We are a Nation Divided


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
It's clear we no longer share the same values including the most basic notion of what it means to be a nation. We are only arguing about the degree and speed of the death spiral we are in as a nation.

The Progressives who control the Democrat Party believe we have no right to secure our borders nor should we have any means of controlling who we are as a people. In fact, they are actively supporting the supplanting of American culture, property and civil society with an Illegal Mexican invasion.

There's no compromising, there's no room for negotiating; one group must win the other must Unconditionally Surrender.
It's clear we no longer share the same values including the most basic notion of what it means to be a nation. We are only arguing about the degree and speed of the death spiral we are in as a nation.

The Progressives who control the Democrat Party believe we have no right to secure our borders nor should we have any means of controlling who we are as a people. In fact, they are actively supporting the supplanting of American culture, property and civil society with an Illegal Mexican invasion.

There's no compromising, there's no room for negotiating; one group must win the other must Unconditionally Surrender.

Pro Tip: Frank made this thread because of this:


Frank avoided my question and refused to say no to the following question:

Do you want members of our military at our borders shooting anyone who tries to enter? Whether they be men, women, children, armed or unarmed?

It's become quite clear to me as it should to others that Frank wants us to shoot women and children. It should be quite easy to say "No, I don't want to shoot women and children who are unarmed." However, Frank the Birther has a problem answering such a question.

According to Frank, we should compromise on shooting unarmed people. :cuckoo:
I agree. We are divided, with common ground shrinking more and more. It's no longer a question of two sides sharing a common goal, disagreeing on how best to achieve it. The goals are now completely different. That's what "fundamenal transformation" meant.
We are going to become more divided now that a federal judge blocked the Arizona immigration Bill.

Today’s ruling by Judge Bolton prevents police officers from checking a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws. She also blocked components that require immigrants to carry their documentation to identify themselves. Hearing arguments from attorneys from the Justice Department, ACLU and the defendants, the State of Arizona resulted in today’s ’stay’ being issued until further hearings to decide on the entire bill.

The Arizona law, SB 1070, has caused a firestorm of protests and demonstrations both for and against it. Several other states are considering similar laws. Polls indicate the law has widespread support nationwide. But The Obama Administration has been under pressure from Hispanic groups to act against it.

Judge Bolton wrote in her stay that “preserving the status quo through a preliminary injunction is less harmful than allowing state laws that are likely preempted by federal law to be enforced.” She adds in her 36-page ruling “There is a substantial likelihood that officers will wrongfully arrest legal resident aliens.” She concludes that “By enforcing this statue, Arizona would impose a ‘distinct, unusual and extraordinary’ burden on legal resident aliens that only the federal government has the authority to impose.”

The injunction by Federal Judge Susan Bolton blocking Arizona SB 1070, set to take effect tomorrow, will block the state from acting on the law. Her ruling could open the door, however, to states not enforcing other Federal laws. If only the Federal government has the authority to act on certain laws, such as the nation’s drug laws, could Judge Bolton’s reasons be applied to state and local police not enforcing them? Today’s ruling will impact immigration policy and will continue to be opposed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.
Federal Judge Susan Bolton Blocks Arizona BS 1070 Illegal Immgration Law Right Pundits

Seems illegals don't need to even identify themselves. Hell the citizens of this great nation have to identify themselves. WTF?
We haven't seen nothing yet.
Wait until Obama, under Executive Order, signs a comprehensive amnesty bill well before the 2012 election.
No we're not...it was MUCH worse in the 60s.

back in the 60's it did not seem to matter who was in charge....both parties took care of the country....they balanced each other out.....nowadays?.....im not so sure.....the party or the individual seems to be more important....and everybody is worrying about,what everyone is going to think about what has been said....Political Correctness is helping destroy this fabric that has held us together....as well as the extremist from both ends....the FAR Left and Right...
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If you think we are divided now...

Wait till it turns out that Obama was born in Kenya
Wait till Obama rounds up everyones guns
Wait till Obama institutes Socialism
Wait till Obama tears down the border fences and grands open amnesty

Things are going to get much worse
I still say fcukkk a wall. Spend the next 2 months litterring the countryside of Mexico with pamphlets written in Spanish, "You try to cross the border, you might get your ass blown off by a big ass mine"

You give fair warning............and then start planting some of those pinneapple type mines that eject up about 3 feet and then go off. Think about the dererrent effect a few of those going off would have on would be border crossers. So the cotton picking industry might take a bit of a hit for awhile but the cost woould be negligible. Sh!t........you could pull the damn border guards off the border and send them someplace else FTW!!!
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It's clear we no longer share the same values including the most basic notion of what it means to be a nation. We are only arguing about the degree and speed of the death spiral we are in as a nation.

