Vitiate and Trump: A StarWars Dialysis


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a tale about Lord Vitiate of the Sith descending upon TrumpUSA --- A StarWars Fan-Fic!

What is your opinion of pedestrian consciousness in this age of media/consumerism?

Personally, I like having fun with TrumpUSA intrigue before something odious (e.g., Reaganomics) descends upon this shopping-friendly nation of ours...


Vitiate left his planet Nathema where he ruled so he could visit Earth in the summer of 2017. Vitiate wanted to witness the 'progress' of Earth's finest 'empire' --- the USA. America was 'ruled' by President Trump, a capitalism-baron and former casino-owner (Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City). Vitiate discovered that Americans embraced many consumerism monuments/totems (e.g., Starbucks, Facebook, McDonald's, Wall Street, eBay, etc., etc.). Vitiate also discovered that First Lady Melania Trump was somewhat critical about America's seeming 'obsession' with shopping and money...

Vitiate wanted more and more to learn about the First Lady and her influence on the American President (Donald Trump). He thought Melania was Donald's spiritual guide and source of sanity but that the President was also very ambitious and made most of his decisions on his own. Vitiate studied gender issues in America and studied various publicized gender-intrigue events such as the Anita Hill case and the Amy Fisher suburbia scandal. Vitiate considered himself to be a 'witnessing mercenary' in this modern age 'consumer-politics drama' and was interested to see how President Trump would negotiate with Syria (a predominantly Sunni-Muslim nation) and Iran (a predominantly Shia-Muslim nation) regarding OPEC...

Vitiate was a Lord of the Sith and as such praised the pragmatism of ruthless profiteerism and Machiavellian governance. As emperor of Nathema, Vitiate was considered a man of results, promise, power, and cunning. On Earth, Vitiate was curious to see how gender-issues impacted Americans' perspective on consumerism and media, especially since the President was a celebrity and 'capitalism-personality.' Vitiate disguised himself as a reporter to speak with First Lady Melania Trump and interview her and take notes to take back to Nathema (so he could tell his subjects there about the role that gender played on Earth governance conspicuously guided by consumer-demands)...

VITIATE: Thank you for accepting this interview request, Mrs. Trump!
MELANIA: You're welcome! I'm happy to answer any important questions...
VITIATE: Do you think as First Lady, it is your duty to guide your husband (the President) wisely?
MELANIA: Of course. The President has the heavy burden of coordinating capital with culture.
VITIATE: Exactly. Are you a fan of consumerism-culture (e.g., Starbucks, Facebook, Burger King, etc.)?
MELANIA: I like Starbucks and I like Facebook and trust the President is shrewd enough to govern.
VITIATE: He was a casino-owner after all (Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, New Jersey)!
MELANIA: That casino is now closed, but my husband's experience with consumerism benefits him.
VITIATE: What do you think about the Taliban attacking the World Trade Center in 2001?
MELANIA: Terrorists who dislike Western civilization (and America in particular) frighten citizens/pedestrians.
VITIATE: If you were President during the 9/11 tragedy, would you have done things differently?
MELANIA: No, I don't think so. George Bush did a commendable job (and so did the Pentagon I think)!
VITIATE: Alright. How do you feel about gender-issues as they relate to media/consumerism now?
MELANIA: I like the Starbucks female mermaid-siren logo!
VITIATE: That's great. Are you scared terrorists target your husband (since he was a capitalism-baron)?
MELANIA: I trust that the government works to ensure his safety and the protection of our family...
VITIATE: Do you think America will ever elect a female President?
MELANIA: Well, there's 'street-gossip' that Oprah Winfrey might run for President!
VITIATE: That is interesting. Would you endorse Oprah's nomination?
MELANIA: I would endorse any Republican Party nomination that is good for consumerism/politics.
VITIATE: Cool. One last question --- Do you believe America is recovering from the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal?
MELANIA: Yes (more or less)...



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