'OVERRUN': How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in American History


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
It's incomprehensible that Americans are sitting back and allowing this to happen. Is what's happening in NYC, which will be coming eventually to your cities and towns, not of any concern to you? Have you contacted your lawmakers, city, state and federal?

The time has come to acknowledge and comprehend that America is weathering the worst mass border migration event in the nation’s history. Millions of foreign nationals have overrun the southern border, starting on Inauguration Day in 2021, and millions more will cross over by the end of President Joe Biden’s term in 2024

It's incomprehensible that Americans are sitting back and allowing this to happen. Is what's happening in NYC, which will be coming eventually to your cities and towns, not of any concern to you? Have you contacted your lawmakers, city, state and federal?

I'm not into conspiracy theories, but common sense informs us that an open border and weak voter registration and voting policies strongly further ambitions for total control of the people. When the illegals outnumber us and drain most of our resources and opportunities to support ourselves coupled with no integrity of our elections, Patriots are rendered mostly powerless. If they are successful in confiscating most or all of the guns we become completely powerless.

If there is a conspiracy, it is to place authority in both federal and state government as well as control the message in order to achieve a mostly bloodless coup of our constitutional republic and replace it with totalitarian government that rules, not serves, the people.

We can't even count on our military to defend us as its leadership is now almost all comprised of the sensitivity trained 'woke' and they're trying to ferret out all of the true Patriots among the military ranks.
Dems are importing a warrior class they think will kill Americans.
That is just ignorant. The whole immigration thing, illegal aliens, it is nothing more than a dog whistle for the Republican party and Trump used it like no one has before. Trump had four years in office, two of them with the Republican party controlling the House and the Senate. Did he do anything about the border other than build a few miles of wall at a cost of over a million dollars a mile? Probably because his administration doled out contracts to political supporters, not the best firm for the job. And what the hell good does a wall do any damn way. I mean I hate to break the news to you, but walls are not made to keep people out, they are made to keep people in.

Take California for example. For many years the border was quite porous. Individuals crossed on a daily basis. They came to California to work in the agricultural industry and they went back across the border every day to live in Mexico. They don't do that now. They come across the border AND THEY STAY. See how well that wall works?

And if you don't believe it is nothing but a dog whistle know this, over half of all illegal aliens that are in the United States crossed the border IN AN AIRPLANE. Over staying a student or tourist Visa is the number one source of illegal aliens. Bitching about the border is like someone bitching about an open window when the roof has a hole in it. It makes no sense.
That is just ignorant. The whole immigration thing, illegal aliens, it is nothing more than a dog whistle for the Republican party and Trump used it like no one has before. Trump had four years in office, two of them with the Republican party controlling the House and the Senate. Did he do anything about the border other than build a few miles of wall at a cost of over a million dollars a mile? Probably because his administration doled out contracts to political supporters, not the best firm for the job. And what the hell good does a wall do any damn way. I mean I hate to break the news to you, but walls are not made to keep people out, they are made to keep people in.

Take California for example. For many years the border was quite porous. Individuals crossed on a daily basis. They came to California to work in the agricultural industry and they went back across the border every day to live in Mexico. They don't do that now. They come across the border AND THEY STAY. See how well that wall works?

And if you don't believe it is nothing but a dog whistle know this, over half of all illegal aliens that are in the United States crossed the border IN AN AIRPLANE. Over staying a student or tourist Visa is the number one source of illegal aliens. Bitching about the border is like someone bitching about an open window when the roof has a hole in it. It makes no sense.
Round them all up and ship them to Africa.
It's incomprehensible that Americans are sitting back and allowing this to happen. Is what's happening in NYC, which will be coming eventually to your cities and towns, not of any concern to you? Have you contacted your lawmakers, city, state and federal?

This doesn't really have much to do with Biden, it has to do with the entire left.
A lot of illegal "cheap unskilled labor" is done by these illegals through small temp labor contractors.
This does everything from new home construction to meat/vegetable food processing plants.

Also a good portion of your slaves (sex or otherwise) get shipped across the border as well as drugs....which funds the gangs and cartels...which then brings tons of guns.

Joe wants the tax dollars from the illegal labor (they pay the highest tax rates)
That is just ignorant. The whole immigration thing, illegal aliens, it is nothing more than a dog whistle for the Republican party and Trump used it like no one has before. Trump had four years in office, two of them with the Republican party controlling the House and the Senate. Did he do anything about the border other than build a few miles of wall at a cost of over a million dollars a mile? Probably because his administration doled out contracts to political supporters, not the best firm for the job. And what the hell good does a wall do any damn way. I mean I hate to break the news to you, but walls are not made to keep people out, they are made to keep people in.

Take California for example. For many years the border was quite porous. Individuals crossed on a daily basis. They came to California to work in the agricultural industry and they went back across the border every day to live in Mexico. They don't do that now. They come across the border AND THEY STAY. See how well that wall works?

And if you don't believe it is nothing but a dog whistle know this, over half of all illegal aliens that are in the United States crossed the border IN AN AIRPLANE. Over staying a student or tourist Visa is the number one source of illegal aliens. Bitching about the border is like someone bitching about an open window when the roof has a hole in it. It makes no sense.

So what are the mayors of NYC and Chicago complaining about? Are they just whiny little bitches like you?
Illegal border crossings are down by more than 70% since Title 42 was eliminated. SEVENTY PERCENT.

You guys are absolutely clueless. Border crossings are on the rise, they rose sharply last month, and it's only going to get worse!

Border arrests surged in July, a blow to Biden migration plan​

Illegal crossings along the U.S. southern border jumped more than 30 percent in July, according to preliminary U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by The Washington Post, dealing a blow to President Biden’s new immigration enforcement strategy at a time when his policies are facing multiple legal challenges.

So what are the mayors of NYC and Chicago complaining about? Are they just whiny little bitches like you?

Yeah, even though we are seeing a big problem now, Dimocrats simply stick their heads in the sand.

Scathing Letter Reveals Tension Among New York Democrats Over Migrant Crisis​

The letter, responding to New York City’s list of demands for state help, said the city had already rebuffed some of the state’s offers and had been slow to aid migrants.


Biden promises to veto any House GOP bill on border enforcement​

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden would veto a House GOP bill that aims to restrict asylum, build more border wall and cut a program that allows migrants a chance to stay in the U.S., including Ukrainian refugees, the White House said Monday.


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