removed him from power illegally and consequently any government after this point is illegal.

Article 111 doesn't count. Yanukovych fled his office in Kyiv. He was not removed as you claim unless you count his own decision to remove himself. And you don't get to decide if his replacement was legal or not. He vacated the position of President. The Parliament claimed this gave them the right to replace him. The sides argued and debated. They only entities that count in such a debate are the Ukrainian courts and the international community that recognizes or refuses to recognize governments as being valid or not.

You seem to insist that the view point taken that the impeachment and replacement procedure used was invalid, but the authorities that count disagree with you. As I stated previously, it is a meaningless debate now. It became meaningless when the elections were held on 25 May. Those were supervised elections and monitored by international observers. The Ukrainian people, including the ethnic Russians who speak only Russian and live in Oblast east of the Dnieper voted and the nationwide vote gave overwhelming support to the government that has been in control ever since. Any debate was resolved with that election. Whatever is said or believed about the replacement of the government is the past and other than a subject of historical conversation, meaningless. You can not overturn the election and install the old government because the President that quit has changed his mind.

In reference to the comment about Nuland, McCain and the American government overthrowing the Ukraine government is right out of the Moscow propaganda playbook. Think about it. The suggestion Moscow and you are making is that Nuland works for McCain and McCain makes the decisions instead of of the State Department and overrules President Obama. Do you really believe McCain has influence and authority over US foreign policy?

What do you think would happen if you went to the western regions of Ukraine and expressed the views you have? How do you think people would react? Do you understand the people you call Nazi's and the folks you accuse of causing violence during Maiden are from these areas? Western Ukraine is fiercely nationalistic. In many areas the clothing style is clothing with insignia patches of support for the nationalist groups. Camo is very popular. The people view the war and invasion by Russia as a fight for the survival of Ukraine. The government in power today, the government who chased the Russian puppet out of Ukraine, are viewed as the heroes who saved Ukraine from Russian control. Yanukovych was a politician of Russian ethnicity from Donestk who was trusted and lost trust with the Ukrainian people when he went to far over to the Moscow side. He forgot he was Ukraine and remembered he was Russian. It didn't go over well with Ukrainians.

Act 111 is the provision which lays out the only method by which a President can be constitutionally impeached.

They did not follow the constitution. Plain and simple.

It is an illegal government in Kiev. Plain and simple.

As to calling certain westerners Nazis and Nazi lovers I am bang on the money.

When your hero is fucking Stepan Bandera you are a mass murdering Nazi lover.

He was evil and yet he is still regarded as the most uber Ukrainian ever.

A fucking Nazi. Plain and simple.

And that son of a bitch Yushchenko actually gave him the honor of Hero of the Ukraine. Dear heavens, the bloody government even gave him a stamp. Yanukovych did the right thing and had the award annulled.

He fought for the Nazis. And he is a hero to many in the west. A god damn Nazi. For shame. Beyond disgusting.
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Camp. Here's a lovely photo of Lviv against Donestsk football game. You want to try to tell me many westerners aren't Nazi lovers?

Now argument of impeachment. I want you to know Camp my people are from the west. I still fight for my Ukraine. This is my heritage this is my life even here in Sundown Manitoba.

We witnessed an illegal violent coup backed by Nuland, McCain and the American government to overthrow a duly elected President government.



They removed him from power illegally and consequently any government after this point is illegal.

Article 111 doesn't count. Yanukovych fled his office in Kyiv. He was not removed as you claim unless you count his own decision to remove himself. And you don't get to decide if his replacement was legal or not. He vacated the position of President. The Parliament claimed this gave them the right to replace him. The sides argued and debated. They only entities that count in such a debate are the Ukrainian courts and the international community that recognizes or refuses to recognize governments as being valid or not.

