War escalates in Damascus


Nov 14, 2012
With the "rebels" going all in in their last Damascus stronghold in the Eastern Ghouta, the Syrian airforce has entered the battles. The "opposition" benefits from the fact, that the Syrian army is on the offensive against ISIS and hoped for the de-escalation zones to be stable. That proved to be false in Damascus and Daraa. The Americans have recently proposed a new zone in southern Syria and it is being considered. While something called "FSA" that has little presence in the war demanded a zone for all of Syria, Israel does not respect any of such zones. At this time, if any new de-escalation zone can be supported by the Syrian and Russian leaderships, can certainly be doubted.


Rebel artillery in Damascus

Damascus rebels call in the big guns, Syrian Army calls in the air force: videos
With the "rebels" going all in in their last Damascus stronghold in the Eastern Ghouta, the Syrian airforce has entered the battles. The "opposition" benefits from the fact, that the Syrian army is on the offensive against ISIS and hoped for the de-escalation zones to be stable. That proved to be false in Damascus and Daraa. The Americans have recently proposed a new zone in southern Syria and it is being considered. While something called "FSA" that has little presence in the war demanded a zone for all of Syria, Israel does not respect any of such zones. At this time, if any new de-escalation zone can be supported by the Syrian and Russian leaderships, can certainly be doubted.


Rebel artillery in Damascus

Damascus rebels call in the big guns, Syrian Army calls in the air force: videos

Israel has nothing to do with the Syrian internecine murder fest
Muslims killing Muslims. Good for them, we should stay out of it and let them kill each other.
With the "rebels" going all in in their last Damascus stronghold in the Eastern Ghouta, the Syrian airforce has entered the battles. The "opposition" benefits from the fact, that the Syrian army is on the offensive against ISIS and hoped for the de-escalation zones to be stable. That proved to be false in Damascus and Daraa. The Americans have recently proposed a new zone in southern Syria and it is being considered. While something called "FSA" that has little presence in the war demanded a zone for all of Syria, Israel does not respect any of such zones. At this time, if any new de-escalation zone can be supported by the Syrian and Russian leaderships, can certainly be doubted.


Rebel artillery in Damascus

Damascus rebels call in the big guns, Syrian Army calls in the air force: videos

Israel has nothing to do with the Syrian internecine murder fest
Wrong again.
With the "rebels" going all in in their last Damascus stronghold in the Eastern Ghouta, the Syrian airforce has entered the battles. The "opposition" benefits from the fact, that the Syrian army is on the offensive against ISIS and hoped for the de-escalation zones to be stable. That proved to be false in Damascus and Daraa. The Americans have recently proposed a new zone in southern Syria and it is being considered. While something called "FSA" that has little presence in the war demanded a zone for all of Syria, Israel does not respect any of such zones. At this time, if any new de-escalation zone can be supported by the Syrian and Russian leaderships, can certainly be doubted.


Rebel artillery in Damascus

Damascus rebels call in the big guns, Syrian Army calls in the air force: videos

Israel has nothing to do with the Syrian internecine murder fest
Wrong again.

what is "wrong" about my statement? ------don't be shy----I am interested in the
latest baathist scuttlebutt
With the "rebels" going all in in their last Damascus stronghold in the Eastern Ghouta, the Syrian airforce has entered the battles. The "opposition" benefits from the fact, that the Syrian army is on the offensive against ISIS and hoped for the de-escalation zones to be stable. That proved to be false in Damascus and Daraa. The Americans have recently proposed a new zone in southern Syria and it is being considered. While something called "FSA" that has little presence in the war demanded a zone for all of Syria, Israel does not respect any of such zones. At this time, if any new de-escalation zone can be supported by the Syrian and Russian leaderships, can certainly be doubted.


Rebel artillery in Damascus

Damascus rebels call in the big guns, Syrian Army calls in the air force: videos

Israel has nothing to do with the Syrian internecine murder fest
Wrong again.

what is "wrong" about my statement? ------don't be shy----I am interested in the
latest baathist scuttlebutt
"Israel has since the onset of the war on Syria in 2011 used both the occupied Golan and the Sheeba Farms area to provide logistical, tactical and direct military support for the Muslim Brotherhood linked Free Syrian Army as well as Jabhat al-Nusrah and other Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist / mercenary brigades.

