We Are All Cherokees Now

One can see how much they are freaking out over Warren DARING to call the orange slug's bluff....just look at all the threads. This is even after the mods have merged some of them on at least two occasions in the last two days.
Her false claims that are intended to enhance her political/professional opportunities are blatant lies, misrepresentations of the truth in order to mislead others to support her for specious and arbitrary reasons. IOW: she's a lying sack of shit who will say, and do anything, to improve her chances at gaining power and financial advantage.

Can you point out any specific lie? She does have American Indian ancestry probably about 6 to 10 generations back. That is consistent with all claims she has made, isn't it?
She didn't know that with any certainty, and she used her supposed status to gain advantage not available to others. She's a lying sack of shit who did not count on being vetted to this extent. Liawahtha is nothing more than a political hack using bullshit to 'authenticate" her claims to superiority. She's a liar. She's a political hack. She could care less for her constituency, as long as she gains political status for her lying ass.

She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?
Only a fucking moron would consider 1/1024 American Indian, The Cherokee nation told the fucking bitch to pound sand

You gotta wonder why she hates the other 99% of her identity.

You meant her superior cheekbones, right?

Funny remark, but will you answer the question? Can you show how accurately putting a check in that box indicating she had some American Indian ancestry had the slightest bit of effect on any success she has had in anything?

It must have or she wouldn't have done it nor would she have touted the fact.

NOW, let me ask YOU a question. Let's say someone whose great-grandfather had a white father and a black mother and that great grandfather married a white girl that produced a white woman that became her grandmother that gave birth to son that became her father that married a white woman that became her mom...now, could or should that girl that had a half black great-grandfather be allowed to claim that she is African American???? Yes or no?????

So how did that check mark, which has been proven to be accurate, change her career? Your hypothetical person could certainly claim mixed heritage, but not 100% African American or 100% Caucasian. Are you trying to say Warren claimed to be 100% American Indian? When do you think she did that?
Oh, sure, 1024th equals Native American. Yeah, thanks for playing. Even Alaskan Natives don't recognize that miniscule particle as legitimate. Any one of us could apparently claim that much affinity. Spare me. The bitch is a lying sack of shit who pretends so she can cash in on her "heritage". Are really so stupid?

Dumb right winger. You ignore the higher end of the window.

When you stop and think about it the higher end of the window is the other 98.5% of who she really is.

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Blood Quantum be damned. We don't need no stinking blood quantum!

In what can only be described as one of the most spectacular backfires in political history... Lizzie Warren's latest forray into world of genetic lineage in an attempt to establish some forlorn Native American connection has not produced the expected result of promoting her political career.

Aside from the fact that her usage of a close acquaintance to do the genetic research gives the appearance of a biased scientific result we are asked to believe that the rather unfocused estimate of 6 to 10 generations of descendancy is foggy enough to deflect all questions about whether or not such genetic concentrations even constitute a real identity.

Having once before raised the ire of the American Indian Nation when she was running for the Senate it would seem she should have learned her lesson the first time. If the entire point of this exercise was to gain some type of foot hold for the 2020 presidential race I think we can say with a fair amount of Surety it failed miserably.

Her most Ardent supporters will point out that all she ever sought to do was establish a connection which they feel she did successfully. Perhaps this is true.

However the overarching question here is why did it ever become an issue in the first place? if we are to trust the results of the tests that she has submitted for public perusal we find nothing remarkable about her blood concentrations that are not shared by literally millions of other Americans that make no such claim to a Native American Heritage.

If indeed her only intention was to establish the connection and nothing more then why even mention it?

No instead it would seem that she was searching for a way to distinguish herself.
When it was pointed out to her that there really is nothing to feel distinguished about the conflagration began and the fued was on. This is a battle she cannot win because regardless of her intentions it has placed her squarely at odds with the very same people she seeks to connect to.

Not only are they upset at what they perceive to be the theft of their heritage they are also apparently aggrieved by what they see as blatant, politically motivated opportunism at the expense of an already beleaguered minority.

But take heart dear brethren! It would seem that there is after all something bold and exciting here for everyone! According to the new politically correct standards for such things it would appear that we are all Cherokees now!

