Watch the back door.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.
Quit being afraid of a future you will have no part in. Freedom is first thing that will have to die to turn back the clock to some magical time when America was great.
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

A government which provides its citizens basic healthcare is definitely not a limit on freedom.

When I see a US politician beholden to a foreign dictator, I worry the backdoor is letting in the swamp.
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In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

Indeed, Trump dropped the proverbial turd in the globalist punch bowl. They will not give up power easily.
“Oppressive language does more than represent violence; it is violence; does more than represent the limits of knowledge; it limits knowledge. Whether it is obscuring state language or the faux-language of mindless media; whether it is the proud but calcified language of the academy or the commodity-driven language of science; whether it is the malign language of law-without-ethics, or language designed for the estrangement of minorities, hiding its racist plunder in its literary cheek – it must be rejected, altered and exposed. It is the language that drinks blood, laps vulnerabilities, tucks its fascist boots under crinolines of respectability and patriotism as it moves relentlessly toward the bottom line and the bottomed-out mind. Sexist language, racist language, theistic language ― all are typical of the policing languages of mastery, and cannot, do not permit new knowledge or encourage the mutual exchange of ideas.”
Of course it’s not a free country, at least not in the sense our Founders envisioned. This has been true for decades. Trump didn’t cause this.

Our central government is like a big corporation. Only the shareholders have power to control what is done, and only those shareholders with the most shares get what they want. The nation is of, by, and for the wealthy.
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

Indeed, Trump dropped the proverbial turd in the globalist punch bowl. They will not give up power easily.

Can you imagine the US Marshals having to remove Trump from the Whitehouse in Handcuffs because he refuses to go? Imagine is minions seeing that as an excuse to grab the guns and start shooting anyone and anything that they remotely believe doesn't support them and their murderous ways. Jan 2021 may be a turning point in our Nation when the rest of us get our nation back and start rebuilding it from the rubble.
Quit being afraid of a future you will have no part in. Freedom is first thing that will have to die to turn back the clock to some magical time when America was great.

You can't write it off as just longing for the good old days. What's coming is ugly.
The future is always terrifying, it's the human condition. It's not easy to have faith in humanity at times but we are clever and resilient and equal to any challenge. The last thing we need is your suicidal fatalism.
Quit being afraid of a future you will have no part in. Freedom is first thing that will have to die to turn back the clock to some magical time when America was great.

You're a friggin imbecile. Shut your cock gobbler loser.

In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

Good post. Thank you.
Quit being afraid of a future you will have no part in. Freedom is first thing that will have to die to turn back the clock to some magical time when America was great.

You can't write it off as just longing for the good old days. What's coming is ugly.
The future is always terrifying, it's the human condition. It's not easy to have faith in humanity at times but we are clever and resilient and equal to any challenge. The last thing we need is your suicidal fatalism.
History is not on humanity's side.

We'll keep fighting for freedom.

In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

Indeed, Trump dropped the proverbial turd in the globalist punch bowl. They will not give up power easily.

Can you imagine the US Marshals having to remove Trump from the Whitehouse in Handcuffs because he refuses to go? Imagine is minions seeing that as an excuse to grab the guns and start shooting anyone and anything that they remotely believe doesn't support them and their murderous ways. Jan 2021 may be a turning point in our Nation when the rest of us get our nation back and start rebuilding it from the rubble.
Might be a good idea for others to protect themselves.

In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

A government which provides its citizens basic healthcare is definitely not a limit on freedom.

When I see a US politician beholden to a foreign dictator, I worry the backdoor is letting in the swamp.

Hillary didn't win.
A government which provides its citizens basic healthcare is definitely not a limit on freedom.

Imagine if all grocery stores put up signs that said, "All items FREE from now on". Those stores would be destroyed within days. Shelves would be ransacked. Food would be gone. Nobody would bother making the good food any more, because nobody would be paying them to do it..

You have no idea what you are talking about..
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

Indeed, Trump dropped the proverbial turd in the globalist punch bowl. They will not give up power easily.

Can you imagine the US Marshals having to remove Trump from the Whitehouse in Handcuffs because he refuses to go? Imagine is minions seeing that as an excuse to grab the guns and start shooting anyone and anything that they remotely believe doesn't support them and their murderous ways. Jan 2021 may be a turning point in our Nation when the rest of us get our nation back and start rebuilding it from the rubble.

