Vote For Hillary 2020


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Yep....Joe Biden is shown acting like he's lost his mind....videos of the retarded SOB bragging about committing bribery and extortion in Ukraine.....and .

Up next....there's videos of Liz Warren talking about how she didn't get hired for a job because she was, as she related over and over on the campaign trail, visibly preggers. Immediately a video is released showing Liz in 2008 talking about the same situation but this time she's saying that she didn't have the requirements needed for the job so she decided to have her baby and not work for 2 years, blowing her current claims completely out of the water.

Whenever it looks like a Democrat is beginning to get some traction in the run for the White House incriminating evidence is released in the news that totally destroys it.

Who is behind this? It's pretty clear that most journalists don't have the intellectual curiosity to find dirt on Democrats....and anyone who tries is either fired or destroyed by an army of lawyers or an army of hookers claiming they were sexually-assaulted 35 years ago. So who is making this information available? Who has the money and the backing to make this all happen?


Why are Democrats trying to impeach Trump?

Because they know they have nobody that's worth a damn. least that's what the corrupt media keeps telling us.

On the other hand they tell us that Trump is worse that Joseph Stalin. Stalin murdered 25 million of his own people during WWII. Stalin killed more Russians than the Nazis. But he doesn't hold a candle to Donald J. Trump. Just we have a Republican president asking for help from a foreign government....during an election that never seems to end. FYI, members of congress started announcing they were running for president (in all practicality) before Trump was sworn in.

Democrats claim that Trump can't look for corruption if it's one of his political opponents. They want to be able to commit any crime without being held accountable. According to Democrats, despite what they say....they really think they are above the law.
What is ironic is Trump didn't do anything wrong. Every president has asked a favor of other world leaders. There's nothing wrong with this. Why else would they talk on the phone? So what's the big deal?

Here's the deal: Democrats are in essence making normal daily presidential activities illegal. The difference here is that we have a House run by Democrats who want everyone to take leave of their senses and simply buy into their lies. Every day we see examples of the left telling us things that we know is total BS but if you dare to question it then you're a racist or a Trump supporter.

Who is behind all of this garbage?

That's a good question. If you want to know...just follow the money.

The impression we're supposed to grasp is that everyone currently in government is shit. There has to be a better choice out there. But who? A former First Lady of course.


Right now it doesn't seem very plausible....but eventually you will have idiots demanding that this lying bitch run for president for the good of the country. Russian Collusion was just a scam to hinder the Trump Administration. So is this insidious Whistlblower farce. Nancy Pelosi actually claimed yesterday that the fake parody that Adam Schiff read into the record, but was by his own admission a lie, was 100% correct.


So who is a former First Lady who is a compulsive liar and failed presidential candidate?
Hillary Clinton of course. The left wanted Michelle Obama to run but she's said she won't do it. I figure by next Summer Hillary will be the front-runner again and most of the idiot leftists on USMB will be supporting her. The corrupt media will feed them all of their talking-points....and like the useful idiots that they are....they'll begin parroting them like it is something they thought was a good idea all along.

Yep....Joe Biden is shown acting like he's lost his mind....videos of the retarded SOB bragging about committing bribery and extortion in Ukraine.....and .

Up next....there's videos of Liz Warren talking about how she didn't get hired for a job because she was, as she related over and over on the campaign trail, visibly preggers. Immediately a video is released showing Liz in 2008 talking about the same situation but this time she's saying that she didn't have the requirements needed for the job so she decided to have her baby and not work for 2 years, blowing her current claims completely out of the water.

Whenever it looks like a Democrat is beginning to get some traction in the run for the White House incriminating evidence is released in the news that totally destroys it.

Who is behind this? It's pretty clear that most journalists don't have the intellectual curiosity to find dirt on Democrats....and anyone who tries is either fired or destroyed by an army of lawyers or an army of hookers claiming they were sexually-assaulted 35 years ago. So who is making this information available? Who has the money and the backing to make this all happen?


Why are Democrats trying to impeach Trump?

Because they know they have nobody that's worth a damn. least that's what the corrupt media keeps telling us.