I wish I could find an Oprah Winfrey meme where she says...."You win a car he wins a car she wins a car we all win a car"


You are a Cherokee he is a Cherokee she is a Cherokee we are all Cherokees !!!:04:
She had the same certainty that any of us have when our parents tell us about our ancestors. Can you name a single person or group who chose her for anything that says her ancestry determined their choice?

A piece of cake. Every college she attended she checked the box as a Native American, a woman of color. She lied. She cheated a genuine woman of color, that place in the student body. She did it again when she took her job with Harvard as a professor.

At Harvard, she was touted as: “Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, [spokesperson Mike] Chmura said Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren is Native American,” read the article, which was titled “Survey: Diversity Lacking at HLS.”

FLASHBACK: Harvard Law School Once Touted Liz Warren As A Native American Professor

As a result of this DNA fiasco, even the Cherokee Nation has denounced her as a fraud.
She didn't apply for the job. She was recruited. That means they asked her.

They asked her because she claimed to be Native American and was a woman of color. Their law school would not have to admit that the entire staff of their law school was white. So everyone was happy! Harvard was thrilled to point out in their brochures, press releases and whatever that their Law School was the model of diversity, after all, one of their professors was a Native American. Granted, their Native American was blond and blue-eyed but hey, she said she is Native American. Sen. Warren was thrilled. She was given a position which was intended for a woman of color. Thus, she cheated another minority out of job.
This entire thread sucks. Human DNA has a built-in mechanism called mutation that affects one in 5,000 DNA cells. The human body contains 37 TRILLION cells. (30,000,000,000,000) Do the math. Every 7 years your body rebuilds every cell in itself. For every 5,000 cells in the body created after its parent, one cell per 5,000 mutates. A baby has millions of cells likely unlike either parent. That's what makes every human unique. I can see that if Ms. Warren's family history shows that she indeed has a Cherokee in her ancestry that even dates back 6 generations, there's a chance her DNA could be so unique that expected markers may or may not show up. There was a lot of intermarriage in certain tribes of Indians in America, and many losses on the Trail of Tears. Killing off the males in a tribe to claim the females for the victors was likely the same as those events in Biblical times. Maybe a marker was missing in the family line due to war lost or won, or both; Ms. Warren may not be lying at all. Indians adopted people outside their tribes all the time. Our American Indian ancestors were kindly family members, and if a tribe lost 3/4 of its members in an unusually harsh winter, the nearby tribes might move in and adopt the starving few nature left to survive. Therefore, the DNA in a tribe could completely change in less than a hundred years.

I give Ms. Warren a pass on her ancestry even DNA markers aren't behaving as expected. Anomalies happen in DNA. Tribes intermarry under duress of losing a portion of a tribe or adopting survivors of a tribe that just had bad luck one winter or more. Viral infections can change DNA. Stress can. Starvation can. Weather can stress and accelerate mutations. We haven't scratched the surface of why DNA changes, and what we know today may not be what is known about DNA ten years from now as research tries to resolve things we cannot prove for generations.

If Ms. Warren says she is Cherokee, she is likely related in some way to the tribe. When we adopt children, some states change names on birth certificates. It's not that clear about how Indian tribes broght in individuals at festival times when they interacted socially with many tribes for one reason or another. These affairs would likely expose tribal members of one tribe intermarrying with someone in another tribe with different DNA markers. We don't know a lot of details of things that were never written down, and forgotten by the passage of a couple of generations or more. It's complicated. I'm leaving it at that.
Im not sure all your ranting is having any effect. Crazy right wingers still oppose her. Has anything changed?

She is a Socialist. What you mean is SANE right wingers (Conservatives) still oppose her. Crazy right wingers would be Progressives who would wildly support the fraud.

