Warning for America: The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Warning for America:
The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020
Warning for America: The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020 (thegatewaypundit.com)
24 Feb 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Back in July 2020 Scott McKay at American Spectator wrote an amazing piece on the Four Stages of Marxist Takeover.
McKay’s report is based on the words and warnings of Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov.
It’s been seven months since the report was published and the situation today is even more dire than predicted. Even McKay would never have predicted the antics of the Marxist left during the 2020 elections. The Marxist takeover of America is well on its way.
Here are the four steps of Marxist takeover of America.
The first goal of revolutionary propaganda, particularly the Marxist variety, is to demoralize. It’s to depress you and make you believe your civilization is lost. Once you succumb to that, you are, in the words of Ming the Merciless, “satisfied with less.” Why do you think ordinary white people are so willing to apologize for the sins of their ancestors and to confess to being racist without even knowing it? Why do you think corporate America is blindly endorsing a Marxist revolutionary organization that openly declares war on the nuclear family?​
That’s demoralization, and according to Bezmenov it’s the first step in engineered societal collapse.​
What’s the second step? Destabilization.​
Bezmenov describes that as a rapid decline in the structure of a society — its economy, its military, its international relations. We’ve discussed in this space the unquestionable impetus on the part of Democrats to keep the economy as hamstrung as possible with COVID-19 shutdowns, and those continue despite a precipitous decline in death rates as testing ramps up across the country.​
The third stage is crisis, the catalyzing event that builds on the first two stages to bring on the change the revolutionaries are looking for. Looking for a crisis? Take your pick. We barely even remember the fact that we just had only the third presidential impeachment in American history half a year ago, a constitutional crisis that was wholly and completely manufactured directly out of thin air. We progressed immediately from that to COVID-19, which was unquestionably a manufactured crisis — not that the virus itself isn’t deadly to a certain portion of the population, but if you think the panic and destruction it’s caused doesn’t smack of manufacture then it’s clear you’ve been demoralized.​
What’s the fourth stage? Normalization. As in, a “new normal.” The statues and monuments are gone, the ball games are out, or at least you aren’t allowed in the stadium to watch them (and you’ve got to watch them on TV interspersed with commercial spots and in-game messaging pushing whatever memes and narratives the ESPNs and NBCs of the world and their Madison Avenue partners wish to implant in your mind), the schools have purged American history and culture, the Universal Basic Income checks have replaced your job, which you can’t do because the small business where you used to work has gone under thanks to the virus.​

The revolution is upon us.
Pray to God that it is not too late for America.
And plan accordingly.

Indeed, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies are clearly pulling out all the stops now.
They are now controlling our systems of financial, legal, educational, healthcare, military, etc. PM/DSA Dem Commies want total power to legislate their Marxist fantasies.
An example is now being implemented where banks can refuse to do business with anyone associated with Conservative associations.
This is Not a conspiracy theory... The above article is accurate, omitting the part about WHO RAN the Bolshevik Revolution, Gulags and slaughtered 60+ Million Christians.
The same group is less than 2% of the USA population, but over 70% of the Biden Administration - they own/run the MSM, Film, Tee-Vee and Publishing that Demonize "whites" - and own/run the Big Tech companies that Silence us if we dare speak up about it.
Funny isn't it upon questioning, Garland believes BLM and Antifa aren't "terrorists," because his Cult RUNS those groups - same as they ran Antifa in the 1930's.
That is why the PMS/DSA Democrat Commies have built fences with razor staffed with the military around the People's Houses of the Capitol and White House...
Isn't that what The Great Reset is all about?

