Wallace if going to interview Putin on Fox at 6 pm


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
and I bet Putin says " yes Trump was very hard on me when he asked me if any Russians under my authority had

interfered in the election" and I told him, "absolutely not but I did want him to win."
"i am against the restoration in Russia of an official state ideology in any form. there should be no forced civil accord in a democratic Russia. We don't need a dominant ideology or philosophy. the state can, of course, be led by a philosopher, so long as he states his vision of things" - President Putin

Putin has nothing against philosophers per se, but he rejects the figure of a Platonic philosopher king.
President Putin has come to embody the revenge of those for whom the collapse of the USSR and its metamorphosis into a democracy have been unbearable.

Putin is both sincerely idealistic and sincerely cynical
I look forward to this interview.

After experiencing what I have in life, I've become pragmatic even as I am stubborn. I've learned that there is America and everyone else. Meaning. America is the capital, innovative economic engine of the world, everyone else is a hierarchy looking to exploit her.

It's all about degrees. Russia loves to spy and stay sharp militarily against the U.S, China moreso economic espionage. EU, Canada, Mexico and others all look at ways to steal U.S jobs and investment, while happily speaking from two sides of their mouth.

Putin for as much as he is a thug, is also intelligent. He's live an interesting life and should never be underestimated for these experiences. You can't just find that at Oxford or Harvard.

I may have mentioned this before, but, I recall vividly a meeting he and Bush had, it was a sitdown in a relaxed environment, and I recall Putin being like a pitbull when talking to Bush. I was shocked, he paid him no respect actually he was disrespectful. This was after 9/11and the U.S was on a firestorm for revenge. I thought "Bush is a strong president, and here is Putin talking him down", Bush really looked sheepish, I'd never seen him like that before.

My gut tells me Russia has alot of goods on alot of people. America and her allies do too, without question, they have plenty of eyes on Putins shells companies and his relations. The difference is, people like Putin or Xi don't worry about elections, America has to.

This requires a pragmatic approach. I still say that China is the greatest threat to America by a country mile. Russia's entire GDP is about the size of Texas. I think the intel community really hate Russia because of their history of being an effective intelligence agency, but there needs to be some common sense.

You don't have to be Russias friend, but you can use angles with them to weaken China in some regards. In fact, I thought this was a possible reason Trump might want to get closer with Russia. Trump just called out a massive pipeline worth billions, he isn't exactly acting like Putins friend. Maybe in words he hasn't been harsh, but his actions have been strong. It sounds like Trump wants to wrestle this pipeline deal away from Russia.

Anyways, I look forward to a tense interview at 6.
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"Putin does not read newspapers and does not consult the internet, which he distrusts. he is informed by memos sent to him, or the red files left on his desk by staff"
On Fox, they said the Trump just threw the US under the bus.

Perhaps Fox isn't as anti America as Trump.
"Putin does not read newspapers and does not consult the internet, which he distrusts. he is informed by memos sent to him, or the red files left on his desk by staff"
And Trump.

No way Putin would know to say Soros and Reciprocal. That was pure Trump.
Oh perfect a never Trumper fake news asswipe is going to interview Putin......big deal...I'll watch the food network.....
well-know Russian filmmaker Nikita Mikhalkov has for 2 decades sought to personify the rebirth of a "White Russia" after the fall of communism, and he always discusses what he has learned with President Putin.
On Fox, they said the Trump just threw the US under the bus.

Perhaps Fox isn't as anti America as Trump.

Fox and Friends in the Am, Hannity , Carlson and Ingraham are the ones that worship Trump. Shep and Bret I like and Cavato.
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America will not let Russia realize its imperial dream which is inspired by Eurasianist thinkers!
Putin is not a communist. he rarely quotes Marx in speeches and interview. when he does so, he does it to criticize Karl.

Putin once bellowed: "it's the Germany who are guilty, it was they who forced them on us, by exporting their Marxism here"
Putin is going to make it clear that the infiltration was done by individuals not by the state which makes the indictments laughable.
"i am convinced that the idea of communism is nothing more than a beautiful story, but a dangerous one, leading to an impasse that is both ideological and economic" - President Putin
"Putin does not read newspapers and does not consult the internet, which he distrusts. he is informed by memos sent to him, or the red files left on his desk by staff"
This is exactly what democrats say about Trump. Neither is true.

No we know the Don watches fox and friends in the am , Hannity, Carlson and Ingraham and then tweets.
"i am convinced that the idea of communism is nothing more than a beautiful story, but a dangerous one, leading to an impasse that is both ideological and economic" - President Putin
This is what Putin said to obama to try to dissuade his disastrous economic policy.
"a fundamental value of soviet society in which the young Putin immersed himself was military culture"

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