Believe what you want. Right wingers will agree. The rest of the country doesn't care.
This entire thread sucks. Human DNA has a built-in mechanism called mutation that affects one in 5,000 DNA cells. The human body contains 37 TRILLION cells. (30,000,000,000,000) Do the math. Every 7 years your body rebuilds every cell in itself. For every 5,000 cells in the body created after its parent, one cell per 5,000 mutates. A baby has millions of cells likely unlike either parent. That's what makes every human unique. I can see that if Ms. Warren's family history shows that she indeed has a Cherokee in her ancestry that even dates back 6 generations, there's a chance her DNA could be so unique that expected markers may or may not show up. There was a lot of intermarriage in certain tribes of Indians in America, and many losses on the Trail of Tears. Killing off the males in a tribe to claim the females for the victors was likely the same as those events in Biblical times. Maybe a marker was missing in the family line due to war lost or won, or both; Ms. Warren may not be lying at all. Indians adopted people outside their tribes all the time. Our American Indian ancestors were kindly family members, and if a tribe lost 3/4 of its members in an unusually harsh winter, the nearby tribes might move in and adopt the starving few nature left to survive. Therefore, the DNA in a tribe could completely change in less than a hundred years.

I give Ms. Warren a pass on her ancestry even DNA markers aren't behaving as expected. Anomalies happen in DNA. Tribes intermarry under duress of losing a portion of a tribe or adopting survivors of a tribe that just had bad luck one winter or more. Viral infections can change DNA. Stress can. Starvation can. Weather can stress and accelerate mutations. We haven't scratched the surface of why DNA changes, and what we know today may not be what is known about DNA ten years from now as research tries to resolve things we cannot prove for generations.

If Ms. Warren says she is Cherokee, she is likely related in some way to the tribe. When we adopt children, some states change names on birth certificates. It's not that clear about how Indian tribes broght in individuals at festival times when they interacted socially with many tribes for one reason or another. These affairs would likely expose tribal members of one tribe intermarrying with someone in another tribe with different DNA markers. We don't know a lot of details of things that were never written down, and forgotten by the passage of a couple of generations or more. It's complicated. I'm leaving it at that.


That's an awful lot of words to be so damn wrong. See science doesn't have much to do with feelings it's just a pragmatic practice of proven results.

DNA is remarkably resilient unlike your knowledge of genetics I'm afraid.

The Problem with your whiny rant is that it is already been demonstrated that not only does her DNA not give strong indication of close genetic connections.. genealogist have been hired to look into her background finding little to no involvement with any of the Indian cultures ambient to the area where she was brought and where her ancestors come from.

It has been mentioned throughout this thread and in other threads that one of the most popular misconceptions about a person's ancestry in North America is that they have descended from some American Indian tribe.

Why do you think the Indian Nation themselves have disregarded both her story and condemned her DNA testing results?

I'm very sure that her mother told her bedtime stories about her being an Indian princess... That doesn't explain why she plagiarized half of her cook book though.

This entire thread sucks. Human DNA has a built-in mechanism called mutation that affects one in 5,000 DNA cells. The human body contains 37 TRILLION cells. (30,000,000,000,000) Do the math. Every 7 years your body rebuilds every cell in itself. For every 5,000 cells in the body created after its parent, one cell per 5,000 mutates. A baby has millions of cells likely unlike either parent. That's what makes every human unique. I can see that if Ms. Warren's family history shows that she indeed has a Cherokee in her ancestry that even dates back 6 generations, there's a chance her DNA could be so unique that expected markers may or may not show up. There was a lot of intermarriage in certain tribes of Indians in America, and many losses on the Trail of Tears. Killing off the males in a tribe to claim the females for the victors was likely the same as those events in Biblical times. Maybe a marker was missing in the family line due to war lost or won, or both; Ms. Warren may not be lying at all. Indians adopted people outside their tribes all the time. Our American Indian ancestors were kindly family members, and if a tribe lost 3/4 of its members in an unusually harsh winter, the nearby tribes might move in and adopt the starving few nature left to survive. Therefore, the DNA in a tribe could completely change in less than a hundred years.

I give Ms. Warren a pass on her ancestry even DNA markers aren't behaving as expected. Anomalies happen in DNA. Tribes intermarry under duress of losing a portion of a tribe or adopting survivors of a tribe that just had bad luck one winter or more. Viral infections can change DNA. Stress can. Starvation can. Weather can stress and accelerate mutations. We haven't scratched the surface of why DNA changes, and what we know today may not be what is known about DNA ten years from now as research tries to resolve things we cannot prove for generations.

