Welfare equivalent to $50,000 a year job in many states

Doesn’t matter what word you use. Let’s just put it all under the umbrella of “public assistance” - meaning freebies provided by other people.

And I’m not sure what the lie is. I posted the link in the OP showing that about 15 states (mine was one of them) hand out so much of other people’s money to adults who refuse to work that it amounts to a $50,000 a year job. The Democrats’ insistence on giving so much of middle-class workers’ money away to people who just won’t get a job BECAUSE they are getting so much keeps them dependent.

All by design. A dependent adult who lives off of OPM is the Democrats’ best voter!

As a fact of law, governance, and public policy, words very much matter.

You're clearly ignorant of the topic, the thread is just another example of the reprehensible right attempting to vilify and demonize low income Americans.
Can’t defeat your facts but can label you instead
Yup. That’s what they do - it’s all about labels. For example, since white supremacist didn’t work, they moved on to election denied.

Same thing here. Consider the so-called “earned childcare tax credit” which was supposed to go against earned income. Now they made it ”fully refundable” - which is a nice way of saying welfare.

People now refer to the $12,000 or $15,000 they get for their kids as their “tax refund” - even though they don’t work, don’t have earned income, and pay no income tax.

As a fact of law, governance, and public policy, words very much matter.

You're clearly ignorant of the topic, the thread is just another example of the reprehensible right attempting to vilify and demonize low income Americans.
And out comes more nastiness - the reprehensible right demonizing the poor oppressed low-income people. Waaaaah…..

No. What is reprehensible is that we have a labor shortage and able-bodied adults who, at age 30 or more, have NEVER held a full-time job! Why? Because you holier-than-thou think you’re helping them by giving them other people’s money so they don’t have to work.
Now that’s a true lib loon contention
People working is forced liberal with bad consequences later on. Have to give that weeper statement a huge Hardy Har Har
So, let me lay this out there for you. Chicago, single mom, two kids, boys, ages 10 and 12. Scenario one, she stays home, collects welfare benefits equal to a little over $26,000, Illinois is one of the lower paying states. But she is home with her sons everyday, after school, helps them with homework, and keeps them off the street.

Scenario two. She works at a local grocery store making 13 dollars an hour for forty hours a week. Her sons are latch key kids, she often works evenings. They join a gang because they have no oversight. And in the summer, it is Katy bar the door. How can you possibly believe that scenario will provide better long term results?
Why would anyone work?

A young woman on welfare with two children is the equivalent of a $50,000 a year job - and that’s before you consider commuting costs. If she has three children, her TANF and food stamps and “earned” (cough-cough) income credit reach $60,000.

Now consider that many welfare types live with extended families, so that the young woman with two children is living with her own mother, who still has a teenager at home, and they get the equivalent of another $40,000 a year. So a family with two adults, a teen, and two kids gets nearly $100,000 a year.

Now consider the typical family, headed by two high school graduates. Mom works In a support role in an accounting firm for $20 an hour, and Dad works the deli counter at Harris Teeter for $22 an hour. Together, they bring in $80,000 - BEFORE taxes.

No wonder we have a labor shortage.

$50K is less than minimum wage adjusted for real inflation in 'boom states', so that isn't any big deal. Companies with shitty attitudes towards workers created their own problems; nothing to see here.
And out comes more nastiness - the reprehensible right demonizing the poor oppressed low-income people. Waaaaah…..

No. What is reprehensible is that we have a labor shortage and able-bodied adults who, at age 30 or more, have NEVER held a full-time job! Why? Because you holier-than-thou think you’re helping them by giving them other people’s money so they don’t have to work.
I figure your stupid ass has me on ignore. Mostly because you can't handle my arguments. Someone quote me so this stupid bitch sees the response. Again, the entire OP is based on a single mom with two dependent children. Please, explain to me why you feel that single mom should be working a full-time job when she already has one, raising her children.
Rubbish. Never has been a labor shortage.
Of course there is. There are signs in every business advertising help wanted at $20 an hour, and they can’t get anyone. Why? Because they get to “hang out” and get the equivalent of $50,000 a year in welfare (or other charity type payments).
$50K is less than minimum wage adjusted for real inflation in 'boom states', so that isn't any big deal. Companies with shitty attitudes towards workers created their own problems; nothing to see here.
$50k is almost equivalent to the average salary in this country, You Dems are setting up a country where people who work for a living, and people taking OPM, have the same income. In many cases, the person living off welfare has MORE disposable than workers 3x the minimum wage.
$50K is less than minimum wage adjusted for real inflation in 'boom states', so that isn't any big deal. Companies with shitty attitudes towards workers created their own problems; nothing to see here.
And P.S. People with shitty attitudes toward earning their own money via a job are no great shakes, either. But WORSE are democrats who are enabling that. Encouraging it, actually.
Of course there is. There are signs in every business advertising help wanted at $20 an hour, and they can’t get anyone. Why? Because they get to “hang out” and get the equivalent of $50,000 a year in welfare (or other charity type payments).

lol so what? Fast food joints have way too many stores; that isn't a 'labor shortage', that's over-capitalized service industries chasing too few customers, and they can't pay even minimum wage adjusted for real inflation. Not to mention when the average rent for a 1 bedroom shack built in the 1950's rents for over $1,500 a month and utilities are raping people left and right with fake 'inflation' claims as well as every other industry run by duopolies and monopolies rigging wages, like Silly Con Valley does, the real problem is not a 'labor shortage',
The idiot Dems defending adults who choose to live off of OPM, while shopping at Whole Foods and going out to restaurants, rather than accept one of the millions of jobs paying $20 an hour is a big reason the country is in a major decline: they praise and defend people who won’t work, and condemn and demonize who think they should.
$50k is almost equivalent to the average salary in this country, You Dems are setting up a country where people who work for a living, and people taking OPM, have the same income. In many cases, the person living off welfare has MORE disposable than workers 3x the minimum wage.

