We saw it coming: Jewish groups pull out of meeting with Trump: 'So Lacking In Moral Leadership'


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Jewish Groups Pull Out Of Call With Trump: 'So Lacking In Moral Leadership'

“The President’s words have given succor to those who advocate anti-Semitism, racism, and xenophobia,” their statement continued. “Responsibility for the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, including the death of Heather Heyer, does not lie with many sides but with one side: the Nazis, alt-right and white supremacists who brought their hate to a peaceful community. They must be roundly condemned at all levels.”

After a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia on Aug. 12, Trump blamed “many sides” for the weekend’s violence and later said there were “many fine people” on both sides of the rally.


We saw it coming. Watch USMB white wingers call it "fake" news or some such nonsense.
The RCA’s executive vice president, Rabbi Mark Dratch...
He will be on the conference call.
I never heard of the others as they represent phony Judaism.

I agree that Trump blew it on this issue.
Your newly found concern for the welfare of the Jewish People is truly heartening. I'm pretty sure it's truly sincere and not politically motivated in the least.
The RCA’s executive vice president, Rabbi Mark Dratch...
He will be on the conference call.
I never heard of the others as they represent phony Judaism.

I agree that Trump blew it on this issue.
Perhaps people who call themselves jews but who are not should be looked into?
The RCA’s executive vice president, Rabbi Mark Dratch...
He will be on the conference call.
I never heard of the others as they represent phony Judaism.

I agree that Trump blew it on this issue.
Perhaps people who call themselves jews but who are not should be looked into?
They always wind up becoming Communists.
Rod and I were talking about that last night. he was giving a run down on the history of the communist jews and what lead up to hitler coming in. History does try to repeat if peeps are not careful.
The RCA’s executive vice president, Rabbi Mark Dratch...
He will be on the conference call.
I never heard of the others as they represent phony Judaism.

I agree that Trump blew it on this issue.
Perhaps people who call themselves jews but who are not should be looked into?
They always wind up becoming Communists.
Rod and I were talking about that last night. he was giving a run down on the history of the communist jews and what lead up to hitler coming in. History does try to repeat if peeps are not careful.
Assimilated Jews are suicidal in their compassion for those who don't deserve it.
They become violent if they can't exercise their compassion.
They always wind up becoming Communists.

Or Group Encounter Coaches ...

The RCA’s executive vice president, Rabbi Mark Dratch...
He will be on the conference call.
I never heard of the others as they represent phony Judaism.

I agree that Trump blew it on this issue.
Perhaps people who call themselves jews but who are not should be looked into?
They always wind up becoming Communists.
Rod and I were talking about that last night. he was giving a run down on the history of the communist jews and what lead up to hitler coming in. History does try to repeat if peeps are not careful.
Assimilated Jews are suicidal in their compassion for those who don't deserve it.
They become violent if they can't exercise their compassion.
I think that would be to simplified of what is going down if we got into all the nuts and bolts of things.
The RCA’s executive vice president, Rabbi Mark Dratch...
He will be on the conference call.
I never heard of the others as they represent phony Judaism.

I agree that Trump blew it on this issue.
Perhaps people who call themselves jews but who are not should be looked into?
They always wind up becoming Communists.
Rod and I were talking about that last night. he was giving a run down on the history of the communist jews and what lead up to hitler coming in. History does try to repeat if peeps are not careful.
Assimilated Jews are suicidal in their compassion for those who don't deserve it.
They become violent if they can't exercise their compassion.
I think that would be to simplified of what is going down if we got into all the nuts and bolts of things.
Jews live by 2 extremes...
Logic, logic, logic or
Mentally disturbed to the point of chaos.
The only reason Trump needs Jews is for window dressing. Otherwise, he needs Jews like a hole in the head. The Talmud, the book Jews follow, teaches Jews to hate non-Jews.
Perhaps people who call themselves jews but who are not should be looked into?
They always wind up becoming Communists.
Rod and I were talking about that last night. he was giving a run down on the history of the communist jews and what lead up to hitler coming in. History does try to repeat if peeps are not careful.
Assimilated Jews are suicidal in their compassion for those who don't deserve it.
They become violent if they can't exercise their compassion.
I think that would be to simplified of what is going down if we got into all the nuts and bolts of things.
Jews live by 2 extremes...
Logic, logic, logic or
Mentally disturbed to the point of chaos.
I think that to would be too simplistic. Some people (the brightest stars/heavenly hosts even if they don't know who they are) follow their hearts (the spirit rules the hearts of men/hosts) even when they are raised jewish......

A place in the the flesh where the promise land can be found (within themselves), land of milk and honey, one nation under God.

The only reason Trump needs Jews is for window dressing. Otherwise, he needs Jews like a hole in the head. The Talmud, the book Jews follow, teaches Jews to hate non-Jews.
People teach other people to hate based on what they believe in their religious teachings... not all jews hate christians and not all live to the flesh. Some actually believe in Jesus too even if they also do not fully understand..
People teach other people to hate based on what they believe in their religious teachings... not all jews hate christians and not all live to the flesh. Some actually believe in Jesus too even if they also do not fully understand..

Jews don't believe in Jesus, ask any Rabbi.

The Talmud does teach hate, page after page. That's why you don't see Jews quoting it to gentiles, let alone distributing copies. Jews who are compassionate to gentiles are compassionate in the same way that a farmer is compassionate to his cows. But, of course, there are Jews who fall very far away from the teachings of their Talmud, just like their are so-call Christians who can't be bothered with the teachings of the Bible.

The president has no more use for advisement from Jews as he has from Muslims.
The only reason Trump needs Jews is for window dressing. Otherwise, he needs Jews like a hole in the head. The Talmud, the book Jews follow, teaches Jews to hate non-Jews.
People teach other people to hate based on what they believe in their religious teachings... not all jews hate christians and not all live to the flesh. Some actually believe in Jesus too even if they also do not fully understand..

Rod----I is a jew. ------brought up COMPLETELY SECULAR in reference to Judaism,,,,, in a very Christian town. The only "religious education" I had as a child was protestant sunday school---in the basement of the church with a neighboring kid. ---BUT I was also an avid reader. I did learn. The people in THIS WORLD--who "do not fully understand".. Jesus-------are Christians. In fact, the Christian version of jesus ---is comical. Jesus was a Talmudist------like his hero---Hillel

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