Video of President Trump handing out food and encouragement to those in need

There is so much hate and inhumanity here with our leftwards. I am sure they are going to burn the little black girl at the stake for running up to trump and hugging him and asking for a picture with him. Will it even be shown on other networks. Ask yourselves if our resident leftist trolls said one positive comment about anything in the last six months. Hateful people bring you down. You have to wonder how they survive outside of the usmb bubble.
What has Trump done for 7 months other than create crises of his own making?
View attachment 147234
President Bush did the same after Katrina.
What did Obooba do after Sandy
Glad you asked.
look at him looking straight at that TV camera....
Cynical and plain stupid. You Obama haters are pathetic but fortunately in a very small minority.
whats stupid is you believing a politician is out there among the people out of the goodness of his heart....and i hate obama?....the worst thing i have ever said about the guy is he was a half-assed leader.....lots of hate there......
View attachment 147234
President Bush did the same after Katrina.
What did Obooba do after Sandy
Glad you asked.
look at him looking straight at that TV camera....
Cynical and plain stupid. You Obama haters are pathetic but fortunately in a very small minority.
whats stupid is you believing a politician is out there among the people out of the goodness of his heart....and i hate obama?....the worst thing i have ever said about the guy is he was a half-assed leader.....lots of hate there......
What does that make Trump? A 1/8th ass leader?
Obama was a leader of all the people. Trump only cares about his ignorant base.
Nice to see that he is learning how to play the game, my way or the highway will only work for a smaller part of the population. humility is a needed component in a leader.
Nice to see that he is learning how to play the game, my way or the highway will only work for a smaller part of the population. humility is a needed component in a leader.
Using the word humility in a sentence with the malignant narcissus is an oxymoron.
It's all p.r. of course, but Trump does seem to connect pretty well with ordinary people. Let's see how he does the next 3 or 4 years. And especially, will he get tight fisted when it comes to helping the little guy, or say no, no, no, to any social spending like a typical republican.
Trump pitches in at shelter for Harvey victims

Food drink and chips for every man woman and child................ And every African American begging to get near the nicest man in Texas, because he is not to big to ignore the secret service and get to the people in need........................

CNN will report that this is the behavior of the typical NAZI
The only reason he is acting this unnatural to his basic nature is because the media correctly pointed out that he showed no remorse or concern for the victims his first time in Houston, once again he was too interested in crowd size.

Funny such low expectations you have for this president when he FINALLY does what is expected of any president.
You people and your feelings are pathetic. You don't feel any remorse for the dead either.
You're a real good liar. But funny just because Trump is devoid of any human emotions other than greed and narcissism you project that onto me.
I don't need anyone with your pathetic emotional issues running the country. Trump gets shit done and is making obie and people like you look like idiots in the process. This is what a leader looks like. Not some over emotional twat.
There is so much hate and inhumanity here with our leftwards. I am sure they are going to burn the little black girl at the stake for running up to trump and hugging him and asking for a picture with him. Will it even be shown on other networks. Ask yourselves if our resident leftist trolls said one positive comment about anything in the last six months. Hateful people bring you down. You have to wonder how they survive outside of the usmb bubble.
What has Trump done for 7 months other than create crises of his own making?
What crisis? You cryin' marxists crack me up.
It's all p.r. of course, but Trump does seem to connect pretty well with ordinary people. Let's see how he does the next 3 or 4 years. And especially, will he get tight fisted when it comes to helping the little guy, or say no, no, no, to any social spending like a typical republican.
Typical. You don't have to spend to help the little guy.
It's all p.r. of course, but Trump does seem to connect pretty well with ordinary people. Let's see how he does the next 3 or 4 years. And especially, will he get tight fisted when it comes to helping the little guy, or say no, no, no, to any social spending like a typical republican.
Typical. You don't have to spend to help the little guy.

You're wrong. Money talks and b.s. walks when you're
down and out.
It's all p.r. of course, but Trump does seem to connect pretty well with ordinary people. Let's see how he does the next 3 or 4 years. And especially, will he get tight fisted when it comes to helping the little guy, or say no, no, no, to any social spending like a typical republican.
Typical. You don't have to spend to help the little guy.

You're wrong. Money talks and b.s. walks when you're
down and out.
Take some responsibility for yourself you won't be down and out. If you depend on politicians to take care of you, you deserve everything you get. Damn lazy-ass leftist hacks.
It's all p.r. of course, but Trump does seem to connect pretty well with ordinary people. Let's see how he does the next 3 or 4 years. And especially, will he get tight fisted when it comes to helping the little guy, or say no, no, no, to any social spending like a typical republican.
Typical. You don't have to spend to help the little guy.

You're wrong. Money talks and b.s. walks when you're
down and out.
Take some responsibility for yourself you won't be down and out. If you depend on politicians to take care of you, you deserve everything you get. Damn lazy-ass leftist hacks.

Reverting to insults so early on? Guess that's the end of this discussion. Bye
View attachment 147234
What did Obooba do after Sandy
Glad you asked.
look at him looking straight at that TV camera....
Cynical and plain stupid. You Obama haters are pathetic but fortunately in a very small minority.
whats stupid is you believing a politician is out there among the people out of the goodness of his heart....and i hate obama?....the worst thing i have ever said about the guy is he was a half-assed leader.....lots of hate there......
What does that make Trump? A 1/8th ass leader?
Obama was a leader of all the people. Trump only cares about his ignorant base.
obama was a leader to only those who agreed with him,just like bush was for only those that agreed with him.....geezus be reasonable....
Trump pitches in at shelter for Harvey victims

Food drink and chips for every man woman and child................ And every African American begging to get near the nicest man in Texas, because he is not to big to ignore the secret service and get to the people in need........................

CNN will report that this is the behavior of the typical NAZI
Good for him, but truthfully, this was a staged photo op. Not that what he did wasn't good stuff. Though to be honest, I was disappointed in his lack of management skills. I'd have had all those people standing around putting the care packages in the vehicles. One or two to an item, and I would have had that line moving right along.

Those people needed those supplies and the delay for a handshake here and there should have ended after the first two.

Still, the Houstonians seem appreciative.
Trump pitches in at shelter for Harvey victims

Food drink and chips for every man woman and child................ And every African American begging to get near the nicest man in Texas, because he is not to big to ignore the secret service and get to the people in need........................

CNN will report that this is the behavior of the typical NAZI
He won't get an Emmy for this performance. Not believable.

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