What Does "Drinking the Koolaid" mean?


Rational and proud of it.
Oct 1, 2008
Maybe I'm a little slow on the up-take, and I'm somewhat new to political forums (I joined this one last October, I believe, and it was my first), but I've been told to keep drinking the koolaid a bunch of times, or have seen references to liberals drinking koolaid, etc. And I don't get it. The only association I can make to it has to do with Jim Jones and his camp in Venezuela and that doesn't make much sense to me considering he was a conservative Christian. I feel like the guy whose been left out of the joke.

Can someone explain this to me? C'mon, guys, I wanna know, too!
:lol: I love that you put this in the 'Food and Wine' section! Excellent. :)

Drinking the kool aid means you've been brainwashed by <whatever> political party, much like JJ followers were brainwashed by JJ.
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It is a reference to Jim Jones, because people were so gullible and stupid that they drank the kool aid just because they were told to. They were sheep of the worse kind. Therefore, when one explains away, defends the indefensible they are kool aid drinkers themselves.
It is a reference to Jim Jones, because people were so gullible and stupid that they drank the kool aid just because they were told to. They were sheep of the worse kind. Therefore, when one explains away, defends the indefensible they are kool aid drinkers themselves.
And the unwilling were forcibly injected with it.
It is a reference to Jim Jones, because people were so gullible and stupid that they drank the kool aid just because they were told to. They were sheep of the worse kind. Therefore, when one explains away, defends the indefensible they are kool aid drinkers themselves.
And the unwilling were forcibly injected with it.

Jesus, that's fucked up. What a horrible thing to happen to someone!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLcilJGPo68]YouTube - Hey There Obama (Drink the Kool Aid)[/ame]
I made this a while back. Still one of my favs.


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