"Wake the fuck up"

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og35U0d6WKY&feature=player_embedded]Samuel L Jackson " WAKE THE FUCK UP " Barack Obama AD - YouTube[/ame]
What great propaganda! Four years ago I had a job and a home.

Now I have no job, have been searching for over 4 months, the longest I have ever been unemployed and we could lose our home.

So you are right, wake the fuck up and vote out the current President, he is ruining our country.

Thanks for the reminder.
What great propaganda! Four years ago I had a job and a home.

Now I have no job, have been searching for over 4 months, the longest I have ever been unemployed and we could lose our home.

So you are right, wake the fuck up and vote out the current President, he is ruining our country.

Thanks for the reminder.

OOOHHH!!! So now you are blaming Obama for your misfortunes? Whatever happened to that good ole Republican personal responsibility? You sound like a victim. You sound like one of those 47% that don't pay no taxes. Stop complaining and get your ass out there and get a job. You ain't working, that ain't nobody's fault but your own.
What great propaganda! Four years ago I had a job and a home.

Now I have no job, have been searching for over 4 months, the longest I have ever been unemployed and we could lose our home.

So you are right, wake the fuck up and vote out the current President, he is ruining our country.

Thanks for the reminder.

OOOHHH!!! So now you are blaming Obama for your misfortunes? Whatever happened to that good ole Republican personal responsibility? You sound like a victim. You sound like one of those 47% that don't pay no taxes. Stop complaining and get your ass out there and get a job. You ain't working, that ain't nobody's fault but your own.

So you are blaming Bush for misfortunes?
You have a full YouTube video claiming victim, hypocritical little slut.
The rest of your pathetic post is utter BULLSHIT!

I'm not taking any taxpayer money, so fuck you! And you still never answered my question in the thread you started, little bitch.
What great propaganda! Four years ago I had a job and a home.

Now I have no job, have been searching for over 4 months, the longest I have ever been unemployed and we could lose our home.

So you are right, wake the fuck up and vote out the current President, he is ruining our country.

Thanks for the reminder.

OOOHHH!!! So now you are blaming Obama for your misfortunes? Whatever happened to that good ole Republican personal responsibility? You sound like a victim. You sound like one of those 47% that don't pay no taxes. Stop complaining and get your ass out there and get a job. You ain't working, that ain't nobody's fault but your own.

Your english makes you seem more Kenyan than our POTUS. Hard to get a job when your leaders job bills get shutout 100 - 0. When he is against coal, U.S. pipeline and all the stimulus he gave to big companys for jobs and bailout, that went out of country. Good try though. A+ for effort libtard :)
What great propaganda! Four years ago I had a job and a home.

Now I have no job, have been searching for over 4 months, the longest I have ever been unemployed and we could lose our home.

So you are right, wake the fuck up and vote out the current President, he is ruining our country.

Thanks for the reminder.

OOOHHH!!! So now you are blaming Obama for your misfortunes? Whatever happened to that good ole Republican personal responsibility? You sound like a victim. You sound like one of those 47% that don't pay no taxes. Stop complaining and get your ass out there and get a job. You ain't working, that ain't nobody's fault but your own.

Your english makes you seem more Kenyan than our POTUS. Hard to get a job when your leaders job bills get shutout 100 - 0. When he is against coal, U.S. pipeline and all the stimulus he gave to big companys for jobs and bailout, that went out of country. Good try though. A+ for effort libtard :)

No kidding, it isn't like unemployment isn't high, I remember a President saying if he couldn't bring it down, he shouldn't be re-elected, however people like BBC have their head so far up Obama's ass, they never heard that.
What great propaganda! Four years ago I had a job and a home.

Now I have no job, have been searching for over 4 months, the longest I have ever been unemployed and we could lose our home.

So you are right, wake the fuck up and vote out the current President, he is ruining our country.

Thanks for the reminder.

