We Win! Federal DHS Troops Leaving Seattle!

Just saw headline on FXN, Feds NOT leaving Portland. /thread
Thanks for the correct info!

I won't read all the posts from you far right radical extremists.

It's nothing but a bunch of name calling and denial.

Keep it up. You're helping to create even more Independents and democrats.

All your denials and lies will only assure that trump will be totally beaten at the ballot box in November.

Thanks for all the help to get rid of trump in November. You all couldn't do a better job of helping us if we had asked you.

We won against trump's goon thugs. They are leaving but not after they caused a riot.

This is just another reason why our governor will be elected for a 3rd term in November.
I can tell you with all honesty, when I read your brain dead commie pap, it swear to God, I sit wondering how someone can be as STUPID as you. But then, I realize you're probably spewing your LYING CRAP on PURPOSE. You KNOW we KNOW you're FULL OF SHIT. So the reasons you come on here and vomit up such MORONIC HORSE SHIT is anyone's guess. You could be as some have suggested, you're a paid chinese commie shill. That would make sense, since the piece of shit you want for president is ALSO a paid off chinese commie shill.
Governor Islee and Mayor Durkan have gotten trump to remove his federal goons from the streets of our city.

They came, they caused a riot. We were peaceful before they came.

These goons aren't helping anything at all. They are making the situation worse.

Thank goodness for the governor and mayor. They did a fantastic job getting those goons off our streets.

This isn't Portland, where the confrontations are ongoing.

And it's one unit, plenty of federal law enforcement types are in Seattle.

Of course you have to lie to make your point. These aren't "troops", they are law enforcement officers.
I won't read all the posts from you far right radical extremists.

It's nothing but a bunch of name calling and denial.

Keep it up. You're helping to create even more Independents and democrats.

All your denials and lies will only assure that trump will be totally beaten at the ballot box in November.

Thanks for all the help to get rid of trump in November. You all couldn't do a better job of helping us if we had asked you.

We won against trump's goon thugs. They are leaving but not after they caused a riot.

This is just another reason why our governor will be elected for a 3rd term in November.

LOL, you are one of the biggest shit posters on this board. Nothing but attacks and bullshit.
I won't read all the posts from you far right radical extremists.

It's nothing but a bunch of name calling and denial.

Keep it up. You're helping to create even more Independents and democrats.

All your denials and lies will only assure that trump will be totally beaten at the ballot box in November.

Thanks for all the help to get rid of trump in November. You all couldn't do a better job of helping us if we had asked you.

We won against trump's goon thugs. They are leaving but not after they caused a riot.

This is just another reason why our governor will be elected for a 3rd term in November.

Uhhhhhh......what did you win?
This is just another reason why our governor will be elected for a 3rd term in November.

Your Governor will be re-elected because SEATTLE is full of filthy, disgusting, unAmerican FEELZ based kooks...because he normalizes and glamorizes pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks and wetbacks.
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Remember the Project Veritas video where they video taped Democrat Operatives in Sanders Campaign (might as well be Biden's) and they said they were going to Burn America Down?

Well Sanders-Biden are keeping their promises. They also wanted to roll out Guillotines and behead anyone that disagreed with them and advocated rounding up Conservatives and putting them in Concentration Camps!

same as
Them Nazis
I won't read all the posts from you far right radical extremists.

It's nothing but a bunch of name calling and denial.

Keep it up. You're helping to create even more Independents and democrats.

All your denials and lies will only assure that trump will be totally beaten at the ballot box in November.

Thanks for all the help to get rid of trump in November. You all couldn't do a better job of helping us if we had asked you.

We won against trump's goon thugs. They are leaving but not after they caused a riot.

This is just another reason why our governor will be elected for a 3rd term in November.

Uhhhhhh......what did you win?
Liar and Bullshitter of the Year :badgrin: :laughing0301::laugh:
No difference between the Sanders Campaign and Biden. Many of Sanders staffers are now on Biden's staff.

He's trying to get Sander's voters from which I understand, a lot of them are not swinging to Biden.
No difference between the Sanders Campaign and Biden. Many of Sanders staffers are now on Biden's staff.

He's trying to get Sander's voters from which I understand, a lot of them are not swinging to Biden.
I have a feeling most of Bernie's voters will stay home on November 3rd
Translation; Trump just decided to let that shithole burn to the ground.

Yup. Let em wallow in their own bullshit.

Of course the Op see's it as a Dem victory.

Anyone with a brain see's it as Trump leaving them to pick up the pieces of their stupidity.

Hope the city burns to the ground. Oh and not one dime of tax payer money should be sent to rebuild what the imbeciles let happen.
Governor Islee and Mayor Durkan have gotten trump to remove his federal goons from the streets of our city.

They came, they caused a riot. We were peaceful before they came.

These goons aren't helping anything at all. They are making the situation worse.

Thank goodness for the governor and mayor. They did a fantastic job getting those goons off our streets.

Boy you are a riot yourself. A damned funny riot. All you won is a city where the police are told to stand down. Oh and Federal agents aren't troops. They are LEO's. Dumbass.

The rioting was going on long before the Federal agents came to protect FEDERAL buildings. Hope Trump sends the idiots a bill for any damage to Federal buildings.

You really are a lefty loon idiot who sees idiocy on the left as a good thing. Good Lord what an idiot you are.
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All you far right radical conservatives need to get used to whining and crying. You are in for a lot more of it.

City after city. State after state will kick trump and his goon thugs out.

trump has no right to be there and all he's doing is causing violence.

I'm having a wonderful time seeing all of you far right radical extremists crying like little babies and will enjoy watching it if Biden is elected in November.

Get used to it babies. Your time is done. The adults are ready to take over and are already putting trump and his goon thugs where they belong, out of our cities.
Governor Islee and Mayor Durkan have gotten trump to remove his federal goons from the streets of our city.

They came, they caused a riot. We were peaceful before they came.

These goons aren't helping anything at all. They are making the situation worse.

Thank goodness for the governor and mayor. They did a fantastic job getting those goons off our streets.

We were peaceful before they came.

You are a lying sack. You had weeks of violence.

Good luck in your lawless, shithole city, fuckwit.
I won't read all the posts from you far right radical extremists.

It's nothing but a bunch of name calling and denial.

Keep it up. You're helping to create even more Independents and democrats.

All your denials and lies will only assure that trump will be totally beaten at the ballot box in November.

Thanks for all the help to get rid of trump in November. You all couldn't do a better job of helping us if we had asked you.

We won against trump's goon thugs. They are leaving but not after they caused a riot.

This is just another reason why our governor will be elected for a 3rd term in November.
You have been duped by fake news, Moron. :iyfyus.jpg:
All you far right radical conservatives need to get used to whining and crying. You are in for a lot more of it.

City after city. State after state will kick trump and his goon thugs out.

trump has no right to be there and all he's doing is causing violence.

I'm having a wonderful time seeing all of you far right radical extremists crying like little babies and will enjoy watching it if Biden is elected in November.

Get used to it babies. Your time is done. The adults are ready to take over and are already putting trump and his goon thugs where they belong, out of our cities.

LMAO There was violence long before the Federal agents showed up the protect the FEDERAL buildings. Oh and Trump had every right to be there since the idiots in charge told the police to stand down. His Federal agents were there to protect the Federal buildings.

There will still be violence when the Federal agents leave. Who will you blame that on genius??

All you dummies are doing is showing the voters what imbeciles you are.

Wonder if those two you are so proud of get re-elected. I'd bet the tax payers in that city are pretty damned sick of the imbeciles.

Carry on dumbass.

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