I laugh
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

Excellent post, thank you. Judging by the fundamental litmus test of what is sane, pro-survival of the human race; what is benevolent and protective of the minds and bodies of our children, one cannot help but side against the radical American left, and that goes even without mentioning their support for cultural replacement, moral relativism, the suppression of Christianity, hatred of the entire history of America, and demonization of European heritage Americans.

Thus, on these aforementioned overtly malevolent platforms of the radical left alone, a large majority of Americans should be against the backdoor destruction of America as you have deemed it, which I think is a very accurate assessment. However, because half of America sees America's end on the horizon and the Democratic Party trying to hasten it, while the other half sides with the radical left out of hatred for our President, political disagreements can no longer be casual, cordial, amicably debated or dismissed as petty differences.

We've never faced a time like this in American History, where the entire population has become one giant powder keg who is one spark away from self-destructing. Even the lead up to the Civil War was by and large a mostly political/military affair, free of the level of vitriol between individual American Citizens the likes of which we're now facing in our current era. We as the people of the greatest human civilization to ever exist desperately need to be defused before the final fuse is lit.
A government which provides its citizens basic healthcare is definitely not a limit on freedom.

Imagine if all grocery stores put up signs that said, "All items FREE from now on". Those stores would be destroyed within days. Shelves would be ransacked. Food would be gone. Nobody would bother making the good food any more, because nobody would be paying them to do it..

You have no idea what you are talking about..
You’re still here? I thought for sure you would be banned again, by now.
In a free society a difference of opinion is tolerated as the price of the freedoms enjoyed by citizens. Those of us who have been around the block a few times can clearly remember arguments ending in: “Hey, it’s a free country, I disagree, now let’s have another beer”. We all knew that what we have here is special; it was taught in school-Civics, Social Studies, Comparative Government et al.

Something is changing in our society and to those of us who stood in line for Polio shots back when Rock was young that change feels like an ill wind that will blow no good. Something is trying to come through the back door. We knew our society was free but imperfect, and that was made clear to us. We were the television generation and we watched war scenes from Vietnam as well as violence against freedom marches in the south-free but imperfect.

Any free society is only as perfect as the individuals making up that society and there are no perfect individuals. But the freedom is the important thing to be preserved in spite of imperfection. It’s what makes us different from parts of the world that envy or freedoms. They are tethered to the umbilical post of concentrated power and they will never taste the freedoms and liberties we take for granted.

We need to watch what’s trying to come through the back door. When our current president got elected he interrupted a targeted fundamental change that was underway in our schools, our media and our politics. That change was contingent upon weakening our freedoms and liberties by empowering government. The lie that healthcare is a human right is front and center in the destruction of personal freedom. It’s a strategy to make everyone dependent on that government by force if necessary.

When you see politicians encouraging individuals to harass other individuals not just in public places but in their own homes this is no longer a free country. When you see powerful people calling for boycotts of businesses that have different opinions this is no longer a free country. When you see a political party use national security agencies to construct false charges of treason against an elected president this is no longer a free country.

Watch the back door very carefully. Something is coming for you and you must be ready to defend your freedom.

Excellent post, thank you. Judging by the fundamental litmus test of what is sane, pro-survival of the human race; what is benevolent and protective of the minds and bodies of our children, one cannot help but side against the radical American left, and that goes even without mentioning their support for cultural replacement, moral relativism, the suppression of Christianity, hatred of the entire history of America, and demonization of European heritage Americans.

Thus, on these aforementioned overtly malevolent platforms of the radical left alone, a large majority of Americans should be against the backdoor destruction of America as you have deemed it, which I think is a very accurate assessment. However, because half of America sees America's end on the horizon and the Democratic Party trying to hasten it, while the other half sides with the radical left out of hatred for our President, political disagreements can no longer be casual, cordial, amicably debated or dismissed as petty differences.

We've never faced a time like this in American History, where the entire population has become one giant powder keg who is one spark away from self-destructing. Even the lead up to the Civil War was by and large a mostly political/military affair, free of the level of vitriol between individual American Citizens the likes of which we're now facing in our current era. We as the people of the greatest human civilization to ever exist desperately need to be defused before the final fuse is lit.
I suspect the powers that be WANT the fuse lit and the resulting explosion. They clearly are instigating the division and hate.
Quit being afraid of a future you will have no part in. Freedom is first thing that will have to die to turn back the clock to some magical time when America was great.

You're a friggin imbecile. Shut your cock gobbler loser.
I was going to say something mean back to you but the thought that you will soon succumb to old age and senility like all the other cowardly, spoiled self-entitled boomers is enough.

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