What do the courts do with a president who continually lies


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Another Judge Has a Problem with Trump

Brinkema quoted a Supreme Court opinion to make the point that the courts could look behind the excuses the President offered on a given day, and explore his true motives, “in those unusual cases where the claim was an apparent sham.” The entire country finds itself in an unusual case: a President, selling one sham after the other, without explanations or shame.

The Comrade will gladly take over as Dictator if the Courts don't stop him. The GOP Congress are being led along like sheep.
"What do the courts do with a president who continually lies"? See him in court? :2up:
Another Judge Has a Problem with Trump

Brinkema quoted a Supreme Court opinion to make the point that the courts could look behind the excuses the President offered on a given day, and explore his true motives, “in those unusual cases where the claim was an apparent sham.” The entire country finds itself in an unusual case: a President, selling one sham after the other, without explanations or shame.

The Comrade will gladly take over as Dictator if the Courts don't stop him. The GOP Congress are being led along like sheep.


Obama is gone, no need to worry about him now.
The Comrade is slowly turning the US into another Dictator ruled Russia and the balless repubs sit on their hands. The Judiciary is the only thing standing between us and a Trump Autocracy.
Another Judge Has a Problem with Trump

Brinkema quoted a Supreme Court opinion to make the point that the courts could look behind the excuses the President offered on a given day, and explore his true motives, “in those unusual cases where the claim was an apparent sham.” The entire country finds itself in an unusual case: a President, selling one sham after the other, without explanations or shame.

The Comrade will gladly take over as Dictator if the Courts don't stop him. The GOP Congress are being led along like sheep.

When Obama called the individual mandate a penalty, the law called it a penalty, and democrats called it a penalty, the Supreme Court considered it a tax to save the law. Perhaps they knew congress and the presidnets true intent? Or perhaps our courts are full of political hacks intent on rewriting laws and ignoreing what EO's and laws actually say. It has been evident for years that the left could care less about judges that follow the law and enjoy judges that write their own. Of course they want the judges to ignore what the EO says and assume what Trump really feels in his heart. But if they were to do that they would cease to be judges, which is exactly the type of character the Left likes in their judiciary.
ASTOUNDING! A Leftist, woman, Democrat-appointed judge finds a reason to in-do the President's entirely legal, Constitutional, proper executive order.

Knock me over with a feather!

This is an object example of "judicial activism." The Constitution gives authority to control immigration to Congress. Congress gives discretion to the President, BY LAW. A law that has been found Constitutional by, among others, the USSC.

The Federal District court has NO LEGITIMATE RIGHT OR POWER to examine the motives or justification for the President's action. No competent, objective attorney would have any other conclusion.

Hopefully, after 8 years of Trump, these whores will be mostly retired or removed from the federal bench.

Jesus H. Christ, we dodged a bullet when we avoided a third Clinton term!
Please tell me that TRUMP does not continually lie, so I can dismiss your comments.

NO PRESIDENT in the history of this country lies like Comrade Trump.
It is one thing for the Court to make a decision, and another for the president to enforce the decision. If the president declines to enforce the decision it is meaningless.

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