Were the Clintons involved in Jamal Khashoggi's torture?

I loathe Hillary Clinton and the oligarchy that she stands for just as much as the next rational person but ...

Really? You're going to try to pin this one on the Duchess of White Water?

She's a total asshole but she's not Satan.
From Mr. Beale's post, it looks as if Khashoggi was playing with fire. Although the article may be exaggerating his involvement in this or that, I have also heard that he was quite involved in Saudi royal politics up to the Crown Prince taking over.

To say that the Clintons were involved in his torture and death? This is the ultimate in dragging the Clintons through the mud. It can't get any lower than this folks. And of course it is totally preposterous.

You prove to me that they didn’t do this, and I’ll prove Kavanaugh never tried to bone Blassey Ford.
Saudi's and Clintons have no relations.
Hillary has called them out in the past.
That's poor journalism, everyone knows through the emails and through open hand offs that the Clintons took Saudis money, so stop avoiding and smoke screening the question : Why is no liberal media outlet asking what that money bought the Saudis? So a true journalist would ask the Saudis what that money got them.
So the question here is: did this tortured journalist ask such wrong questions? Yes or no?
Here's an idea, people can offer their explainations instead of ad hominem replies.
THIS is not a college campus where you silence thought. ;-)
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I didn't admit shit. I said your op was retarded.
Busted again, I used the liberal medias methods of wording insinuation reread it says Can? Could? Did they? Making it open for discussion which you'd rather not do because you'd rather censor free speach and discussion to prevent learning.
Which means if you had an ability to look at your own affiliation as you do your opponents then that mirror reflection would show you how you REALLY feel about your own party and ideology. Oncecagain you blasted liberal media and all of Rachel Maddow like conspiratory shows as being "retarded" and yet I'd rather watch the show
"Born this way" because they treat each other more kind and respectful, they are more tolerant, and they have a better grasp on life and better philosophy and are wrong a whole lot less.
*eww burn*
Lol, I think I might have already mentioned this, but don't be stupid.

What you are trying to imply is obvious, nobody has "fallen" for any part of your bullshit post.

You are making a fool of yourself.
I don't think you are following him.

He making quite the ass of you.
It's not me who is looking like an ass here.

That's funny 'cause...

One time, at band camp, this dude said that EXACT same thing

I loathe Hillary Clinton and the oligarchy that she stands for just as much as the next rational person but ...

Really? You're going to try to pin this one on the Duchess of White Water?

She's a total asshole but she's not Satan.
From Mr. Beale's post, it looks as if Khashoggi was playing with fire. Although the article may be exaggerating his involvement in this or that, I have also heard that he was quite involved in Saudi royal politics up to the Crown Prince taking over.

To say that the Clintons were involved in his torture and death? This is the ultimate in dragging the Clintons through the mud. It can't get any lower than this folks. And of course it is totally preposterous.

You prove to me that they didn’t do this, and I’ll prove Kavanaugh never tried to bone Blassey Ford.
Saudi's and Clintons have no relations.
Hillary has called them out in the past.
That's poor journalism, everyone knows through the emails and through open hand offs that the Clintons took Saudis money, so stop avoiding and smoke screening the question : Why is no liberal media outlet asking what that money bought the Saudis? So a true journalist would ask the Saudis what that money got them.
So the question here is: did this tortured journalist ask such wrong questions? Yes or no?
Here's an idea, people can offer their explainations instead of ad hominem replies.
THIS is not a college campus where you silence thought. ;-)
I'm not attacking, i'm just providing facts.
Where have the saudis directly paid the clintons? The foundation is a charity.

Take for example: trump campaign paid 5.4 million for nothing. Oil nations spend big on trump insiders. Sharing nuclear power with saudis. Praise saudis on women's rights.

give me the hillary dirt!
Can this be added to the long line of Clinton connected mysterious deaths list?
Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source, but this kind of torture is only used to send a message to all those journalists and whistleblowers who would dare speak or investigate the Clinton activities.
Was Journalist Jamal Khashoggi getting to close to the
Saudis Pay to Play for Clinton favors or 911 connections that even Obama himself accused Saudis of?
Was the journalist stepping on some toes? Obviously, but who's toes?
We know Clinton had a great opportunity to arrest Bin Laden in 1998 but mysteriously let him slip by scott free.
Bill Clinton retracted this following comment and lied at the 911 commission. In a 2002
speech Clinton seems to admit that the Sudanese government offered to turn over bin Laden:
Clinton: "So we tried to be quite aggressive with them [al Qaeda]. We got – well, Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan. And we’d been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America. "

It's proven that Saudis took very good care of Clinton through donations and other things.= Pay to Play.
Seen here open envelope hand off:
View attachment 223269
In turn 1998 Bill mysteriously let Bin Laden slip by when he admits could have had him.

