What does a Ted Cruz primary loss do to the "real conservative" movement?

No one can even name a "true conservative ". Are they unicorns or somthing ? Has anyone ever seen one ??
I'd say the 6 principles listed on pages one and two identify what conservatives have in common. I have not read Kirk's book, but I should. Certainly Goldwater in conscience of a conservative shared these, as did Ike, although he saw govt as a means to shape society, but I think one can honestly argue Ike's view of govt did not run afoul of 5 and 6.

If you thought the Republic was in danger when Obumbler won the Presidency the first time, and if you thought it was pretty well screwed once he got re-elected, then you are probably inclined to think that we are hopelessly fucked, now.

I have no faith that Trump will EVER do anything meaningful even IF he somehow manages to defeat Shrillary.

And Shrillary is almost destined to be the nail in the coffin of our Republic if Trump fails to stop her.

No wonder the liberals/"progressives" are all happy now.
Cruz is a lying back stabbing asshole. No narrative needed, the facts speak to it.
Always an excuse ready to go. These "real conservatives" are sure hard to find. But golly gee, if one were to run, you better believe America would unite around that candidate
after 8 years of "Its all because of President Bush" you really have the nerve to call someone else out on having excuses?
Just freaking amazing.
Shietay said:
Shietay said:
all the horse shit Trump and Cruz yammer about is a damn lie .. that or they are dictators.

Both of those idiots forget they'll be dealing with Congress, and their bullshit wont fly unless Congress says it will.

Idiots like zero point zero seven here seem to forget that Presideunce Obumbler has DONE some shit with his phone and his pen. And that what is DONE with an alleged Executive "Order" can be undone in the same way.

As for abolishing the IRS or the FEDERAL Department of "Education," however, of COURSE Congress would have to be brought along. This is not exactly a news flash. The same is true for all the horseshit emanating from the cavernous mouths of Shrillary and Boiny.

Lyin Ted

  • Cruz said ISIS is “right now crucifying Christians in Iraq, literally nailing Christians to trees.” It wasn’t, and Cruz wasn’t able to offer any evidence.
Siete, you are the liar and a world class hack bitch. Go suck off Obumbler, you dishonest twat: Report: ISIS Has Crucified, Tortured Thousands of Christians

Shietay said:
Cruz described a “strong bipartisan majority” in the House that voted to repeal Obamacare. Two Democrats joined the Republicans.

Off hand I would call that a weak bi-partisan majority. If "strong" or "weak" is meant to modify the word "bipartisan" as opposed to the word "majority." But a dishonest twat like you would never acknowledge that ambiguity. You twat.
  • Shietay said:
    He bluntly claimed that “the jurisdictions with the strictest gun control laws, almost without exception … have the highest crime rates and the highest murder rates.” This is not true.
To say that a twat like you DISPUTES the accuracy of his assertion is NOT the same thing as to validly claim that HE is the liar, you dishonest twat. Chicago is a fucking gun free zone, you dimwit motherfucker. But it has a horrible murder rate. There may be variances, but the general claim is fine. It is YOU who is all fucked up and ass backwards. You twat.
  • Shietay said:
    In recent weeks, Cruz has been using some variation of this line: “There are 110,000 agents at the IRS. We need to put a padlock on that building and take every one of those 110,000 agents and put them on our southern border.” The IRS doesn’t have 110,000 employees, let alone agents. (There are 14,000).

Let's say that his figures are old. That doesn't make his claim a "lie" which is the idiotic term YOU use, you hapless lying twat. At worst, it means he was wrong. One can be wrong without being a liar. Even a scumbag lowlife rat twat like you should be able to admit THAT much, you rat twat. And if it is true that not all persons employed by the IRS are "agents," (fair enough) then it is also true that Cruz spoke with a lack of precision. Oh the horror. That too, however, is not the same thing as a "lie."

You are a lowlife rat twat. THAT is the truth. But hurry back to quibble about that, too, you worthless twat.
Cruz is a lying back stabbing asshole. No narrative needed, the facts speak to it.
Always an excuse ready to go. These "real conservatives" are sure hard to find. But golly gee, if one were to run, you better believe America would unite around that candidate
But Cruz is a lying back stabbing asshole!

Yes, he is more of a conservative than Trump but there is so much a voter could take from Cruz.

In any case, the evangelicals were the ones who picked him up and then dropped him like a rock. Ask the CC why they did not give Cruz full support after Iowa.
Cruz is a lying back stabbing asshole. No narrative needed, the facts speak to it.
Always an excuse ready to go. These "real conservatives" are sure hard to find. But golly gee, if one were to run, you better believe America would unite around that candidate
But Cruz is a lying back stabbing asshole!

Yes, he is more of a conservative than Trump but there is so much a voter could take from Cruz.

In any case, the evangelicals were the ones who picked him up and then dropped him like a rock. Ask the CC why they did not give Cruz full support after Iowa.

Another ^ douche who makes the completely baseless accusation that 'Cruz lies' without even a shred of evidence to support that crap. But unarmedchaos heard it, so he mindlessly repeats it.

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