"We know it's too early to be talking about Christmas"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Some commercial yesterday started with that. And ever since I've noticed myself humming Christmas jingles. :) Anyone else find themselves thinking Christmassy thoughts?
Old Bing Cosby song recurring in my head from a memory of my grandparents home at Christmas time. Then I use his voice in my head for every other Christmas song. :) Huh buhba bubba boo. :)
Used to be Santa arrived with a big balloon turkey.


he floats in on the arm of Casper and Wendy
You gonna be a mall Santa this year, Delta? All those kids bouncing on your lap?



Kid here said I was like Santa Claus for baking the cookies every week. "You're like St. Nicholaus, except instead of just once a year every week." Awww. :)
Brother and sister here complimented the weekend batch. Girl said something like "they were delicious." Her brother didn't say anything but walked by eating one, looked over (was sitting on the porch) and gave a thumbs up and smile. :)
Candy Corn and Candy Canes on the shelf at the same time, isn't that in another thread about the ten signs of the decline of a culture!

Yes its way too early, though I can't wait for the local channel that turns over to all Christmas music in mid November. A few years ago they started it right after Halloween but that didn't fly, thankfully.

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