What can we all agree on?

Whatever our political preferences are, don't we all care about every American having healthcare and living a decent life? Perhaps the ACA isn't the best solution, but neither is refusing to help. Thoughts?
A good question, however there are many that just can't see the forest for the trees. They are so concerned about some people getting financial assistance from the government, that they can't see the value of universal healthcare coverage to the nation.

They ignore the fact that illness in the workforce cost $576 billion a year. Inoculations for communicable disease which are free under the ACA could prevent the spread of disease that effects all of us. Tens of thousands of deaths each year from cancer and heart disease could be prevented by early diagnosis and treatment. They ignore the fact that better health begins with accessible healthcare and better healthcare improves all of our lives.

Is it free if I pay for it?
Whatever our political preferences are, don't we all care about every American having healthcare and living a decent life? Perhaps the ACA isn't the best solution, but neither is refusing to help. Thoughts?
A good question, however there are many that just can't see the forest for the trees. They are so concerned about some people getting financial assistance from the government, that they can't see the value of universal healthcare coverage to the nation.

They ignore the fact that illness in the workforce cost $576 billion a year. Inoculations for communicable disease which are free under the ACA could prevent the spread of disease that effects all of us. Tens of thousands of deaths each year from cancer and heart disease could be prevented by early diagnosis and treatment. They ignore the fact that better health begins with accessible healthcare and better healthcare improves all of our lives.

Is it free if I pay for it?
Inoculations and other preventive services are free under all the plans, that is there is no fee charge for the service.

The point that so many people miss is the that access to healthcare, benefits you just as it benefits a friend, co-worker, or family member. Everyone benefits by reducing the spread of disease and early detection and treatment of serious diseases. The best way to do that is see that everyone has access to healthcare services.
For 237 years the government did not control health care. The founders did not provide for a Constitutional right for health care, or housing or even food. Everyone wants everyone else to have a decent life, and provide that life for themselves and their families, not have it provided for them. At one time individuals were expected to provide a decent life for their slaves. Bad masters, cheap greedy masters didn't provide for their slaves.
Inoculations for communicable disease which are free under the ACA

one of the myths lying left is spreading around.

the way they are "free" under obamacare they have been free at least 40 years.
Inoculations are not universally free. They are free at most health departments but that depends on the state, income level, and type of inoculation. In general they're not available free at places convenient to patients such as local drug stores, family doctors, and clinics. Taking a bus to the health department clinic with 3 kids and waiting an hour to get a flu shop is not something that most people will do.
Whatever our political preferences are, don't we all care about every American having healthcare and living a decent life? Perhaps the ACA isn't the best solution, but neither is refusing to help. Thoughts?

The US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Amendments never list healthcare as a right.
The ACA does nothing to make health care affordable, it is merely a mandate to have insurance and for the government to subsidize insurance.
If I am being forced (via taxes) to pay for health insurance for another person, that effectively makes me a slave to that person because the fruits of my labor are being denied of me and given to another.

You speak of a "decent living", should every person be provided clothing? Should every person be provided a house? What about in that house, should they be provided a comfortable bed and bedding, electricity, gas, cookware, dinnerware, etc?
Where do you draw the line for providing for others at your own personal expense?

you are effectively paying for other people on private. You are effectively paying for people who dont pay at the Er. Your "slave" analogy is fucking retarded.You want to pretend you are a slave? I fucking treat you like a real slave.

See as a slave you dont get to go on the internet. You have no freedom of speech to speak your opinion period. You will eat what i tell you, sleep when i tell you. You will own nothing.

This is why you are a fucking moron. You dont know what a slave is you insult to the human race.
That the GOP can go to hell so freedom, liberty, and the constitution can once again be honored like the founding fathers wanted.

You haven't a fucking clue about the Constitution OR what the FF wanted.

We are here to tell people like to simply fuck off, no free ride Philly....we don't owe you shit.

the ff also thought it wasnt worth letting women vote or minorities.......you know zero.
The great majority of Americans want a government that works.

The great majority of Americans want an up and down clean vote.

The great majority of Americans want a negotiated budget every year.

Why does Bammy have sucha hard time gettng his own people to vote for his budgets?

O-roo, I have no idea how much of a problem that may be.

I do know that refusal to have an up and down vote without strings will damage the economy and lose the House for the GOP.
We are born, we breath, we live, we pay taxes....then we die.
Whatever our political preferences are, don't we all care about every American having healthcare and living a decent life? Perhaps the ACA isn't the best solution, but neither is refusing to help. Thoughts?

The US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Amendments never list healthcare as a right.
The ACA does nothing to make health care affordable, it is merely a mandate to have insurance and for the government to subsidize insurance.
If I am being forced (via taxes) to pay for health insurance for another person, that effectively makes me a slave to that person because the fruits of my labor are being denied of me and given to another.