If Ms. Warren says she is Cherokee, she is likely related in some way to the tribe. When we adopt children, some states change names on birth certificates. It's not that clear about how Indian tribes broght in individuals at festival times when they interacted socially with many tribes for one reason or another. These affairs would likely expose tribal members of one tribe intermarrying with someone in another tribe with different DNA markers. We don't know a lot of details of things that were never written down, and forgotten by the passage of a couple of generations or more. It's complicated. I'm leaving it at that.


That's an awful lot of words to be so damn wrong. See science doesn't have much to do with feelings it's just a pragmatic practice of proven results.

DNA is remarkably resilient unlike your knowledge of genetics I'm afraid.

The Problem with your whiny rant is that it is already been demonstrated that not only does her DNA not give strong indication of close genetic connections.. genealogist have been hired to look into her background finding little to no involvement with any of the Indian cultures ambient to the area where she was brought and where her ancestors come from.

It has been mentioned throughout this thread and in other threads that one of the most popular misconceptions about a person's ancestry in North America is that they have descended from some American Indian tribe.

Why do you think the Indian Nation themselves have disregarded both her story and condemned her DNA testing results?

I'm very sure that her mother told her bedtime stories about her being an Indian princess... That doesn't explain why she plagiarized half of her cook book though.

Did you learn "Bwahahah" at a convention for dirty minds, justoffal, or are you just awful for beginning your cavalier blather with a 4-letter word rather than to disprove my knowledge of DNA which is in accordance with current knowledge of the mathematics of DNA and its propensity to mutate t least once in every 5000 cells. If you divide 37 trillion by 5000, that's unique changes in 74 billion different cells upon arrival in life. That could wipe out a marker in anyone at any time, and when cells are replaced every 7 years of life on average, the same number of mutations can and do occur. Why, there are enough mutations going on in life to ensure that every person born doesn't look exactly like anyone else with one immediate exception being an identical twin, and that's only at conception before mutations start multiplying differences.

Mrs. Warren knows she is a Cherokee, and she is not responsible for what a parent may or may not have omitted from her knowledge. Life can be a lot of things, but it is alike in the fact that each person, each plant, each animal, everything in this life is different from any other due to DNA mutation.

I rest my case. Go ahead and knock yourself out badmouthing scientific knowledge and that science is merely a study of God's wonderful, beautiful, diversified physical world. You're most good at it, but you should put your guns away when you are ready to take aim and fire so proficiently at your own foot.
If Ms. Warren says she is Cherokee, she is likely related in some way to the tribe. When we adopt children, some states change names on birth certificates. It's not that clear about how Indian tribes broght in individuals at festival times when they interacted socially with many tribes for one reason or another. These affairs would likely expose tribal members of one tribe intermarrying with someone in another tribe with different DNA markers. We don't know a lot of details of things that were never written down, and forgotten by the passage of a couple of generations or more. It's complicated. I'm leaving it at that.

Your desperation is duly noted. Some elementary research on your part might help you to not make a fool of yourself in your next post.

The Cherokee Nation has denied that Sen. Elizabeth Warren is in any way, a Native American. She has lied and taken advantage of that lie to the detriment of authentic Native Americans.

If Ms. Warren says she is Cherokee, she is likely related in some way to the tribe. When we adopt children, some states change names on birth certificates. It's not that clear about how Indian tribes broght in individuals at festival times when they interacted socially with many tribes for one reason or another. These affairs would likely expose tribal members of one tribe intermarrying with someone in another tribe with different DNA markers. We don't know a lot of details of things that were never written down, and forgotten by the passage of a couple of generations or more. It's complicated. I'm leaving it at that.

Your desperation is duly noted. Some elementary research on your part might help you to not make a fool of yourself in your next post.

The Cherokee Nation has denied that Sen. Elizabeth Warren is in any way, a Native American. She has lied and taken advantage of that lie to the detriment of authentic Native Americans.