The Progressives who control the Democrat Party believe we have no right to secure our borders nor should we have any means of controlling who we are as a people. In fact, they are actively supporting the supplanting of American culture, property and civil society with an Illegal Mexican invasion.

There's no compromising, there's no room for negotiating; one group must win the other must Unconditionally Surrender.

Pro Tip: Frank made this thread because of this:


Frank avoided my question and refused to say no to the following question:

Do you want members of our military at our borders shooting anyone who tries to enter? Whether they be men, women, children, armed or unarmed?

It's become quite clear to me as it should to others that Frank wants us to shoot women and children. It should be quite easy to say "No, I don't want to shoot women and children who are unarmed." However, Frank the Birther has a problem answering such a question.

According to Frank, we should compromise on shooting unarmed people. :cuckoo:

You're an embarrassment.

I answered your question, Freddo.
You're an embarrassment.

I answered your question, Freddo.

You didn't give me a straight answer. You dodged my question. When it comes down to it, you would shoot unarmed women and children and declare war on Mexico.

I expect nothing less from a person who thinks Operation Wetback deported 13 million illegals and thinks Obama was born in Kenya.
I still say fcukkk a wall. Spend the next 2 months litterring the countryside of Mexico with pamphlets written in Spanish, "You try to cross the border, you might get your ass blown off by a big ass mine"

You give fair warning............and then start planting some of those pinnaple type mines that eject up about 3 feet and then go off. Think about the dererrent effect a few of those going off would have on would be border crossers. So the cotton picking industry might take a bit of a hit for awhile but the cost woould be negligible. Sh!t........you could pull the damn border guards off the border and send them someplace else FTW!!!

Wouldn't work. Human traffickers and drug smugglers would use women and children to explode them to clear a path.
Back in the 60's only Dem celebrities and Walter Cronkite openly cheered and rooted for the enemy. Now the entire party leadership called the war lost, tried to defund our troops in combat, called our troops terrorists and cold blooded killers and are now actively defeating an attempt to control the borders.

No, it's not the 60's
I still say fcukkk a wall. Spend the next 2 months litterring the countryside of Mexico with pamphlets written in Spanish, "You try to cross the border, you might get your ass blown off by a big ass mine"

You give fair warning............and then start planting some of those pinnaple type mines that eject up about 3 feet and then go off. Think about the dererrent effect a few of those going off would have on would be border crossers. So the cotton picking industry might take a bit of a hit for awhile but the cost woould be negligible. Sh!t........you could pull the damn border guards off the border and send them someplace else FTW!!!

You're going to pepper the border with landmines? Are you insane or a troll?
Back in the 60's only Dem celebrities and Walter Cronkite openly cheered and rooted for the enemy. Now the entire party leadership called the war lost, tried to defund our troops in combat, called our troops terrorists and cold blooded killers and are now actively defeating an attempt to control the borders.

No, it's not the 60's

It's clear we no longer share the same values including the most basic notion of what it means to be a nation. We are only arguing about the degree and speed of the death spiral we are in as a nation.
You "conservatives" can stop fightin' The Civil War, any-time-now....... :rolleyes:
You're an embarrassment.

I answered your question, Freddo.

You didn't give me a straight answer. You dodged my question. When it comes down to it, you would shoot unarmed women and children and declare war on Mexico.

I expect nothing less from a person who thinks Operation Wetback deported 13 million illegals and thinks Obama was born in Kenya.

It was one of the dumbest question ever, I couldn't believe you were serious. I thought you were hysterical and were going to get some commons sense and retract it, but, sigh, you kept doubling down on a losing bet.

Again: I don't willy nilly support shooting unarmed women and children, that's a childish Lib circle jerk fantasy around a serious issue
We haven't seen nothing yet.
Wait until Obama, under Executive Order, signs a comprehensive amnesty bill well before the 2012 election.

Yes, that kind of thing really divided that when Reagan did it in the 80s. No.....wait.

I don't know if it divided, but, it certainly didn't do ANYTHING it ws supposed to do... except reward those who entered illegally and let another 10+ million in illegally. So, sure... let's do it again!

Message: Break into our country... wait a while.. and we'll just blow it off.
You're an embarrassment.

I answered your question, Freddo.

You didn't give me a straight answer. You dodged my question. When it comes down to it, you would shoot unarmed women and children and declare war on Mexico.

I expect nothing less from a person who thinks Operation Wetback deported 13 million illegals and thinks Obama was born in Kenya.

It was one of the dumbest question ever, I couldn't believe you were serious. I thought you were hysterical and were going to get some commons sense and retract it, but, sigh, you kept doubling down on a losing bet.

Again: I don't willy nilly support shooting unarmed women and children, that's a childish Lib circle jerk fantasy around a serious issue

What do you expect from the nitwit left... they think the AZ police are going to round up people from ice-cream stands starting 7/29.

Their whole world is a fantasy.

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