I'm not a Dem, and you clearly have zero clue about how and welfare works, much less how much people who manage to qualify for it actually get. Do you really think somebody in St. Louis is going to drop everything and catch a bus to Atlanta or somewhere just because a Wendy's there put out a Helped Wanted sign for a part time janitor? Where are they going to live? In the parking lot like the skilled laborers do in Silly Con Valley tech sweatshops?

lol grow up and stop spreading the bullshit. This is exactly why you right wingers can't even beat nutjobs like Beto by more than single digits. It's like a contest between morons doing their damnedest to lose elections.

This country has 200 million more people in it than we won WW II with. 'Labor Shortage' my ass.
lol so what? Fast food joints have way too many stores; that isn't a 'labor shortage', that's over-capitalized service industries chasing too few customers, and they can't pay even minimum wage adjusted for real inflation. Not to mention when the average rent for a 1 bedroom shack built in the 1950's rents for over $1,500 a month and utilities are raping people left and right with fake 'inflation' claims as well as every other industry run by duopolies and monopolies rigging wages, like Silly Con Valley does, the real problem is not a 'labor shortage',
Waaaaa, waaaaa, waaaaa. So people can join up and share expenses. Or rent a bedroom in someone’s house. Or move an hour away and commute in.

i am talking about people WHO WILL NOT TAKE A JOB AT ALL. Why should they? They are having all their needs met by forcing other people to cover their expenses.

People need to grow up and get a job. And you leftists need to stop creating a country of non-contributors living off the labor of productive citizens.
I know someone on welfare now has so much OPM flowing in that she is now shopping at Whole Foods. The middle class is being crushed and is now moving down to Walmart.

The positions have reversed. People on welfare now have so much more disposable income that they live better than the working class. This is all by Democrat design: they want people to refuse to work (hence the labor shortage) as a way of crushing the economy. They are following Marx to a tee.
Waaaaa, waaaaa, waaaaa. So people can join up and share expenses. Or rent a bedroom in someone’s house. Or move an hour away and commute in.

i am talking about people WHO WILL NOT TAKE A JOB AT ALL. Why should they? They are having all their needs met by forcing other people to cover their expenses.

People need to grow up and get a job. And you leftists need to stop creating a country of non-contributors living off the labor of productive citizens.

You're the one sniveling all about how the poor aren't working hard enough and cheap enough, dumbass. Your' really upset that given a choice smart people avoid working for nothing.
I'm not a Dem, and you clearly have zero clue about how and welfare works, much less how much people who manage to qualify for it actually get. Do you really think somebody in St. Louis is going to drop everything and catch a bus to Atlanta or somewhere just because a Wendy's there put out a Helped Wanted sign for a part time janitor? Where are they going to live? In the parking lot like the skilled laborers do in Silly Con Valley tech sweatshops?

lol grow up and stop spreading the bullshit. This is exactly why you right wingers can't even beat nutjobs like Beto by more than single digits. It's like a contest between morns doing their damnedest to lose elections.

This counntry has 200 million more people in it than we won WW II with. 'Labor Shortage' my ass.
What difference does it make how many people we have now, you idiot? We have twice as many jobs open as people applying for them. There is a labor shortage.

And I am talking about people living right here adjacent to DC, in a densely populated area. We have all these people getting government handouts to the tune of $50k a year - and virtually every store advertising for help, and at $20 an hour.

You are very quickly destroying this country. People need to get jobs, and we need to stop giving them so much of OPM that they can shop at Whole Foods and go out to nice dinners.
Waaaaa, waaaaa, waaaaa. So people can join up and share expenses. Or rent a bedroom in someone’s house. Or move an hour away and commute in.

i am talking about people WHO WILL NOT TAKE A JOB AT ALL. Why should they? They are having all their needs met by forcing other people to cover their expenses.

People need to grow up and get a job. And you leftists need to stop creating a country of non-contributors living off the labor of productive citizens.

So why aren't you taking those jobs? lol we know why. If you really cared you would work 22 hours a day to help the economy n stuff.
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You're the one sniveling all about how the poor aren't working hard enough and cheap enough, dumbass. Your' really upset that given a choice smart people avoid working for nothing.
Who says it’s nothing? People avoid working for $40,000 a year when they get $50,000 in welfare.

And you think those are SMART people? You are praising people who are happy to take other people’s money so they don’t have to work?

And who says they’ll earn $40,000 a year? That’s the STARTING wage. If they’re hard workers, they can move up and easily be at $60,000 or $70,000 in a few years. But no….you think they’re being so smart staying on charity their whole lives.
What difference does it make how many people we have now, you idiot? We have twice as many jobs open as people applying for them. There is a labor shortage.

And I am talking about people living right here adjacent to DC, in a densely populated area. We have all these people getting government handouts to the tune of $50k a year - and virtually every store advertising for help, and at $20 an hour.

You are very quickly destroying this country. People need to get jobs, and we need to stop giving them so much of OPM that they can shop at Whole Foods and go out to nice dinners.

Doubling down on rubbish and strawmen, as usual. In 6 months those same companies will be tossing employees out the door and doing their best to trash their employment history hoping to deny them unemployment insurance and chances at getting another job.

It's you nutjobs who have destroyed the country; you make the Betos and Ilhmars and Pelosis possible.

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