We are all going to die soon!


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
South Pacific
Either we are going to die of natural causes, or we might die of rocks falling to earth as we travel through the galactic plane.

I have long postulated that there is a layer of rock debris in the central plane of our galaxy, along what we would call the Galactic Equator.

If I am right, as we approach the center of the galaxy (GALACTIC PLANE) in our wobble path every 5000 or so years (see Mayan Long Count Calendar), we should see more and more meteor and larger (i.e. Asteroids) strikes in the coming months. The Mayans did not say anything about meteors, so this is my claim alone.

This falling rocks from the sky anomaly will build in intensity until we are dead center in the plane of the Galaxy in late December of 2012. Dead Center could very well equal DEATH for HUMANITY and other living things.

It appears that nobody has named this rocky zone of death. For want of a better name, I will name the belt after my Great Grandfather, Berthold. We will just call it the Berthold belt.

Expect the meteor ground strikes to increase dramatically in the coming months.
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I have long postulated that there is a layer of rock debris in the central plain of our galaxy, along what we would call the Galactic Equator.

If I am right, as we approach the center of the galaxy in our wobble path every 5000 or so years (see Mayan Long Count Calendar), we should see more and more meteor and larger (i.e. Asteroids) strikes in the coming months. The Mayans did not say anything about meteors, so this is my claim alone.

This falling rocks from the sky anomaly will build in intensity until we are dead center in the plain of the Galaxy in late December of 2012. Dead Center could very well equal DEATH for HUMANITY and other living things.

It appears that nobody has named this rocky zone of death. For want of a better name, I will name the belt after my Great Grandfather, Berthold. We will just call it the Berthold belt.

Expect the meteor ground strikes to increase dramatically in the coming months.
It sounds like you need a short course on astronomy; that would help a lot. Assumptions like these cause doubt to be cast on your premises on economics
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Little problem with your theory...NASA has a "sentry" radar (or is it radio) system that tracks "problem" asteroids. They believe they can see material that could impact earth about 100 years into the future.
The chances of any body capable of threatening the planet is "razor thin".
It sounds like you need a short course on astronomy; that would help a lot.

Actually, I have studied Astronomy. Do you know that you can not see the center of the Milky Way Galaxy because of what Astronomers call Cosmic Dust?

Yep, there may be dust there, and some of the particles may be as big as Mt. Everest, and they are not concentrated in the center of the plane but quite fairly distributed just like the planets are distributed around the sun.

Mathematically, the largest asteroids should be about where we are going to cross the plane in two years. Sort of like, if we were trying to cross the plane of the Solar System we chose to cross right where Jupiter and Saturn are located.
I have long postulated that there is a layer of rock debris in the central plane of our galaxy, along what we would call the Galactic Equator.

If I am right, as we approach the center of the galaxy (GALACTIC PLANE) in our wobble path every 5000 or so years (see Mayan Long Count Calendar), we should see more and more meteor and larger (i.e. Asteroids) strikes in the coming months. The Mayans did not say anything about meteors, so this is my claim alone.

This falling rocks from the sky anomaly will build in intensity until we are dead center in the plane of the Galaxy in late December of 2012. Dead Center could very well equal DEATH for HUMANITY and other living things.

It appears that nobody has named this rocky zone of death. For want of a better name, I will name the belt after my Great Grandfather, Berthold. We will just call it the Berthold belt.

Expect the meteor ground strikes to increase dramatically in the coming months.

Reagans astrologers told him this and it is why the defecit does not matter.
I guess 75 years or so is very soon in the glactic time scale of things.

Indeed, it's a brief flash on a galactic (or global) scale. And yet, we're supposed to believe in Global Warming...Climate Change...Chaos based on an equally brief period of faulty data and bogus models.
We all need to run towards the east and the same time so we can alter the earths rotational speed and orbit eough to avoid the hit?
I have long postulated that there is a layer of rock debris in the central plane of our galaxy, along what we would call the Galactic Equator.