My first thought was that perhaps you should borrow some money from your parents and start a business, but I actually feel bad for you, even though (or perhaps BECAUSE) you are angry at the wrong people. Obama didn't crash the economy, Papageorgio, it crashed a couple of months before he was elected. And Obama has presented all sorts of bills to help those out of work - from extensions of unemployment benefits to job training, to job search help, to tax incentives for businesses who hire Anericans in America. The Republican minority in the Senate has been blocking him since day one, after VOWING PUBLICLY that they were going to prevent him from having any success to make sure he's a one term President. A prime example is the Veterans jobs bill that died in the senate just before the adjournment that would have provided for creating police and fire jobs for veterans. Oh yes, and the vote was 58 in favor of the bill and 40 against. Only in the US Senate can a 3-2 majority be a losing vote. Of course it's American veterans who lost. What do you REALLY think Romney is going to do to help create jobs for you?

What great propaganda! Four years ago I had a job and a home.

Now I have no job, have been searching for over 4 months, the longest I have ever been unemployed and we could lose our home.

So you are right, wake the fuck up and vote out the current President, he is ruining our country.

Thanks for the reminder.

My first thought was that perhaps you should borrow some money from your parents and start a business, but I actually feel bad for you, even though (or perhaps BECAUSE) you are angry at the wrong people. Obama didn't crash the economy, Papageorgio, it crashed a couple of months before he was elected. And Obama has presented all sorts of bills to help those out of work - from extensions of unemployment benefits to job training, to job search help, to tax incentives for businesses who hire Anericans in America. The Republican minority in the Senate has been blocking him since day one, after VOWING PUBLICLY that they were going to prevent him from having any success to make sure he's a one term President. A prime example is the Veterans jobs bill that died in the senate just before the adjournment that would have provided for creating police and fire jobs for veterans. Oh yes, and the vote was 58 in favor of the bill and 40 against. Only in the US Senate can a 3-2 majority be a losing vote. Of course it's American veterans who lost. What do you REALLY think Romney is going to do to help create jobs for you?


I'm not angry, only at stupid people like BBC and idiots that believe Obama has anyway to help.

I also don't need you to feel bad for me, I don't need it. I will find a job and land on my feet, I always do. I can't collect unemployment because business owners can't collect unemployment, at least not in this state.

Romney will clear up uncertainty. That is the main issue with the economy, most business owners see it the same.
Romney IS uncertainty. How can ANYONE know what the guy really stands for? He has done a complete reversal on virtually ever single position he stood for when he was Governor. And I'm now wondering if you're any more honest than HE is - you said, and I quote "4 years ago I had a job and a home. " NOW, you're claiming that you had a business. Worse yet, you blame Obama for your woes. You are a shining example of what Jon Stewart expressed last week - a Republican who says that if you start a business and it's successful, you did it on your own, but if you strt one and it fails, it's all the fault of the government, and in particular, the President.
The dems had the house in 06,then all the branches for 2 years,and still have 2 6 years of having a majority,2 years of having it all.

Wake the F**K UP you think Obama will create jobs for you??
What great propaganda! Four years ago I had a job and a home.

Now I have no job, have been searching for over 4 months, the longest I have ever been unemployed and we could lose our home.

So you are right, wake the fuck up and vote out the current President, he is ruining our country.

Thanks for the reminder.

How odd....my business, me and my employees are doing better now than 4 years ago...and home values are climbing back up thruout this entire area. Sorry to hear about your troubles, but maybe you need to change fields of endeavor?
It would be nice if they just talked about the issues,not fear tactics and outright BS

They should be ashamed teaching a young child to lie like that.
What great propaganda! Four years ago I had a job and a home.

Now I have no job, have been searching for over 4 months, the longest I have ever been unemployed and we could lose our home.

So you are right, wake the fuck up and vote out the current President, he is ruining our country.

Thanks for the reminder.

your team crashed the entire world economy for the second time in one lifetime.

You voted for it so why are you complaining about what you got?
What great propaganda! Four years ago I had a job and a home.

Now I have no job, have been searching for over 4 months, the longest I have ever been unemployed and we could lose our home.

So you are right, wake the fuck up and vote out the current President, he is ruining our country.

Thanks for the reminder.

How odd....my business, me and my employees are doing better now than 4 years ago...and home values are climbing back up thruout this entire area. Sorry to hear about your troubles, but maybe you need to change fields of endeavor?

So your doing better,good for you,not everyone is and not every place is,fact lots are not.

Just because you are all right doesn't equate that everyone else is or should be,

Home sales nationally are still depressed,so are values,new home starts,still far below what is good,these things are true.

Durable good orders way down,thats a very bad thing in good time let alone bad,and we are not in good times.

How odd indeed

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