In October 2013 the Israeli occupied Golan and Sheeba Farms were used to infiltrate some 40,000 Jabhat al-Nusrah and Liwa-al-Islam fighters / mercenaries into Lebanon and the opening of a new, major battlefront in the Qalamoun region at the Lebanese – Syrian border."
Hezbollah & Israel clash over Israeli occupied Sheeba Farms
With the "rebels" going all in in their last Damascus stronghold in the Eastern Ghouta, the Syrian airforce has entered the battles. The "opposition" benefits from the fact, that the Syrian army is on the offensive against ISIS and hoped for the de-escalation zones to be stable. That proved to be false in Damascus and Daraa. The Americans have recently proposed a new zone in southern Syria and it is being considered. While something called "FSA" that has little presence in the war demanded a zone for all of Syria, Israel does not respect any of such zones. At this time, if any new de-escalation zone can be supported by the Syrian and Russian leaderships, can certainly be doubted.


Rebel artillery in Damascus

Damascus rebels call in the big guns, Syrian Army calls in the air force: videos

Israel has nothing to do with the Syrian internecine murder fest
Wrong again.

what is "wrong" about my statement? ------don't be shy----I am interested in the
latest baathist scuttlebutt
"Israel has since the onset of the war on Syria in 2011 used both the occupied Golan and the Sheeba Farms area to provide logistical, tactical and direct military support for the Muslim Brotherhood linked Free Syrian Army as well as Jabhat al-Nusrah and other Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist / mercenary brigades.

In October 2013 the Israeli occupied Golan and Sheeba Farms were used to infiltrate some 40,000 Jabhat al-Nusrah and Liwa-al-Islam fighters / mercenaries into Lebanon and the opening of a new, major battlefront in the Qalamoun region at the Lebanese – Syrian border."
Hezbollah & Israel clash over Israeli occupied Sheeba Farms

capt Blei claims that Israel is gathering and transporting muslim mercenaries from "god"-only-knows-where to fight Assad and Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria. He also claims that Israel provides the
fighters with TACTICAL direction and even munitions. He provides ABSOLUTELY no evidence to
support this claim. Hezbollah has strew garbage all over my town in New York City and has created
a heat wave here in an effort to foment an outbreak of cholera

to support his CLAIM----capt. blei cites an incident in 2015 in which Hezbollah murdered
a few Israeli soldiers. The Hezbollah attack was unprovoked
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With the "rebels" going all in in their last Damascus stronghold in the Eastern Ghouta, the Syrian airforce has entered the battles. The "opposition" benefits from the fact, that the Syrian army is on the offensive against ISIS and hoped for the de-escalation zones to be stable. That proved to be false in Damascus and Daraa. The Americans have recently proposed a new zone in southern Syria and it is being considered. While something called "FSA" that has little presence in the war demanded a zone for all of Syria, Israel does not respect any of such zones. At this time, if any new de-escalation zone can be supported by the Syrian and Russian leaderships, can certainly be doubted.


Rebel artillery in Damascus

Damascus rebels call in the big guns, Syrian Army calls in the air force: videos

Israel has nothing to do with the Syrian internecine murder fest
Wrong again.

what is "wrong" about my statement? ------don't be shy----I am interested in the
latest baathist scuttlebutt
"Israel has since the onset of the war on Syria in 2011 used both the occupied Golan and the Sheeba Farms area to provide logistical, tactical and direct military support for the Muslim Brotherhood linked Free Syrian Army as well as Jabhat al-Nusrah and other Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist / mercenary brigades.

In October 2013 the Israeli occupied Golan and Sheeba Farms were used to infiltrate some 40,000 Jabhat al-Nusrah and Liwa-al-Islam fighters / mercenaries into Lebanon and the opening of a new, major battlefront in the Qalamoun region at the Lebanese – Syrian border."
Hezbollah & Israel clash over Israeli occupied Sheeba Farms

capt Blei claims that Israel is gathering and transporting muslim mercenaries from "god"-only-knows-where to fight Assad and Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria. He also claims that Israel provides the
fighters with TACTICAL direction and even munitions. He provides ABSOLUTELY no evidence to
support this claim. Hezbollah has strew garbage all over my town in New York City and has created
a heat wave here in an effort to foment an outbreak of cholera

to support his CLAIM----capt. blei cites an incident in 2015 in which Hezbollah murdered
a few Israeli soldiers. The Hezbollah attack was unprovoked
Israel is a major supporter of terrorism and has recently directly supported an al-Qaeda offensive with airstrikes.

