We are all equal in America. Therefore it makes no sense for non-LGBT people to be flying LGBT flags.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Check this out we all know we’re all equal .. The United States is the number one destination in the world for immigrants and refugees. People continue to dream about coming here bc we are the best country in the world.

There are LGBT leaders around this country like with the BLM leaders they’re doing bad things. They are grooming young children and sexually harassing them. They are stealing money from poor people to build mansions. They’re not out there flying flags thanking white people for contributions to history. But they demand mega corporations to kowtow to BLM and LGBT groups by flying BLM flag or wearing an LGBT shirt. And they demand millions of dollars from these companies and they get it…so it just goes to show us so many corporations in America do not have the interest of the American people.

We see BLM and LGBT groups continue to lie And miss-represent in order to take millions of dollars away from poor people. They claim all that “Blacks have it bad in America or that the LGBT people have it bad in America”. When in reality we all saw the worst political violence in the past 20 years back in 2016 and 2020 when so many Trump supporters were viciously attacked by BLM and their LGBT and antifa allies. These were violent horrific attacks against women and children as well. And nothing was really done about it. The American people demand that the US government once and for all do something about it.

They’re not out there flying flags thanking Christian European civilization for bringing us the civilized world the very world we live in now in America is all thanks really to Christianity specifically…it was Catholicism and the catholic explorers of the New World.

Do We see so-called Native American millionaire leaders from the tribes of this country who are flying flags of Christopher Columbus and thanking him for civilizing our world my friends? No there are not. There are too many gullible white men in this country who have LGBT bumper stickers and they are all about native pride and Black Lives Matter. Makes no sense. The Seneca tribe here in New York is against civility they go against the great values of the Seneca nation. If you work for the Seneca Niagara casino or the various Seneca casinos guess what you can’t join your union if you’re a black man or white man. You can only join if you’re part of the Seneca tribe a clear-cut human rights infringement.

How about all the great Christian men of Africa. There’s hundreds of millions of Catholics in Africa today who represent traditional values who represent the civilization of Africa that brought so much glory to our world. Are they being honored by the BLM leaders? No they are not. Let’s recognize common sense and stand by American greatness.

As we go on into the 21st century may we embrace common sense and freedom for all …and may we all stand up to the far left in this country.

Thank you have a nice day.
So you're saying that Gays will continue to be able to marry each other, adopt children and continue to be treated like heterosexuals? Are you saying that transgender Americans will continue to get hormones, blockers and be able to have surgeries??? If not then we're not all equal.
There were many acts of terrorism from BLM, antifa and LGBT groups in 2016 and in 2020 toward pro life groups and toward Donald Trump supporters Nothing at all from conservatives or Trump supporters comes close to this violence against innocent men women and children.
It’s always horrible excuses from the people who continue to stand by these corrupt BLM in LGBT groups. They’ve been totally brainwashed or worse they don’t care about America anymore they support racism and bigotry. They support denigrating our country’s history at the expense of our younger population.
They continued fact that the pro BLM people lie and misrepresent about what their opponents say. It’s about as anti-American as it gets.
To each their own. I won't even fly a sports teams flag though. I fly a Canadian flag or none. That's just my opinion. If i were an American, I'd fly an American flag.
Check this out we all know we’re all equal .. The United States is the number one destination in the world for immigrants and refugees. People continue to dream about coming here bc we are the best country in the world.

There are LGBT leaders around this country like with the BLM leaders they’re doing bad things. They are grooming young children and sexually harassing them. They are stealing money from poor people to build mansions. They’re not out there flying flags thanking white people for contributions to history. But they demand mega corporations to kowtow to BLM and LGBT groups by flying BLM flag or wearing an LGBT shirt. And they demand millions of dollars from these companies and they get it…so it just goes to show us so many corporations in America do not have the interest of the American people.

We see BLM and LGBT groups continue to lie And miss-represent in order to take millions of dollars away from poor people. They claim all that “Blacks have it bad in America or that the LGBT people have it bad in America”. When in reality we all saw the worst political violence in the past 20 years back in 2016 and 2020 when so many Trump supporters were viciously attacked by BLM and their LGBT and antifa allies. These were violent horrific attacks against women and children as well. And nothing was really done about it. The American people demand that the US government once and for all do something about it.

They’re not out there flying flags thanking Christian European civilization for bringing us the civilized world the very world we live in now in America is all thanks really to Christianity specifically…it was Catholicism and the catholic explorers of the New World.

Do We see so-called Native American millionaire leaders from the tribes of this country who are flying flags of Christopher Columbus and thanking him for civilizing our world my friends? No there are not. There are too many gullible white men in this country who have LGBT bumper stickers and they are all about native pride and Black Lives Matter. Makes no sense. The Seneca tribe here in New York is against civility they go against the great values of the Seneca nation. If you work for the Seneca Niagara casino or the various Seneca casinos guess what you can’t join your union if you’re a black man or white man. You can only join if you’re part of the Seneca tribe a clear-cut human rights infringement.

How about all the great Christian men of Africa. There’s hundreds of millions of Catholics in Africa today who represent traditional values who represent the civilization of Africa that brought so much glory to our world. Are they being honored by the BLM leaders? No they are not. Let’s recognize common sense and stand by American greatness.

As we go on into the 21st century may we embrace common sense and freedom for all …and may we all stand up to the far left in this country.

Thank you have a nice day.
Boring! You post is shotgun blast at all the things you do not understand.
The eunucs held considerable power in the court.

And they even created their own operating system ... superior to Windows


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