Video did precipiate terrorist attack.

Petraeus said they were fairly certain within 24 hours it was a terrorist attack and not the result of some spontaneous demonstration. His statement several days later and UN Ambassador Susan Rices statements on the five talk shows the following Sunday were the product of some intra agency collaboration, CIA, State, DOD etc... He does not know who the author of the talking points was....
My guesss is it was Valerie Jarret, David Axelrod and co "We've got an election to win! We can't have this kinda stuff going out there and on peoples minds!...........Not at this time!....No way! No how!"
Rampant incompetence begetting rampant falsehoods. The Leftmedia reporters questioning Peter King immediately afterwards were only interested in the "Sex under the desk" aspect of it, eagerly trying to find a way to protect their Chicago Jesus.

A cover up is Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld covering up the fact that there were no WMDs in Iraq and lied to get support for invading Iraq sacrificing our children for oil and millions for Cheney’s Halliburton and Balckwater. That’s a cover up because they tried to cover up the fact that no WMDs were found.
Obama won so get the hell use to it. You will see a much different Obama the next four years than we saw the previous four years. Stand back and watch. He has more “flexibility.”

Foxnew and the radical right wing witch hunters with matches and ropes lied. There were protester outside the consulate at the time of the terrorist attack. So Issa go the fuch back to work and put away your white sheets and crosses

You're fucking insane.

I honestly believe she is old and has dementia. She says some really wild and off the wall crap. NO ONE can be that misinformed, ignorant, stupid- well except TM- but she's certifiable too.

Or she has the entailment mentality, got too protect the hand that feeds them.

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