On the other hand they tell us that Trump is worse that Joseph Stalin. Stalin murdered 25 million of his own people during WWII. Stalin killed more Russians than the Nazis. But he doesn't hold a candle to Donald J. Trump. Just we have a Republican president asking for help from a foreign government....during an election that never seems to end. FYI, members of congress started announcing they were running for president (in all practicality) before Trump was sworn in.

Democrats claim that Trump can't look for corruption if it's one of his political opponents. They want to be able to commit any crime without being held accountable. According to Democrats, despite what they say....they really think they are above the law.
What is ironic is Trump didn't do anything wrong. Every president has asked a favor of other world leaders. There's nothing wrong with this. Why else would they talk on the phone? So what's the big deal?

Here's the deal: Democrats are in essence making normal daily presidential activities illegal. The difference here is that we have a House run by Democrats who want everyone to take leave of their senses and simply buy into their lies. Every day we see examples of the left telling us things that we know is total BS but if you dare to question it then you're a racist or a Trump supporter.

Who is behind all of this garbage?

That's a good question. If you want to know...just follow the money.

The impression we're supposed to grasp is that everyone currently in government is shit. There has to be a better choice out there. But who? A former First Lady of course.


Right now it doesn't seem very plausible....but eventually you will have idiots demanding that this lying bitch run for president for the good of the country. Russian Collusion was just a scam to hinder the Trump Administration. So is this insidious Whistlblower farce. Nancy Pelosi actually claimed yesterday that the fake parody that Adam Schiff read into the record, but was by his own admission a lie, was 100% correct.


So who is a former First Lady who is a compulsive liar and failed presidential candidate?
Hillary Clinton of course. The left wanted Michelle Obama to run but she's said she won't do it. I figure by next Summer Hillary will be the front-runner again and most of the idiot leftists on USMB will be supporting her. The corrupt media will feed them all of their talking-points....and like the useful idiots that they are....they'll begin parroting them like it is something they thought was a good idea all along.


:lol: I love how politics makes people kookoo for cocoapuffs
Someone tell these people that Hillary ain’t on the ticket.

They’re going to have to focus their derangement on someone else, though “Biden Derangement Syndrome” doesn’t really sound like a thing.
Someone remind us who the other (so-called third) party candidates are!
Pretty clear the Hillary is still the frontrunner and has the best chance to beat Trump
Someone tell these people that Hillary ain’t on the ticket.

They’re going to have to focus their derangement on someone else, though “Biden Derangement Syndrome” doesn’t really sound like a thing.
It won't be a thing. He'll fade out and be replaced by the next idiot who is stupid enough to run.
I’m not sure biden can campaign anymore.. and warren can’t win NEW HAMPSHIRE lol
Last time she was too old, too weak, too untruthful, too crooked and too drunk. All those things either stayed the same or got worse. But the worst thing about her is her whining about getting robbed of the Presidency, her pseudo intellectual babble that has no actual meaning at all and her sour disposition and sense of entitlement. Not only that but her donor list looks like it came right out of the who's who of scumbags list.
Yep....Joe Biden is shown acting like he's lost his mind....videos of the retarded SOB bragging about committing bribery and extortion in Ukraine.....and .

Up next....there's videos of Liz Warren talking about how she didn't get hired for a job because she was, as she related over and over on the campaign trail, visibly preggers. Immediately a video is released showing Liz in 2008 talking about the same situation but this time she's saying that she didn't have the requirements needed for the job so she decided to have her baby and not work for 2 years, blowing her current claims completely out of the water.

Whenever it looks like a Democrat is beginning to get some traction in the run for the White House incriminating evidence is released in the news that totally destroys it.

Who is behind this? It's pretty clear that most journalists don't have the intellectual curiosity to find dirt on Democrats....and anyone who tries is either fired or destroyed by an army of lawyers or an army of hookers claiming they were sexually-assaulted 35 years ago. So who is making this information available? Who has the money and the backing to make this all happen?


Why are Democrats trying to impeach Trump?

Because they know they have nobody that's worth a damn. least that's what the corrupt media keeps telling us.