911, Afghanistan, Iraq, Isis, even Syrian crisis can be attributed to this one failure to act. Yet not one news service with brass round thingies brave enough to ask: was letting Bin Laden go a favor to the Saudis, before they knew what he'd become?

What favors did the Saudis get?
The latest Hillary Clinton scandal - The Boston Globe
Why wouldn't you want to know this now that there is proof Clintons were at their service?

So did Journalist Jamal Khashoggi take my call for Journalists to look into what favors Saudis received for that Money? And therefore are the Clintons or their protectionists hands dirty in his death?
We know Bill likes traveling to Turkey especially Istanbul seen here:
View attachment 223270
View attachment 223271
and Hillary as well with many ties to Turkey View attachment 223272
could easily call the hit which they have nothing to lose since the truth is way more damaging (4000x more) then one person being disposed of.
Why Bill Clinton mentioned Gulen at the TCCNY dinner

Laughing......so the Clinton's were in Turkey?
I loathe Hillary Clinton and the oligarchy that she stands for just as much as the next rational person but ...

Really? You're going to try to pin this one on the Duchess of White Water?

She's a total asshole but she's not Satan.
From Mr. Beale's post, it looks as if Khashoggi was playing with fire. Although the article may be exaggerating his involvement in this or that, I have also heard that he was quite involved in Saudi royal politics up to the Crown Prince taking over.

To say that the Clintons were involved in his torture and death? This is the ultimate in dragging the Clintons through the mud. It can't get any lower than this folks. And of course it is totally preposterous.

You prove to me that they didn’t do this, and I’ll prove Kavanaugh never tried to bone Blassey Ford.
Saudi's and Clintons have no relations.
Hillary has called them out in the past.
That's poor journalism, everyone knows through the emails and through open hand offs that the Clintons took Saudis money, so stop avoiding and smoke screening the question : Why is no liberal media outlet asking what that money bought the Saudis? So a true journalist would ask the Saudis what that money got them.
So the question here is: did this tortured journalist ask such wrong questions? Yes or no?
Here's an idea, people can offer their explainations instead of ad hominem replies.
THIS is not a college campus where you silence thought. ;-)

If you have evidence that Clinton had anything to do with Khasoggi's torture, present it. But you have absolutely nothing. No motive, no evidence of financing, collusion, coordination, prior knowledge, nothing.

Worse, you've started from the baseless assumption that the Clinton's have killed....anyone. There's no evidence of that either.

Your wild imagination is not the basis of any 'good journalism'. Or much critical thinking either.
Can this be added to the long line of Clinton connected mysterious deaths list?
Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source, but this kind of torture is only used to send a message to all those journalists and whistleblowers who would dare speak or investigate the Clinton activities.
Was Journalist Jamal Khashoggi getting to close to the
Saudis Pay to Play for Clinton favors or 911 connections that even Obama himself accused Saudis of?
Was the journalist stepping on some toes? Obviously, but who's toes?
We know Clinton had a great opportunity to arrest Bin Laden in 1998 but mysteriously let him slip by scott free.
Bill Clinton retracted this following comment and lied at the 911 commission. In a 2002
speech Clinton seems to admit that the Sudanese government offered to turn over bin Laden:
Clinton: "So we tried to be quite aggressive with them [al Qaeda]. We got – well, Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan. And we’d been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America. "

It's proven that Saudis took very good care of Clinton through donations and other things.= Pay to Play.
Seen here open envelope hand off:
View attachment 223269
In turn 1998 Bill mysteriously let Bin Laden slip by when he admits could have had him.

911, Afghanistan, Iraq, Isis, even Syrian crisis can be attributed to this one failure to act. Yet not one news service with brass round thingies brave enough to ask: was letting Bin Laden go a favor to the Saudis, before they knew what he'd become?

What favors did the Saudis get?
The latest Hillary Clinton scandal - The Boston Globe
Why wouldn't you want to know this now that there is proof Clintons were at their service?

