War of Corruption


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2011
To much of my own surprise most people still just cant see why the economy is in the toilet, why the middle class is disappearing, and why we have lower upward mobility rates then most of Europe. I think a good place to start is this bull shit war the Bush regime dragged us into through lies and deception. I think he should be in prison, along with everyone else involved, but unfortunately were a sick culture that worships money and power so what I think doesn't really matter. One thing is for sure though, the Iraq war will go down in history as the biggest plundering of a nations wealth, right behind the federal reserve fraud of course.

No Exit: U.S. military leaving Iraq, but presence remains - Video on mnsbc.com

Through this entire video I just couldnt help comparing how things now work in Iraq to how our own country works. Substandard goods and services at a ludicrus profit, none of which trickles down to the people. Clearly the people who gained the most in Iraq was not the Iraq people as intended. Its wall street that hit a home run. Watch this video and just look at the amount of money being flushed down the toilet. And now that we own Iraq they are working hard and fast to bury that nation in debt aswell.

Fiscal responsibility should be the primary voting trigger for everyone. We are being plundered and robbed. Our children's future, and the future of the Union are all being threatened by the crony capitalism and corruption that permeates Washington. A statement indicating that the greatest threat to freedom and capitalism is the USA can no longer immediately be discounted as absurd.

What we are facing in bankruptcy. We have been holding interest rates next to zero for far to long, but if we raise them then 'speedy cash will be looking for our car'. People just dont seem to get it. We spend as much as we want, the federal reserve is loaning it to us at a super-low interest rate, they are printing from nothing to loan it to us. Everyone knows this is the road to high/hyperinflation and the destruction of the currency. Eventually the interest rates will rise or the dollar is gone, and much of our way of life along with it.

To things need to happen to secure the Nations future and to begin restoring the American Dream. Huge cuts to spending and the abolishment of the federal reserve.

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