Israeli weapons recently seized by the Syrian government in Homs and the Golan Heights:




It is clear that the regimes of America and Israel use anyone to fight and split Syria. It is clear, that after the "liberation" of Syria, Israel cannot tolerate al-Qaeda and ISIS at its borders and therefore must seize all the little caliphates that are around.
Israel has nothing to do with the Syrian internecine murder fest
Wrong again.

what is "wrong" about my statement? ------don't be shy----I am interested in the
latest baathist scuttlebutt
"Israel has since the onset of the war on Syria in 2011 used both the occupied Golan and the Sheeba Farms area to provide logistical, tactical and direct military support for the Muslim Brotherhood linked Free Syrian Army as well as Jabhat al-Nusrah and other Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist / mercenary brigades.

In October 2013 the Israeli occupied Golan and Sheeba Farms were used to infiltrate some 40,000 Jabhat al-Nusrah and Liwa-al-Islam fighters / mercenaries into Lebanon and the opening of a new, major battlefront in the Qalamoun region at the Lebanese – Syrian border."
Hezbollah & Israel clash over Israeli occupied Sheeba Farms

capt Blei claims that Israel is gathering and transporting muslim mercenaries from "god"-only-knows-where to fight Assad and Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria. He also claims that Israel provides the
fighters with TACTICAL direction and even munitions. He provides ABSOLUTELY no evidence to
support this claim. Hezbollah has strew garbage all over my town in New York City and has created
a heat wave here in an effort to foment an outbreak of cholera

to support his CLAIM----capt. blei cites an incident in 2015 in which Hezbollah murdered
a few Israeli soldiers. The Hezbollah attack was unprovoked
Israel is a major supporter of terrorism and has recently directly supported an al-Qaeda offensive with airstrikes.

Israeli weapons recently seized by the Syrian government in Homs and the Golan Heights:




It is clear that the regimes of America and Israel use anyone to fight and split Syria. It is clear, that after the "liberation" of Syria, Israel cannot tolerate al-Qaeda and ISIS at its borders and therefore must seize all the little caliphates that are around.

that's what you got? pictures of missiles?. I was a child---LONG ago------late fifties, early 60s . The
little town was RIFE with islamo Nazi literature (aka Baathist)-----little seedy pamphlets---little booklet
style----fluttering in the breeze. Some of them were a bit more elegant ----put together
like the TV GUIDE. They ALSO had pictures. There were old pictures of piles of dead bodies in
pits from Auschwitz and ragged starving people behind barbed wire enclosures------labeled
"the jews did this to us". I had no idea what Syria was ----or where. Lots of it came out of
Syria------it was only years later that I learned that the writers were fugitives from the Nuremburg
trials-------SYRIA-----some from Egypt. The articles were brilliant-----LATER IN MY LIFE, I RAN
into lots of young Pakistani docs----graduates from Pakistan med schools------they quoted those
pamplets chapter and verse. Some things never change
Al-Qaeda (HTS) rejected any US-Russian brokered de-escalation zones in southern Syria and tries to unite with the FSA, instead. This indicates, that they have strong support from outside.

Rebel factions in southern Syria reject ceasefire deal

oh gee -----a Baathist INEUENDO. Of course they have strong support from outside------just as do the
FASCIST BAATHIST PIGS Millions yearn to goose step by your side, capt blei
Al-Qaeda (HTS) rejected any US-Russian brokered de-escalation zones in southern Syria and tries to unite with the FSA, instead. This indicates, that they have strong support from outside.

Rebel factions in southern Syria reject ceasefire deal

oh gee -----a Baathist INEUENDO. Of course they have strong support from outside------just as do the
FASCIST BAATHIST PIGS Millions yearn to goose step by your side, capt blei
While supporting a legitimate government in the war on terror is a good thing and keeps us save, supporting terrorism is very bad.
Al-Qaeda (HTS) rejected any US-Russian brokered de-escalation zones in southern Syria and tries to unite with the FSA, instead. This indicates, that they have strong support from outside.

Rebel factions in southern Syria reject ceasefire deal

oh gee -----a Baathist INEUENDO. Of course they have strong support from outside------just as do the
FASCIST BAATHIST PIGS Millions yearn to goose step by your side, capt blei

While supporting a legitimate government in the war on terror is a good thing and keeps us save, supporting terrorism is very bad.

you and hundreds of millions others support goose stepping governments as LEGITIMATE. You feel
safe with such governments on the dead bodies of hundreds of millions of their victims. Nothing new----
Your Baathist colleagues enjoyed the same sense of ease with the glorious third reich (caliphate) and its glorious KAMPF (aka JIHAD). It is a matter of WHICH REICH/CALIPHATE-----you prefer
Al-Qaeda (HTS) rejected any US-Russian brokered de-escalation zones in southern Syria and tries to unite with the FSA, instead. This indicates, that they have strong support from outside.