Warning for America:
The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020
Warning for America: The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020 (thegatewaypundit.com)
24 Feb 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Back in July 2020 Scott McKay at American Spectator wrote an amazing piece on the Four Stages of Marxist Takeover.
McKay’s report is based on the words and warnings of Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov.
It’s been seven months since the report was published and the situation today is even more dire than predicted. Even McKay would never have predicted the antics of the Marxist left during the 2020 elections. The Marxist takeover of America is well on its way.
Here are the four steps of Marxist takeover of America.
The first goal of revolutionary propaganda, particularly the Marxist variety, is to demoralize. It’s to depress you and make you believe your civilization is lost. Once you succumb to that, you are, in the words of Ming the Merciless, “satisfied with less.” Why do you think ordinary white people are so willing to apologize for the sins of their ancestors and to confess to being racist without even knowing it? Why do you think corporate America is blindly endorsing a Marxist revolutionary organization that openly declares war on the nuclear family?​
That’s demoralization, and according to Bezmenov it’s the first step in engineered societal collapse.​
What’s the second step? Destabilization.​
Bezmenov describes that as a rapid decline in the structure of a society — its economy, its military, its international relations. We’ve discussed in this space the unquestionable impetus on the part of Democrats to keep the economy as hamstrung as possible with COVID-19 shutdowns, and those continue despite a precipitous decline in death rates as testing ramps up across the country.​
The third stage is crisis, the catalyzing event that builds on the first two stages to bring on the change the revolutionaries are looking for. Looking for a crisis? Take your pick. We barely even remember the fact that we just had only the third presidential impeachment in American history half a year ago, a constitutional crisis that was wholly and completely manufactured directly out of thin air. We progressed immediately from that to COVID-19, which was unquestionably a manufactured crisis — not that the virus itself isn’t deadly to a certain portion of the population, but if you think the panic and destruction it’s caused doesn’t smack of manufacture then it’s clear you’ve been demoralized.​
What’s the fourth stage? Normalization. As in, a “new normal.” The statues and monuments are gone, the ball games are out, or at least you aren’t allowed in the stadium to watch them (and you’ve got to watch them on TV interspersed with commercial spots and in-game messaging pushing whatever memes and narratives the ESPNs and NBCs of the world and their Madison Avenue partners wish to implant in your mind), the schools have purged American history and culture, the Universal Basic Income checks have replaced your job, which you can’t do because the small business where you used to work has gone under thanks to the virus.​

The revolution is upon us.
Pray to God that it is not too late for America.
And plan accordingly.

Indeed, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies are clearly pulling out all the stops now.
They are now controlling our systems of financial, legal, educational, healthcare, military, etc. PM/DSA Dem Commies want total power to legislate their Marxist fantasies.
An example is now being implemented where banks can refuse to do business with anyone associated with Conservative associations.
This is Not a conspiracy theory... The above article is accurate, omitting the part about WHO RAN the Bolshevik Revolution, Gulags and slaughtered 60+ Million Christians.
The same group is less than 2% of the USA population, but over 70% of the Biden Administration - they own/run the MSM, Film, Tee-Vee and Publishing that Demonize "whites" - and own/run the Big Tech companies that Silence us if we dare speak up about it.
Funny isn't it upon questioning, Garland believes BLM and Antifa aren't "terrorists," because his Cult RUNS those groups - same as they ran Antifa in the 1930's.
That is why the PMS/DSA Democrat Commies have built fences with razor staffed with the military around the People's Houses of the Capitol and White House...

We common, unwashed American citizens are now walking a razor sharp line between Free America and Occupied America. For the time being, even in the face of a stolen presidential election, "things" in general seem to have stabilized again, in a daily life sort of way, at least for a majority of Americans, ongoing COVID restrictions notwithstanding. But that's just surface appearances, really.

Last fall many Americans living on the West Coast experienced personal apocalypse with widespread wildfires. Prior to that Americans from coast to coast in larger cities were victimized by months and months of BLM/Antifa riots and violent protests. Just recently, millions of Texans also experienced a frozen apocalypse in their own backyards, while the rest of the country pretty much stood by and commented from the sidelines like their personal disasters were some kind of professional sports playoff game.

Beyond that tens, even hundreds of millions of Americans have lost their jobs due to COVID restrictions and countless millions of young Americans have suffered permanent damage from COVID restriction related depression; many of them have committed suicide and many more of them have forever lost their "place" in their academic progress.

