What do these folks have in common?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Bannon, Stone, Gates, Flynn, Papadopoulos, Weisselberg, Navarro, Cohen, Manafort, Nauta, De Oliveira, the hundreds of 1/6 riot defendants, 10 fake electors in WI, 16 fake electors in MI, and 18 co-defendants in the GA case?

Here's a hint. It rhymes with the most corrupt prez in US history.
Bannon, Stone, Gates, Flynn, Papadopoulos, Weisselberg, Navarro, Cohen, Manafort, Nauta, De Oliveira, the hundreds of 1/6 riot defendants, 10 fake electors in WI, 16 fake electors in MI, and 18 co-defendants in the GA case?

Here's a hint. It rhymes with the most corrupt prez in US history.
You have a lot of time on your hands, don't you?
Bannon, Stone, Gates, Flynn, Papadopoulos, Weisselberg, Navarro, Cohen, Manafort, Nauta, De Oliveira, the hundreds of 1/6 riot defendants, 10 fake electors in WI, 16 fake electors in MI, and 18 co-defendants in the GA case?

Here's a hint. It rhymes with the most corrupt prez in US history.
Bannon, Stone, Gates, Flynn, Papadopoulos, Weisselberg, Navarro, Cohen, Manafort, Nauta, De Oliveira, the hundreds of 1/6 riot defendants, 10 fake electors in WI, 16 fake electors in MI, and 18 co-defendants in the GA case?

Here's a hint. It rhymes with the most corrupt prez in US history.
It rhymes with Biden?

What do these folks have in common?​

Here's a hint. It rhymes with the most corrupt prez in US history.


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There's one thing all you Trump devotees don't need to worry about. RICO Don doesn't lose a minute of sleep being concerned for all the people who may end up in prison, or already are, because of him.
Speaking of folks who share a common, ummm, connection....well, this morning's Washington Post has an interesting and well researched (jeeezus, the amount of work those reporters did, wow!).......anyway, WaPo published a report on some of the unnamed "unindicted co-conspirators" involved in the Georgia brouhaha. Specifically, the election computer breaches in Coffee County.

The Coffee County mess has or is being litigated separately so there is a court record of some of the players. WaPo cross-referenced the testimony from that effort with the information in Fanni Willis' wide-ranging indictments. And surprise surprise, we see familiar names....names of folks involved with the Antrim County (MI) farce. We see the CEO of Cyber Ninjas, Doug Logan. We see players from the Colorado indictments on illegal copying of ballot machine software. We see players who illegally received the ballot machines from several Michigan counties. We see the Atlanta computer 'forensics' firm, Sullivan Strickler, again, and again.

And, of course, we see Krakenpot Powell. A lot. Her fingerprints are all over the Coffee County illegal breaches. But she ain't "Unindicted"......she's got a big bullseye painted on her forehead. She is high up in the "Indicted" line-up.

In short, we see with this WaPo reporting that there was sort of a travelling gypsy circus of the same folks going from state to state to illegally breach precinct voting machines, or attempting to. So, it is easy to conclude that the RICO strictures or protocols......will apply to an organized effort across many jurisdiction performed by the same people.

Did someone say 'Conspiracy'?

Now, I ain't a lawyer, and the reportage ain't detailed enough to inform on why some of these same players ain't 'indicted'.....but, one can guess, we all can guess......that maybe their value ain't sitting in jail or wearing an ankle-bracelet, but rather -------as witnesses against bigger fish.

America is so interesting to live in right now. MAGA!

"Clues point to identities of ‘unindicted co-conspirators’ in alleged Coffee County breach"​


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