You seem to insist that the view point taken that the impeachment and replacement procedure used was invalid, but the authorities that count disagree with you. As I stated previously, it is a meaningless debate now. It became meaningless when the elections were held on 25 May. Those were supervised elections and monitored by international observers. The Ukrainian people, including the ethnic Russians who speak only Russian and live in Oblast east of the Dnieper voted and the nationwide vote gave overwhelming support to the government that has been in control ever since. Any debate was resolved with that election. Whatever is said or believed about the replacement of the government is the past and other than a subject of historical conversation, meaningless. You can not overturn the election and install the old government because the President that quit has changed his mind.

In reference to the comment about Nuland, McCain and the American government overthrowing the Ukraine government is right out of the Moscow propaganda playbook. Think about it. The suggestion Moscow and you are making is that Nuland works for McCain and McCain makes the decisions instead of of the State Department and overrules President Obama. Do you really believe McCain has influence and authority over US foreign policy?

What do you think would happen if you went to the western regions of Ukraine and expressed the views you have? How do you think people would react? Do you understand the people you call Nazi's and the folks you accuse of causing violence during Maiden are from these areas? Western Ukraine is fiercely nationalistic. In many areas the clothing style is clothing with insignia patches of support for the nationalist groups. Camo is very popular. The people view the war and invasion by Russia as a fight for the survival of Ukraine. The government in power today, the government who chased the Russian puppet out of Ukraine, are viewed as the heroes who saved Ukraine from Russian control. Yanukovych was a politician of Russian ethnicity from Donestk who was trusted and lost trust with the Ukrainian people when he went to far over to the Moscow side. He forgot he was Ukraine and remembered he was Russian. It didn't go over well with Ukrainians.

Act 111 is the provision which lays out the only method by which a President can be constitutionally impeached.

They did not follow the constitution. Plain and simple.

It is an illegal government in Kiev. Plain and simple.

As to calling certain westerners Nazis and Nazi lovers I am bang on the money.

When your hero is fucking Stepan Bandera you are a mass murdering Nazi lover.

He was evil and yet he is still regarded as the most uber Ukrainian ever.

A fucking Nazi. Plain and simple.

And that son of a bitch Yushchenko actually gave him the honor of Hero of the Ukraine. Dear heavens, the bloody government even gave him a stamp. Yanukovych did the right thing and had the award annulled.

He fought for the Nazis. And he is a hero to many in the west. A god damn Nazi. For shame. Beyond disgusting.
Stephan Bandera and the nationalist were formed in the 30's to fight for nationalism and combat the atrocities being committed by USSR against the Ukrainian people. Ever heard of a thing called the Holodomor? Of course you have. How could you claim Ukrainian ancestry and not know about the Holodomor and all the atrocities committed by the USSR during that period. Part of western Ukraine was also ruled by Poland and the Poles were not kind to the Ukrainians. Bandera was the leader who rallied the Ukrainians for nationalism and to free themselves from being divided and ruled by Poland and the Soviets. Along came Hitler.

Stephen Bandera did not start out as a Nazi. He started out as a nationalist. The Nazi's arrested him and his followers and put them in prisons. The Nazi's decided to bring Bandera to their side by offering him and his followers freedom and allowed them to form an all Ukrainian force to fight the USSR and assist the German side of the war in exchange for a free and sovereign Ukraine. During WWII Ukrainians fought on both sides. The war going on today in Ukraine is a war that has gone on and off with Ukraine citizens since the 1930's and World War II. One could argue that it is the last battle of that war. Blaming the current situation in Ukraine on modern day neo Nazi's and Russian loyal Ukrainians is to ignore the deep rooted realities of the situation. Russia colonized Ukraine and they want to keep big portions of it as colonies. Ukraine wants total independence and the freedom to choose their own path.
Now argument of impeachment. I want you to know Camp my people are from the west. I still fight for my Ukraine. This is my heritage this is my life even here in Sundown Manitoba.

We witnessed an illegal violent coup backed by Nuland, McCain and the American government to overthrow a duly elected President government.



They removed him from power illegally and consequently any government after this point is illegal.