As if all of that wasn't enough, both the media and the Democratic Party have declared war on the American Majority, are spreading radical leftist ideology through our public school systems, and are doing their best to divide America along racial and cultural lines, even calling for the assassination of American citizens here in America, on domestic soil.

Indeed . . . the revolution has reached its deeper stages.
Annnnnnnd ???????

We all have heard all this 1000 times before.

What still has never been heard is a plan to deal with it and a commitment to act.

I have an idea............because it seems to have worked so well so far.

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Warning for America:
The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020
Warning for America: The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020 (thegatewaypundit.com)
24 Feb 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Back in July 2020 Scott McKay at American Spectator wrote an amazing piece on the Four Stages of Marxist Takeover.
McKay’s report is based on the words and warnings of Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov.
It’s been seven months since the report was published and the situation today is even more dire than predicted. Even McKay would never have predicted the antics of the Marxist left during the 2020 elections. The Marxist takeover of America is well on its way.
Here are the four steps of Marxist takeover of America.
The first goal of revolutionary propaganda, particularly the Marxist variety, is to demoralize. It’s to depress you and make you believe your civilization is lost. Once you succumb to that, you are, in the words of Ming the Merciless, “satisfied with less.” Why do you think ordinary white people are so willing to apologize for the sins of their ancestors and to confess to being racist without even knowing it? Why do you think corporate America is blindly endorsing a Marxist revolutionary organization that openly declares war on the nuclear family?​
That’s demoralization, and according to Bezmenov it’s the first step in engineered societal collapse.​
What’s the second step? Destabilization.​
Bezmenov describes that as a rapid decline in the structure of a society — its economy, its military, its international relations. We’ve discussed in this space the unquestionable impetus on the part of Democrats to keep the economy as hamstrung as possible with COVID-19 shutdowns, and those continue despite a precipitous decline in death rates as testing ramps up across the country.​
The third stage is crisis, the catalyzing event that builds on the first two stages to bring on the change the revolutionaries are looking for. Looking for a crisis? Take your pick. We barely even remember the fact that we just had only the third presidential impeachment in American history half a year ago, a constitutional crisis that was wholly and completely manufactured directly out of thin air. We progressed immediately from that to COVID-19, which was unquestionably a manufactured crisis — not that the virus itself isn’t deadly to a certain portion of the population, but if you think the panic and destruction it’s caused doesn’t smack of manufacture then it’s clear you’ve been demoralized.​
What’s the fourth stage? Normalization. As in, a “new normal.” The statues and monuments are gone, the ball games are out, or at least you aren’t allowed in the stadium to watch them (and you’ve got to watch them on TV interspersed with commercial spots and in-game messaging pushing whatever memes and narratives the ESPNs and NBCs of the world and their Madison Avenue partners wish to implant in your mind), the schools have purged American history and culture, the Universal Basic Income checks have replaced your job, which you can’t do because the small business where you used to work has gone under thanks to the virus.​

The revolution is upon us.
Pray to God that it is not too late for America.
And plan accordingly.

Indeed, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies are clearly pulling out all the stops now.
They are now controlling our systems of financial, legal, educational, healthcare, military, etc. PM/DSA Dem Commies want total power to legislate their Marxist fantasies.
An example is now being implemented where banks can refuse to do business with anyone associated with Conservative associations.
This is Not a conspiracy theory... The above article is accurate, omitting the part about WHO RAN the Bolshevik Revolution, Gulags and slaughtered 60+ Million Christians.
The same group is less than 2% of the USA population, but over 70% of the Biden Administration - they own/run the MSM, Film, Tee-Vee and Publishing that Demonize "whites" - and own/run the Big Tech companies that Silence us if we dare speak up about it.
Funny isn't it upon questioning, Garland believes BLM and Antifa aren't "terrorists," because his Cult RUNS those groups - same as they ran Antifa in the 1930's.
That is why the PMS/DSA Democrat Commies have built fences with razor staffed with the military around the People's Houses of the Capitol and White House...