On the other hand they tell us that Trump is worse that Joseph Stalin. Stalin murdered 25 million of his own people during WWII. Stalin killed more Russians than the Nazis. But he doesn't hold a candle to Donald J. Trump. Just we have a Republican president asking for help from a foreign government....during an election that never seems to end. FYI, members of congress started announcing they were running for president (in all practicality) before Trump was sworn in.

Democrats claim that Trump can't look for corruption if it's one of his political opponents. They want to be able to commit any crime without being held accountable. According to Democrats, despite what they say....they really think they are above the law.
What is ironic is Trump didn't do anything wrong. Every president has asked a favor of other world leaders. There's nothing wrong with this. Why else would they talk on the phone? So what's the big deal?

Here's the deal: Democrats are in essence making normal daily presidential activities illegal. The difference here is that we have a House run by Democrats who want everyone to take leave of their senses and simply buy into their lies. Every day we see examples of the left telling us things that we know is total BS but if you dare to question it then you're a racist or a Trump supporter.

Who is behind all of this garbage?

That's a good question. If you want to know...just follow the money.

The impression we're supposed to grasp is that everyone currently in government is shit. There has to be a better choice out there. But who? A former First Lady of course.


Right now it doesn't seem very plausible....but eventually you will have idiots demanding that this lying bitch run for president for the good of the country. Russian Collusion was just a scam to hinder the Trump Administration. So is this insidious Whistlblower farce. Nancy Pelosi actually claimed yesterday that the fake parody that Adam Schiff read into the record, but was by his own admission a lie, was 100% correct.


So who is a former First Lady who is a compulsive liar and failed presidential candidate?
Hillary Clinton of course. The left wanted Michelle Obama to run but she's said she won't do it. I figure by next Summer Hillary will be the front-runner again and most of the idiot leftists on USMB will be supporting her. The corrupt media will feed them all of their talking-points....and like the useful idiots that they are....they'll begin parroting them like it is something they thought was a good idea all along.

Don't believe that crap about Hillary is going to run. They knows that if she runs. That Pres.Trump will start unveiling all of the info that he has gather up over the years while being President. To expose them to the world. And all he have to do is bring all of the evidence on stage. And smack it over the head of the fact-checkers that will be doing the fact checking during the debates. Elizabeth Warren didn't allowed Dr.Shiva Ayyandurai to be in the debates. It is because he will expose her's lies. And so they made sure that he wasn't at the debates. And they did the same to Tulsi.
Hillary running for President is just a political ploy. To prevent the conservative's party from searching out the best candidates that are running for the Senate in 2020. They know that Pres.Trump is going to win. But without him having control over the House and the Senate. That the only thing that he can in the next term. It is to dance around with his wife in the Oval office, and talk about the things that he could of have done if he would have control of the House and the Senate. So ignore these Deep Staters' media that are trying to put into your heads that there is a big possibility that Hillary will win. Is there anybody that is born with any sense at all. Did the GMO's have had some effects on their brains Start focusing on who to put into the House and Senate. Ignore the rest of these propaganda.

. Donald Trump Blasts Monsanto For Damaging American’s Health

Hillary Clinton: The Bride of Frankenfood - Global Research

Sure looks like a colostomy bag...or a third breast under that tent


She will be 72 later this month, so 73 on election day if she runs again. But honest to Pete look at her. She is not a healthy 71, and after a year on the campaign trail can you imagine? Why is any woman wearing caftans like that? Look at her visibly swollen legs and ankles. I'm no medical professional but I know this is not right.
Sure looks like a colostomy bag...or a third breast under that tent


She will be 72 later this month, so 73 on election day if she runs again. But honest to Pete look at her. She is not a healthy 71, and after a year on the campaign trail can you imagine? Why is any woman wearing caftans like that? Look at her visibly swollen legs and ankles. I'm no medical professional but I know this is not right.
The loopy kunt looks like melted ice cream...
Someone tell these people that Hillary ain’t on the ticket.

They’re going to have to focus their derangement on someone else, though “Biden Derangement Syndrome” doesn’t really sound like a thing.

Biden is a clown.

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