So did Journalist Jamal Khashoggi take my call for Journalists to look into what favors Saudis received for that Money? And therefore are the Clintons or their protectionists hands dirty in his death?
We know Bill likes traveling to Turkey especially Istanbul seen here:
View attachment 223270
View attachment 223271
and Hillary as well with many ties to Turkey View attachment 223272
could easily call the hit which they have nothing to lose since the truth is way more damaging (4000x more) then one person being disposed of.
Why Bill Clinton mentioned Gulen at the TCCNY dinner

The Saudis OPENLY gave Hillary tens of millions
Can this be added to the long line of Clinton connected mysterious deaths list?
Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source, but this kind of torture is only used to send a message to all those journalists and whistleblowers who would dare speak or investigate the Clinton activities.
Was Journalist Jamal Khashoggi getting to close to the
Saudis Pay to Play for Clinton favors or 911 connections that even Obama himself accused Saudis of?
Was the journalist stepping on some toes? Obviously, but who's toes?
We know Clinton had a great opportunity to arrest Bin Laden in 1998 but mysteriously let him slip by scott free.
Bill Clinton retracted this following comment and lied at the 911 commission. In a 2002
speech Clinton seems to admit that the Sudanese government offered to turn over bin Laden:
Clinton: "So we tried to be quite aggressive with them [al Qaeda]. We got – well, Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan. And we’d been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America. "

It's proven that Saudis took very good care of Clinton through donations and other things.= Pay to Play.
Seen here open envelope hand off:
View attachment 223269
In turn 1998 Bill mysteriously let Bin Laden slip by when he admits could have had him.

911, Afghanistan, Iraq, Isis, even Syrian crisis can be attributed to this one failure to act. Yet not one news service with brass round thingies brave enough to ask: was letting Bin Laden go a favor to the Saudis, before they knew what he'd become?

What favors did the Saudis get?
The latest Hillary Clinton scandal - The Boston Globe
Why wouldn't you want to know this now that there is proof Clintons were at their service?

So did Journalist Jamal Khashoggi take my call for Journalists to look into what favors Saudis received for that Money? And therefore are the Clintons or their protectionists hands dirty in his death?
We know Bill likes traveling to Turkey especially Istanbul seen here:
View attachment 223270
View attachment 223271
and Hillary as well with many ties to Turkey View attachment 223272
could easily call the hit which they have nothing to lose since the truth is way more damaging (4000x more) then one person being disposed of.
Why Bill Clinton mentioned Gulen at the TCCNY dinner

The Saudis OPENLY gave Hillary tens of millions


Why are the critical thinking skills of conspiracy theorists so predictably poor? What do the Saudi's giving money to Hillary have to do with the Clinton's being involved in a Khashoggi's death?
Can this be added to the long line of Clinton connected mysterious deaths list?
Journalist Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered over seven minutes while he was still alive, according to a Turkish source, but this kind of torture is only used to send a message to all those journalists and whistleblowers who would dare speak or investigate the Clinton activities.
Was Journalist Jamal Khashoggi getting to close to the
Saudis Pay to Play for Clinton favors or 911 connections that even Obama himself accused Saudis of?
Was the journalist stepping on some toes? Obviously, but who's toes?
We know Clinton had a great opportunity to arrest Bin Laden in 1998 but mysteriously let him slip by scott free.
Bill Clinton retracted this following comment and lied at the 911 commission. In a 2002
speech Clinton seems to admit that the Sudanese government offered to turn over bin Laden:
Clinton: "So we tried to be quite aggressive with them [al Qaeda]. We got – well, Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan. And we’d been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America. "

It's proven that Saudis took very good care of Clinton through donations and other things.= Pay to Play.
Seen here open envelope hand off:
View attachment 223269
In turn 1998 Bill mysteriously let Bin Laden slip by when he admits could have had him.

911, Afghanistan, Iraq, Isis, even Syrian crisis can be attributed to this one failure to act. Yet not one news service with brass round thingies brave enough to ask: was letting Bin Laden go a favor to the Saudis, before they knew what he'd become?

What favors did the Saudis get?
The latest Hillary Clinton scandal - The Boston Globe
Why wouldn't you want to know this now that there is proof Clintons were at their service?