You speak of a "decent living", should every person be provided clothing? Should every person be provided a house? What about in that house, should they be provided a comfortable bed and bedding, electricity, gas, cookware, dinnerware, etc?
Where do you draw the line for providing for others at your own personal expense?

you are effectively paying for other people on private. You are effectively paying for people who dont pay at the Er. Your "slave" analogy is fucking retarded.You want to pretend you are a slave? I fucking treat you like a real slave.

See as a slave you dont get to go on the internet. You have no freedom of speech to speak your opinion period. You will eat what i tell you, sleep when i tell you. You will own nothing.

This is why you are a fucking moron. You dont know what a slave is you insult to the human race.
What do you call it when the fruits of ones labor are taken from them (by force if necessary) and given to another? I suppose instead of slavery, you could call it involuntary servitude, which is specifically called out in AMENDMENT XIII.
The US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Amendments never list healthcare as a right.
The ACA does nothing to make health care affordable, it is merely a mandate to have insurance and for the government to subsidize insurance.
If I am being forced (via taxes) to pay for health insurance for another person, that effectively makes me a slave to that person because the fruits of my labor are being denied of me and given to another.

You speak of a "decent living", should every person be provided clothing? Should every person be provided a house? What about in that house, should they be provided a comfortable bed and bedding, electricity, gas, cookware, dinnerware, etc?
Where do you draw the line for providing for others at your own personal expense?

you are effectively paying for other people on private. You are effectively paying for people who dont pay at the Er. Your "slave" analogy is fucking retarded.You want to pretend you are a slave? I fucking treat you like a real slave.

See as a slave you dont get to go on the internet. You have no freedom of speech to speak your opinion period. You will eat what i tell you, sleep when i tell you. You will own nothing.

This is why you are a fucking moron. You dont know what a slave is you insult to the human race.
What do you call it when the fruits of ones labor are taken from them (by force if necessary) and given to another? I suppose instead of slavery, you could call it involuntary servitude, which is specifically called out in AMENDMENT XIII.

taxes are not slavery. Its not involuntary servitude either. Its just paying taxes.
You dont get healthcare we are not going to take you out back and whip your back till you pass out from blood lose.
you are effectively paying for other people on private. You are effectively paying for people who dont pay at the Er. Your "slave" analogy is fucking retarded.You want to pretend you are a slave? I fucking treat you like a real slave.

See as a slave you dont get to go on the internet. You have no freedom of speech to speak your opinion period. You will eat what i tell you, sleep when i tell you. You will own nothing.

This is why you are a fucking moron. You dont know what a slave is you insult to the human race.
What do you call it when the fruits of ones labor are taken from them (by force if necessary) and given to another? I suppose instead of slavery, you could call it involuntary servitude, which is specifically called out in AMENDMENT XIII.

taxes are not slavery. Its not involuntary servitude either. Its just paying taxes.

Taxes are indistinguishable from armed robbery.

You dont get healthcare we are not going to take you out back and whip your back till you pass out from blood lose.

No, you're just going to force everyone to pay a lot more money for Obama's crappy health insurance than they currently pay. Other than a sharp stick in the eye, what could be better than that?
The ACA is the exact opposite of freedom, liberty and the Constitution.

sure.....its not but sure!

Of course it is. It's offensive to freedom, liberty and the Constitution.

The constitution clearly states the the nation is to provide for the general welfare of it's people. You obviously don't have a clue as to what you are talking about, just like every right wing piece of shit.

(Oh, and the individual mandate was a republican plan)
Whatever our political preferences are, don't we all care about every American having healthcare and living a decent life? Perhaps the ACA isn't the best solution, but neither is refusing to help. Thoughts?

political hacks shouldn't pretend to be doctors with MD at the end of their names.

It's an insult to the vast effort it takes to become one.

and fucking every citizen over b/c some people are to dumb or lazy to get hc is tyranny.

fucking shit pile.

You are a dick.

My guess is that the "MD" means Maryland.

Either way, you are are dick.

I didn't know you were dumb enough to think that MD is for Maryland.

aside from that, thanks for noting that I'm right. Even if I was being a dick
The great majority of Americans want a government that works.

The great majority of Americans want an up and down clean vote.

The great majority of Americans want a negotiated budget every year.

Why does Bammy have sucha hard time gettng his own people to vote for his budgets?

O-roo, I have no idea how much of a problem that may be.

I do know that refusal to have an up and down vote without strings will damage the economy and lose the House for the GOP.

Obamacare and spending like there's no tomorrow is what damages the economy. The best thing for the economy is keeping Obama's credit limit right where it is.

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