LOL Of course this is not a conspiracy theory, it's not even a hypothesis, it's propaganda and pure fantasy.
Warning for America:
The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020
Warning for America: The Four Steps of Marxist Takeover Were Activated in 2020 (thegatewaypundit.com)
24 Feb 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft

Back in July 2020 Scott McKay at American Spectator wrote an amazing piece on the Four Stages of Marxist Takeover.
McKay’s report is based on the words and warnings of Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov.
It’s been seven months since the report was published and the situation today is even more dire than predicted. Even McKay would never have predicted the antics of the Marxist left during the 2020 elections. The Marxist takeover of America is well on its way.
Here are the four steps of Marxist takeover of America.
The first goal of revolutionary propaganda, particularly the Marxist variety, is to demoralize. It’s to depress you and make you believe your civilization is lost. Once you succumb to that, you are, in the words of Ming the Merciless, “satisfied with less.” Why do you think ordinary white people are so willing to apologize for the sins of their ancestors and to confess to being racist without even knowing it? Why do you think corporate America is blindly endorsing a Marxist revolutionary organization that openly declares war on the nuclear family?​
That’s demoralization, and according to Bezmenov it’s the first step in engineered societal collapse.​
What’s the second step? Destabilization.​
Bezmenov describes that as a rapid decline in the structure of a society — its economy, its military, its international relations. We’ve discussed in this space the unquestionable impetus on the part of Democrats to keep the economy as hamstrung as possible with COVID-19 shutdowns, and those continue despite a precipitous decline in death rates as testing ramps up across the country.​
The third stage is crisis, the catalyzing event that builds on the first two stages to bring on the change the revolutionaries are looking for. Looking for a crisis? Take your pick. We barely even remember the fact that we just had only the third presidential impeachment in American history half a year ago, a constitutional crisis that was wholly and completely manufactured directly out of thin air. We progressed immediately from that to COVID-19, which was unquestionably a manufactured crisis — not that the virus itself isn’t deadly to a certain portion of the population, but if you think the panic and destruction it’s caused doesn’t smack of manufacture then it’s clear you’ve been demoralized.​
What’s the fourth stage? Normalization. As in, a “new normal.” The statues and monuments are gone, the ball games are out, or at least you aren’t allowed in the stadium to watch them (and you’ve got to watch them on TV interspersed with commercial spots and in-game messaging pushing whatever memes and narratives the ESPNs and NBCs of the world and their Madison Avenue partners wish to implant in your mind), the schools have purged American history and culture, the Universal Basic Income checks have replaced your job, which you can’t do because the small business where you used to work has gone under thanks to the virus.​

The revolution is upon us.
Pray to God that it is not too late for America.
And plan accordingly.

Indeed, Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies are clearly pulling out all the stops now.
They are now controlling our systems of financial, legal, educational, healthcare, military, etc. PM/DSA Dem Commies want total power to legislate their Marxist fantasies.
An example is now being implemented where banks can refuse to do business with anyone associated with Conservative associations.
This is Not a conspiracy theory... The above article is accurate, omitting the part about WHO RAN the Bolshevik Revolution, Gulags and slaughtered 60+ Million Christians.
The same group is less than 2% of the USA population, but over 70% of the Biden Administration - they own/run the MSM, Film, Tee-Vee and Publishing that Demonize "whites" - and own/run the Big Tech companies that Silence us if we dare speak up about it.
Funny isn't it upon questioning, Garland believes BLM and Antifa aren't "terrorists," because his Cult RUNS those groups - same as they ran Antifa in the 1930's.
That is why the PMS/DSA Democrat Commies have built fences with razor staffed with the military around the People's Houses of the Capitol and White House...
That's a load of paranoid nonsense. This came from Q, right?
In fact, the problem with this country now is Republicans, who are all fascist traitors. You bastards want to overthrow an election and install a psychotic dictator.
No Republican now can be considered human. I see them as devils, and treat them accordingly. NEVER trust a Republican, as they are paranoid, delusional, racist, contorted with incel angst, and really a pack of total assholes. They cannot discuss policy or issues, only spew cliches they learn from white-right media.
They are the racist scum who bring down the country. BOYCOTT all Republicans! NO QUARTER to TRAITORS!

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