So did Journalist Jamal Khashoggi take my call for Journalists to look into what favors Saudis received for that Money? And therefore are the Clintons or their protectionists hands dirty in his death?
We know Bill likes traveling to Turkey especially Istanbul seen here:
View attachment 223270
View attachment 223271
and Hillary as well with many ties to Turkey View attachment 223272
could easily call the hit which they have nothing to lose since the truth is way more damaging (4000x more) then one person being disposed of.
Why Bill Clinton mentioned Gulen at the TCCNY dinner

The Saudis OPENLY gave Hillary tens of millions


Why are the critical thinking skills of conspiracy theorists so predictably poor? What do the Saudi's giving money to Hillary have to do with the Clinton's being involved in a Khashoggi's death?
He's a journalist, they are supposed to dig into why even Obama said Saudis were involved in 911.
It "could be" one of dozens of reasons someone wanted to silence him, like you wish to silence the many possible reasons for such a sadistic torture.
The idea of discussion is to explore all avenues to try and find out why and who. Thank God you are not a detective.
Now stop the smokescreen, not one person answered why nobody wants to know what favors the Saudis got. If one of those favors was letting rich guy
Bin Laden go in 1998 then the Clintons sold out 4000+ lives for whatever "crumbs" they got for the favor. Now if you say no it never happened then you are being intellectually dishonest, because you've yet to tell us what the Saudis got and paid for.
I loathe Hillary Clinton and the oligarchy that she stands for just as much as the next rational person but ...

Really? You're going to try to pin this one on the Duchess of White Water?

She's a total asshole but she's not Satan.
From Mr. Beale's post, it looks as if Khashoggi was playing with fire. Although the article may be exaggerating his involvement in this or that, I have also heard that he was quite involved in Saudi royal politics up to the Crown Prince taking over.

To say that the Clintons were involved in his torture and death? This is the ultimate in dragging the Clintons through the mud. It can't get any lower than this folks. And of course it is totally preposterous.

You prove to me that they didn’t do this, and I’ll prove Kavanaugh never tried to bone Blassey Ford.
Saudi's and Clintons have no relations.
Hillary has called them out in the past.
That's poor journalism, everyone knows through the emails and through open hand offs that the Clintons took Saudis money, so stop avoiding and smoke screening the question : Why is no liberal media outlet asking what that money bought the Saudis? So a true journalist would ask the Saudis what that money got them.
So the question here is: did this tortured journalist ask such wrong questions? Yes or no?
Here's an idea, people can offer their explainations instead of ad hominem replies.
THIS is not a college campus where you silence thought. ;-)
I'm not attacking, i'm just providing facts.
Where have the saudis directly paid the clintons? The foundation is a charity.

Take for example: trump campaign paid 5.4 million for nothing. Oil nations spend big on trump insiders. Sharing nuclear power with saudis. Praise saudis on women's rights.

give me the hillary dirt!
If you go to the OP you'll notice I posted picture evidence,

and that is him receiving the money not his foundation treasurer-how naive of you to think foundations aren't benefiting the executors, didn't she get caught funneling charity money to pay for her daughter's wedding? $ for Haiti? There was probably no Haitians working at that wedding. Oops.
Laughing......so the Clinton's were in Turkey?
Gotcha! "So the Trumps were in Russia"? Are you getting this yet?
It's called reflective learning.
You are inadvertantly calling the leftist rage a delusional conspiracy rant.
And you laughed at yourself and them in the mirror.
I loathe Hillary Clinton and the oligarchy that she stands for just as much as the next rational person but ...

Really? You're going to try to pin this one on the Duchess of White Water?

She's a total asshole but she's not Satan.
From Mr. Beale's post, it looks as if Khashoggi was playing with fire. Although the article may be exaggerating his involvement in this or that, I have also heard that he was quite involved in Saudi royal politics up to the Crown Prince taking over.

To say that the Clintons were involved in his torture and death? This is the ultimate in dragging the Clintons through the mud. It can't get any lower than this folks. And of course it is totally preposterous.

You prove to me that they didn’t do this, and I’ll prove Kavanaugh never tried to bone Blassey Ford.
Saudi's and Clintons have no relations.
Hillary has called them out in the past.
That's poor journalism, everyone knows through the emails and through open hand offs that the Clintons took Saudis money, so stop avoiding and smoke screening the question : Why is no liberal media outlet asking what that money bought the Saudis? So a true journalist would ask the Saudis what that money got them.
So the question here is: did this tortured journalist ask such wrong questions? Yes or no?
Here's an idea, people can offer their explainations instead of ad hominem replies.
THIS is not a college campus where you silence thought. ;-)

If you have evidence that Clinton had anything to do with Khasoggi's torture, present it. But you have absolutely nothing. No motive, no evidence of financing, collusion, coordination, prior knowledge, nothing.