You're confusing desperation with a person who loves people and hates to see someone on either side of the aisle needlessly tormented. I really don't know which side of the aisle Ms. Warren comes from. I have no tv, no radio, do not take the newspaper due to its bias, and I do not care to have my taxes raised as I am a widow for 2 years. I agree with what you posted about the Cherokee Nation, however. Try to have a lovely day after barfing up all your bilge on quite peaceful me. lolol
If Ms. Warren says she is Cherokee, she is likely related in some way to the tribe. When we adopt children, some states change names on birth certificates. It's not that clear about how Indian tribes broght in individuals at festival times when they interacted socially with many tribes for one reason or another. These affairs would likely expose tribal members of one tribe intermarrying with someone in another tribe with different DNA markers. We don't know a lot of details of things that were never written down, and forgotten by the passage of a couple of generations or more. It's complicated. I'm leaving it at that.

Your desperation is duly noted. Some elementary research on your part might help you to not make a fool of yourself in your next post.

The Cherokee Nation has denied that Sen. Elizabeth Warren is in any way, a Native American. She has lied and taken advantage of that lie to the detriment of authentic Native Americans.

You're confusing desperation with a person who loves people and hates to see someone on either side of the aisle needlessly tormented. I really don't know which side of the aisle Ms. Warren comes from. I have no tv, no radio, do not take the newspaper due to its bias, and I do not care to have my taxes raised as I am a widow for 2 years. I agree with what you posted about the Cherokee Nation, however. Try to have a lovely day after barfing up all your bilge on quite peaceful me. lolol

If you acknowledge that you are ignorant about all the topics on this message board, why are you here?
If Ms. Warren says she is Cherokee, she is likely related in some way to the tribe. When we adopt children, some states change names on birth certificates. It's not that clear about how Indian tribes broght in individuals at festival times when they interacted socially with many tribes for one reason or another. These affairs would likely expose tribal members of one tribe intermarrying with someone in another tribe with different DNA markers. We don't know a lot of details of things that were never written down, and forgotten by the passage of a couple of generations or more. It's complicated. I'm leaving it at that.

Your desperation is duly noted. Some elementary research on your part might help you to not make a fool of yourself in your next post.

The Cherokee Nation has denied that Sen. Elizabeth Warren is in any way, a Native American. She has lied and taken advantage of that lie to the detriment of authentic Native Americans.

You're confusing desperation with a person who loves people and hates to see someone on either side of the aisle needlessly tormented. I really don't know which side of the aisle Ms. Warren comes from. I have no tv, no radio, do not take the newspaper due to its bias, and I do not care to have my taxes raised as I am a widow for 2 years. I agree with what you posted about the Cherokee Nation, however. Try to have a lovely day after barfing up all your bilge on quite peaceful me. lolol

If you acknowledge that you are ignorant about all the topics on this message board, why are you here?
Because in my humble and most lowly opinion, it's fun to watch my detractors knock themselves out trying to assassinate my character only because I'm a conservative. Why are you here, other than trying to make yourself important by putting somebody else down?
If Ms. Warren says she is Cherokee, she is likely related in some way to the tribe. When we adopt children, some states change names on birth certificates. It's not that clear about how Indian tribes broght in individuals at festival times when they interacted socially with many tribes for one reason or another. These affairs would likely expose tribal members of one tribe intermarrying with someone in another tribe with different DNA markers. We don't know a lot of details of things that were never written down, and forgotten by the passage of a couple of generations or more. It's complicated. I'm leaving it at that.

Your desperation is duly noted. Some elementary research on your part might help you to not make a fool of yourself in your next post.

The Cherokee Nation has denied that Sen. Elizabeth Warren is in any way, a Native American. She has lied and taken advantage of that lie to the detriment of authentic Native Americans.

You're confusing desperation with a person who loves people and hates to see someone on either side of the aisle needlessly tormented. I really don't know which side of the aisle Ms. Warren comes from. I have no tv, no radio, do not take the newspaper due to its bias, and I do not care to have my taxes raised as I am a widow for 2 years. I agree with what you posted about the Cherokee Nation, however. Try to have a lovely day after barfing up all your bilge on quite peaceful me. lolol
Ms. Warren comes from that side of the aisle that would strip you of your hard-earned livelihood in order to subsidize any number of "special" groups deemed more likely to support her continued striving to enhance her wealth, notoriety, and power. She's lied throughout her adult life, pretending to be a member of a select group that has been singled out by government fiat as somehow worthy of special consideration when the goodies are handed out. She's a liar and a fake. She deserves NOTHING other than a quick dismissal for fraud.

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