Rebel factions in southern Syria reject ceasefire deal

oh gee -----a Baathist INEUENDO. Of course they have strong support from outside------just as do the
FASCIST BAATHIST PIGS Millions yearn to goose step by your side, capt blei

While supporting a legitimate government in the war on terror is a good thing and keeps us save, supporting terrorism is very bad.

you and hundreds of millions others support goose stepping governments as LEGITIMATE. You feel
safe with such governments on the dead bodies of hundreds of millions of their victims. Nothing new----
Your Baathist colleagues enjoyed the same sense of ease with the glorious third reich (caliphate) and its glorious KAMPF (aka JIHAD). It is a matter of WHICH REICH/CALIPHATE-----you prefer
It´s "funny" when those having the most brutal regime point at others with absurd accusations.
Al-Qaeda (HTS) rejected any US-Russian brokered de-escalation zones in southern Syria and tries to unite with the FSA, instead. This indicates, that they have strong support from outside.

Rebel factions in southern Syria reject ceasefire deal

oh gee -----a Baathist INEUENDO. Of course they have strong support from outside------just as do the
FASCIST BAATHIST PIGS Millions yearn to goose step by your side, capt blei

While supporting a legitimate government in the war on terror is a good thing and keeps us save, supporting terrorism is very bad.

you and hundreds of millions others support goose stepping governments as LEGITIMATE. You feel
safe with such governments on the dead bodies of hundreds of millions of their victims. Nothing new----
Your Baathist colleagues enjoyed the same sense of ease with the glorious third reich (caliphate) and its glorious KAMPF (aka JIHAD). It is a matter of WHICH REICH/CALIPHATE-----you prefer
It´s "funny" when those having the most brutal regime point at others with absurd accusations.

baby assad broadcast another speech? How funny did he get. Today is Friday----there are stand up
comics in mosques going at it in the USA right now
Al-Qaeda (HTS) rejected any US-Russian brokered de-escalation zones in southern Syria and tries to unite with the FSA, instead. This indicates, that they have strong support from outside.

Rebel factions in southern Syria reject ceasefire deal

oh gee -----a Baathist INEUENDO. Of course they have strong support from outside------just as do the
FASCIST BAATHIST PIGS Millions yearn to goose step by your side, capt blei

While supporting a legitimate government in the war on terror is a good thing and keeps us save, supporting terrorism is very bad.

you and hundreds of millions others support goose stepping governments as LEGITIMATE. You feel
safe with such governments on the dead bodies of hundreds of millions of their victims. Nothing new----
Your Baathist colleagues enjoyed the same sense of ease with the glorious third reich (caliphate) and its glorious KAMPF (aka JIHAD). It is a matter of WHICH REICH/CALIPHATE-----you prefer
It´s "funny" when those having the most brutal regime point at others with absurd accusations.

baby assad broadcast another speech? How funny did he get. Today is Friday----there are stand up
comics in mosques going at it in the USA right now
"Funny" to see people mocking Muslims while cutting little boys´ penises.
oh gee -----a Baathist INEUENDO. Of course they have strong support from outside------just as do the
FASCIST BAATHIST PIGS Millions yearn to goose step by your side, capt blei

While supporting a legitimate government in the war on terror is a good thing and keeps us save, supporting terrorism is very bad.

you and hundreds of millions others support goose stepping governments as LEGITIMATE. You feel
safe with such governments on the dead bodies of hundreds of millions of their victims. Nothing new----
Your Baathist colleagues enjoyed the same sense of ease with the glorious third reich (caliphate) and its glorious KAMPF (aka JIHAD). It is a matter of WHICH REICH/CALIPHATE-----you prefer
It´s "funny" when those having the most brutal regime point at others with absurd accusations.

baby assad broadcast another speech? How funny did he get. Today is Friday----there are stand up
comics in mosques going at it in the USA right now
"Funny" to see people mocking Muslims while cutting little boys´ penises.

I got news for you, BAATHIST------muslims cut little boys' penises too------but NOT WELL
They really make a mess of the job. If you would like to have a good job ---hire a MOHEL.
The very first muslim I knew well was a surgeon------a SHIITE from INDIA----He was his parents' only
son-----his brother had DIED from the circ------at about age 12. I have seen the results of Islamic
circ------RAGGED EDGES. A study from SAUDI ARABIA (no less) revealed that muslim circ ---does
NOT confer protection against the contraction of HIV+ Lately Saudi Arabia has IMPORTED
some MOHELS to instruct muslims HOW TO DO IT RIGHT. ------Saudi Arabia pays jewish docs
well-------no doubt they pay the mohels well too
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