Worse, you've started from the baseless assumption that the Clinton's have killed....anyone. There's no evidence of that either.

Your wild imagination is not the basis of any 'good journalism'. Or much critical thinking either.

Liberals asked Kavanaugh to prove he was innocent. So now it’s your turn to prove that Hillary did saw Khashoggi up. Don’t you just hate it when your shit backfires?
Laughing......so the Clinton's were in Turkey?
Gotcha! "So the Trumps were in Russia"? Are you getting this yet?
It's called reflective learning.
You are inadvertantly calling the leftist rage a delusional conspiracy rant.
And you laughed at yourself and them in the mirror.
Business projects of Donald Trump in Russia.
While the left was paranoid and ranting Russia conspiracy theories on what would Donald want to talk to Russia for, we find out his surprise attack on Syria's Isis fighters right after taking office needed such contact orchestration to prevent stepping on each others shoes and causing a crisis. Therefore Dems and the MSM with their paranoia
tried to hinder & sabotage operations to remove Isis fighters and help refugees of Syria.
Which side is the left exactly on that a party affiliation that can't tie it's shoes should put it's hurt ego before country by interfering with foreign relations and comitting espionage and treasonous acts??
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Someone states that Khashoggi knew Bin Laden well, I didn't know that, so doesn't that factor into this discussion especially if nay-sayers didnct know that either?
Now, investigators, investigate if the Clintons ever received direct or backdoor money from Terrorist financier Adel Batterjee.
If you don't investigate the money trail then you have no right assuming anything. If you refuse to tell us what favors were received by the Saudis then you are part of the problem, not the solution.
Someone states that Khashoggi knew Bin Laden well, I didn't know that, so doesn't that factor into this discussion especially if nay-sayers didnct know that either?
Apparently that is true..... Khashoggi spent time in Afghanistan with Bin Laden who he affectionately referred to as Abu Abdullah and he mourned his death when Obama had him killed....People forget that Clinton had Bin Laden in his sites at least on four different occasions but somehow he managed to elude him... Now I am not much for conspiracy theories but I find it interesting that Khashoggi whose uncle was Adanan Khashoggi and a big arms dealer... This uncle was in on many a deal that up until now might embarrass someone. Esp if the nephew knew something.... If I remember correctly it was Bill Clinton that approved the launch of cruise missiles against Bin Laden that not only missed their target but Bin Laden handed over the Unexploded ones or slightly damaged ones to the Chinese who were able to get their hands on this new technology and take advantage of it rather cheaply..I wonder if The nephew was privy to that knowledge... The Clintons were pretty cozy with the Chinese at that time as well... But hey it is just a pet theory of Mine and I have no proof just conjecture but I just thought we could throw this into the mix and see what else comes up...
From Mr. Beale's post, it looks as if Khashoggi was playing with fire. Although the article may be exaggerating his involvement in this or that, I have also heard that he was quite involved in Saudi royal politics up to the Crown Prince taking over.

To say that the Clintons were involved in his torture and death? This is the ultimate in dragging the Clintons through the mud. It can't get any lower than this folks. And of course it is totally preposterous.

You prove to me that they didn’t do this, and I’ll prove Kavanaugh never tried to bone Blassey Ford.
Saudi's and Clintons have no relations.
Hillary has called them out in the past.
That's poor journalism, everyone knows through the emails and through open hand offs that the Clintons took Saudis money, so stop avoiding and smoke screening the question : Why is no liberal media outlet asking what that money bought the Saudis? So a true journalist would ask the Saudis what that money got them.
So the question here is: did this tortured journalist ask such wrong questions? Yes or no?
Here's an idea, people can offer their explainations instead of ad hominem replies.
THIS is not a college campus where you silence thought. ;-)
I'm not attacking, i'm just providing facts.
Where have the saudis directly paid the clintons? The foundation is a charity.

Take for example: trump campaign paid 5.4 million for nothing. Oil nations spend big on trump insiders. Sharing nuclear power with saudis. Praise saudis on women's rights.

give me the hillary dirt!
If you go to the OP you'll notice I posted picture evidence,View attachment 223377
and that is him receiving the money not his foundation treasurer-how naive of you to think foundations aren't benefiting the executors, didn't she get caught funneling charity money to pay for her daughter's wedding? $ for Haiti? There was probably no Haitians working at that wedding. Oops.
View attachment 223375

LMFAO! I have to keep reminding myself of the forum you aptly posted in.

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