Waco....Thirty Years Later

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020

Purported Good Intentions Absolve Real Deadly Force

Janet Reno, the nation’s first female attorney general, approved the FBI’s assault on the Davidians. Previously, she had zealously prosecuted child abuse cases in Dade County, Florida, though many of her high-profile convictions were later overturned because of gross violations of due process. Reno approved the FBI assault after being told “babies were being beaten.” It is not known who told her about the false claims of child abuse; Reno claimed she couldn’t remember. Her sterling reputation helped the government avoid any apparent culpability for the deaths of 27 children on April 19, 1993. After Reno publicly promised to take responsibility for the outcome at Waco, the media conferred instant sainthood upon her. At a press conference the day after the fire, President Bill Clinton declared, “I was frankly—surprised would be a mild word—to say that anyone that would suggest that the Attorney General should resign because some religious fanatics murdered themselves.” According to a Federal News Service transcript, the White House press corps applauded Clinton’s comment on Reno.

It Is Not an Atrocity If the U.S. Government Does It

Shortly before the Waco showdown, U.S. government officials signed an international Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty pledging never to use nerve agents, mustard gas, and other compounds (including tear gas) against enemy soldiers. But the treaty contained a loophole permitting governments to gas their own people. On April 19, 1993, the FBI pumped CS gas and methyl chloride, a potentially lethal, flammable combination, into the Davidians’ residence for six hours, disregarding explicit warnings that CS gas should not be used indoors. Benjamin Garrett, executive director the Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute in Alexandria, Virginia, observed that the CS gas “would have panicked the children. Their eyes would have involuntarily shut. Their skin would have been burning. They would have been gasping for air and coughing wildly. Eventually, they would have been overcome with vomiting in a final hell.” A 1975 U.S. Army publication on the effects of CS gas noted, “Generally, persons reacting to CS are incapable of executing organized and concerted actions and excessive exposure to CS may make them incapable of vacating the area.”

Rep. Steven Schiff (R-NM) declared that “the deaths of dozens of men, women and children can be directly and indirectly attributable to the use of this gas in the way it was injected by the FBI.” Chemistry professor George Uhlig testified to Congress in 1995 that the FBI gas attack probably “suffocated the children early on” and may have converted their poorly ventilated bunker into an area “similar to one of the gas chambers used by the Nazis at Auschwitz.” But during those 1995 hearings, congressional Democrats portrayed the CS gas as innocuous as a Flintstone vitamin.
Most guys my age (55) remember exactly where they were on Monday April 19, 1993 and heard news of the murderous slaughter perpetrated by Clinton administration down in Texas. Sure, I knew the Clinton administration were scumbags, after all, they're Democrats, but at the time I didn't know that they were THAT fucking evil.

Purported Good Intentions Absolve Real Deadly Force

Janet Reno, the nation’s first female attorney general, approved the FBI’s assault on the Davidians. Previously, she had zealously prosecuted child abuse cases in Dade County, Florida, though many of her high-profile convictions were later overturned because of gross violations of due process. Reno approved the FBI assault after being told “babies were being beaten.” It is not known who told her about the false claims of child abuse; Reno claimed she couldn’t remember. Her sterling reputation helped the government avoid any apparent culpability for the deaths of 27 children on April 19, 1993. After Reno publicly promised to take responsibility for the outcome at Waco, the media conferred instant sainthood upon her. At a press conference the day after the fire, President Bill Clinton declared, “I was frankly—surprised would be a mild word—to say that anyone that would suggest that the Attorney General should resign because some religious fanatics murdered themselves.” According to a Federal News Service transcript, the White House press corps applauded Clinton’s comment on Reno.

It Is Not an Atrocity If the U.S. Government Does It

Shortly before the Waco showdown, U.S. government officials signed an international Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty pledging never to use nerve agents, mustard gas, and other compounds (including tear gas) against enemy soldiers. But the treaty contained a loophole permitting governments to gas their own people. On April 19, 1993, the FBI pumped CS gas and methyl chloride, a potentially lethal, flammable combination, into the Davidians’ residence for six hours, disregarding explicit warnings that CS gas should not be used indoors. Benjamin Garrett, executive director the Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute in Alexandria, Virginia, observed that the CS gas “would have panicked the children. Their eyes would have involuntarily shut. Their skin would have been burning. They would have been gasping for air and coughing wildly. Eventually, they would have been overcome with vomiting in a final hell.” A 1975 U.S. Army publication on the effects of CS gas noted, “Generally, persons reacting to CS are incapable of executing organized and concerted actions and excessive exposure to CS may make them incapable of vacating the area.”

Rep. Steven Schiff (R-NM) declared that “the deaths of dozens of men, women and children can be directly and indirectly attributable to the use of this gas in the way it was injected by the FBI.” Chemistry professor George Uhlig testified to Congress in 1995 that the FBI gas attack probably “suffocated the children early on” and may have converted their poorly ventilated bunker into an area “similar to one of the gas chambers used by the Nazis at Auschwitz.” But during those 1995 hearings, congressional Democrats portrayed the CS gas as innocuous as a Flintstone vitamin.
And still nobody cares about a wingnut pedo cult leader defended by fuckups.
Terrible episode in American history....one of the worst.:confused:
The FBI and ATF killed so many children at Waco .... absoultely horrific!

I remember the event well. The Clintons sent in the FBI to rid us of a group of odd balls locked away out in the middle of nowhere with a boatload of guns doing their thing, no indication the Davidians were dangerous to anyone but themselves but the FBI rid us of that terrible threat of anyone standing up to the force of the government to not bow down and submit.
Also, those fuckup idiots that include annon bundy could be part of it.

God if there is a small federal building that could take over and pedo kids in they would be there.
The cult's leader David Koresh drove alone into Waco all the time to go shopping and for personal business
ATF agents could have easily arrested Koresh anytime they wanted.
Without their leader on the compound to tell the members what to do.
The brain washed cult members wouldn't have put up any resistance.
But the ATF had a lot of shiny new military equipment they wanted to showcase by staging an all out assault on the compound.
Which ended up being an embarrassing disaster for the ATF.
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I remember the event well. The Clintons sent in the FBI to rid us of a group of odd balls locked away out in the middle of nowhere with a boatload of guns doing their thing, no indication the Davidians were dangerous to anyone but themselves but the FBI rid us of that terrible threat of anyone standing up to the force of the government to not bow down and submit.
The would be texas and it was a cult filled with sexual depravity.

What the hell do you think spawned mat geatz and roy moore?
Yes, it happens all over a Merica today after Sandy Hook, Columbine and multiple schools over the last 10 years.

And conservative offer thoughts and prayers for the guns.

Just this week four shootings for young people innocently going about life...
Yes, it happens all over a Merica today after Sandy Hook, Columbine and multiple schools over the last 10 years.

And conservative after thoughts and prayers for the guns.

Just this week four shootings for young people innocently going about life...
When are the Gestapo going after criminals and gangs with guns. Are they afraid of getting shot?

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