Article 111 doesn't count. Yanukovych fled his office in Kyiv. He was not removed as you claim unless you count his own decision to remove himself. And you don't get to decide if his replacement was legal or not. He vacated the position of President. The Parliament claimed this gave them the right to replace him. The sides argued and debated. They only entities that count in such a debate are the Ukrainian courts and the international community that recognizes or refuses to recognize governments as being valid or not.

You seem to insist that the view point taken that the impeachment and replacement procedure used was invalid, but the authorities that count disagree with you. As I stated previously, it is a meaningless debate now. It became meaningless when the elections were held on 25 May. Those were supervised elections and monitored by international observers. The Ukrainian people, including the ethnic Russians who speak only Russian and live in Oblast east of the Dnieper voted and the nationwide vote gave overwhelming support to the government that has been in control ever since. Any debate was resolved with that election. Whatever is said or believed about the replacement of the government is the past and other than a subject of historical conversation, meaningless. You can not overturn the election and install the old government because the President that quit has changed his mind.

In reference to the comment about Nuland, McCain and the American government overthrowing the Ukraine government is right out of the Moscow propaganda playbook. Think about it. The suggestion Moscow and you are making is that Nuland works for McCain and McCain makes the decisions instead of of the State Department and overrules President Obama. Do you really believe McCain has influence and authority over US foreign policy?

What do you think would happen if you went to the western regions of Ukraine and expressed the views you have? How do you think people would react? Do you understand the people you call Nazi's and the folks you accuse of causing violence during Maiden are from these areas? Western Ukraine is fiercely nationalistic. In many areas the clothing style is clothing with insignia patches of support for the nationalist groups. Camo is very popular. The people view the war and invasion by Russia as a fight for the survival of Ukraine. The government in power today, the government who chased the Russian puppet out of Ukraine, are viewed as the heroes who saved Ukraine from Russian control. Yanukovych was a politician of Russian ethnicity from Donestk who was trusted and lost trust with the Ukrainian people when he went to far over to the Moscow side. He forgot he was Ukraine and remembered he was Russian. It didn't go over well with Ukrainians.

Act 111 is the provision which lays out the only method by which a President can be constitutionally impeached.

They did not follow the constitution. Plain and simple.

It is an illegal government in Kiev. Plain and simple.

As to calling certain westerners Nazis and Nazi lovers I am bang on the money.

When your hero is fucking Stepan Bandera you are a mass murdering Nazi lover.

He was evil and yet he is still regarded as the most uber Ukrainian ever.

A fucking Nazi. Plain and simple.

And that son of a bitch Yushchenko actually gave him the honor of Hero of the Ukraine. Dear heavens, the bloody government even gave him a stamp. Yanukovych did the right thing and had the award annulled.

He fought for the Nazis. And he is a hero to many in the west. A god damn Nazi. For shame. Beyond disgusting.
Stephan Bandera and the nationalist were formed in the 30's to fight for nationalism and combat the atrocities being committed by USSR against the Ukrainian people. Ever heard of a thing called the Holodomor? Of course you have. How could you claim Ukrainian ancestry and not know about the Holodomor and all the atrocities committed by the USSR during that period. Part of western Ukraine was also ruled by Poland and the Poles were not kind to the Ukrainians. Bandera was the leader who rallied the Ukrainians for nationalism and to free themselves from being divided and ruled by Poland and the Soviets. Along came Hitler.

Stephen Bandera did not start out as a Nazi. He started out as a nationalist. The Nazi's arrested him and his followers and put them in prisons. The Nazi's decided to bring Bandera to their side by offering him and his followers freedom and allowed them to form an all Ukrainian force to fight the USSR and assist the German side of the war in exchange for a free and sovereign Ukraine. During WWII Ukrainians fought on both sides. The war going on today in Ukraine is a war that has gone on and off with Ukraine citizens since the 1930's and World War II. One could argue that it is the last battle of that war. Blaming the current situation in Ukraine on modern day neo Nazi's and Russian loyal Ukrainians is to ignore the deep rooted realities of the situation. Russia colonized Ukraine and they want to keep big portions of it as colonies. Ukraine wants total independence and the freedom to choose their own path.
Great post. Thanks.

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