If I am right, as we approach the center of the galaxy (GALACTIC PLANE) in our wobble path every 5000 or so years (see Mayan Long Count Calendar), we should see more and more meteor and larger (i.e. Asteroids) strikes in the coming months. The Mayans did not say anything about meteors, so this is my claim alone.

This falling rocks from the sky anomaly will build in intensity until we are dead center in the plane of the Galaxy in late December of 2012. Dead Center could very well equal DEATH for HUMANITY and other living things.

It appears that nobody has named this rocky zone of death. For want of a better name, I will name the belt after my Great Grandfather, Berthold. We will just call it the Berthold belt.

Expect the meteor ground strikes to increase dramatically in the coming months.

62 million year extinction cycle
If memory serves, the Mayans were an astronomy obseessed people who mapped out the skies movements well beyond theior time. the winter solstic of 2012 simply coinciding with what is know as a galactic alignment

more here>

Galactic alignment In the mid-1990s, esoteric author John Major Jenkins asserted that the ancient Maya intended to tie the end of their calendar to the winter solstice in 2012, which falls on December 21. This date was in line with an idea he terms the galactic alignment.[58]

In the Solar System, the planets and the Sun share roughly the same plane of orbit, known as the plane of the ecliptic. From our perspective on Earth, the ecliptic is the path taken by the Sun across the sky over the course of the year. The 12 constellations which line the ecliptic are known as the zodiac and, through the year, the Sun passes through each constellation in turn. Additionally, over time, the Sun's annual passage appears to recede counterclockwise by one degree every 72 years. This movement, called "precession", is attributed to a slight wobble in the Earth's axis as it spins.[59] As a result, approximately every 2,160 years, the constellation visible on the early morning of the spring equinox changes. In Western astrological traditions, this signals the end of one astrological age (currently the Age of Pisces) and the beginning of another (Age of Aquarius). Over the course of 26,000 years, precession makes one full circuit around the ecliptic.[59]

Just as the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere is currently in the constellation of Pisces, so the winter solstice is currently in the constellation of Sagittarius, which is the zodiacal constellation intersected by the galactic equator.[60] Every year for the last 1,000 years or so, on the winter solstice, the Earth, Sun and the galactic equator come into alignment, and every year, precession pushes the Sun's position a little way further through the Milky Way's band.

The Milky Way near Cygnus showing the lane of the Dark Rift, which the Maya called the Xibalba be or "Black Road"Jenkins suggests that the Maya based their calendar on observations of the Great Rift, a band of dark dust clouds in the Milky Way, which the Maya called the Xibalba be or "Black Road."[61] Jenkins claims that the Maya were aware of where the ecliptic intersected the Black Road and gave this position in the sky a special significance in their cosmology.[62] According to the hypothesis, the Sun precisely aligns with this intersection point at the winter solstice of 2012.[62] Jenkins claimed that the classical Mayans anticipated this conjunction and celebrated it as the harbinger of a profound spiritual transition for mankind.[63] New Age proponents of the galactic alignment hypothesis argue that, just as astrology uses the positions of stars and planets to make claims of future events, the Mayans plotted their calendars with the objective of preparing for significant world events.[64] Jenkins attributes the insights of ancient Maya shamans about the galactic center to their use of psilocybin mushrooms, psychoactive toads, and other psychedelics.[65] Jenkins also associates the Xibalba be with a "world tree", drawing on studies of contemporary (not ancient) Maya cosmology.[66]

2012 phenomenon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I remember when you used to be half sane.

you do?

i must have missed it.

but i have to wonder... who took his place today walking up and down the street with a sandwich board that says "THE END IS NEAR".

Yeah, about two years ago.

He had a screw loose then, but it wasn't this full blown lunacy.

Or maybe I just caught him in a brief moment of lucidity.
I remember when you used to be half sane.

you do?

i must have missed it.

but i have to wonder... who took his place today walking up and down the street with a sandwich board that says "THE END IS NEAR".

Yeah, about two years ago.

He had a screw loose then, but it wasn't this full blown lunacy.

Or maybe I just caught him in a brief moment of lucidity.

that could be it. timing is everything.

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