Video: Chomsky repeats assertion that Trump could stage terror attack


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Liberal activist Noam Chomsky has doubled down on comments he made last month, saying he believes that President Trump may stage a terrorist attack in order to distract from unfulfilled promises and to bolster support.

Liberal activist Noam Chomsky has doubled down on comments he made last month, saying he believes that President Trump may stage a terrorist attack in order to distract from unfulfilled promises and to bolster support.

Chomsky made the comments on Democracy Now, when asked to clarify his previous assertion that Trump may concoct a false flag attack and blame it on ‘vulnerable people’.

The author at first attempted to play down the comments saying that what he said wasn’t as inflammatory as some headlines suggested, but then he simply repeated the assertion that the President could literally stage a terrorist attack.

“Sooner or later this con game is not going to work,” said Chomsky, adding “People will understand he’s not bringing back jobs, he’s not

Video: Chomsky Repeats Assertion That Trump Could Stage Terror Attack
It's "easy to construct alleged attacks."

oh but wait it was said earlier by the Obama screwball that FALSE FLAGS aren't possible. Gawd these idiots lie so bad they don't even know when they're lying. Talk about mental cases.
Chomsky is a Hate America First ass hole.

If you want to know how far a person is in the fever swamps of leftwing nuttery, just ask them what they think of Chomsky.
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Liberal activist Noam Chomsky has doubled down on comments he made last month, saying he believes that President Trump may stage a terrorist attack in order to distract from unfulfilled promises and to bolster support.

Liberal activist Noam Chomsky has doubled down on comments he made last month, saying he believes that President Trump may stage a terrorist attack in order to distract from unfulfilled promises and to bolster support.

Chomsky made the comments on Democracy Now, when asked to clarify his previous assertion that Trump may concoct a false flag attack and blame it on ‘vulnerable people’.

The author at first attempted to play down the comments saying that what he said wasn’t as inflammatory as some headlines suggested, but then he simply repeated the assertion that the President could literally stage a terrorist attack.

“Sooner or later this con game is not going to work,” said Chomsky, adding “People will understand he’s not bringing back jobs, he’s not

Video: Chomsky Repeats Assertion That Trump Could Stage Terror Attack
It's "easy to construct alleged attacks."

oh but wait it was said earlier by the Obama screwball that FALSE FLAGS aren't possible. Gawd these idiots lie so bad they don't even know when they're lying. Talk about mental cases.

This might be disinformation from him.Thats what chomsky is,a dsiin a shill same as alex jones.they are both part of the controlled opposition. they do tell the truth about government corruption that the media does not tell but its really NOT controlled since that is all by deign from the the government to have these guys report stuff the media does not to make it look like they are on our side.

Chomsky exposed what a shill he is for the government and an agent for them because he has said many times he does not believe 9/11 was an inside job and the official version is correct but here is the REAL clicker he is a shill on the governments payroll.He has ALSO said incredibly,that oswald was the lone assassin.:rolleyes: its so obvious he is double agent working for the government.

what an idiot,the worst thing you can do if you want to try and convince americans you are really against government corruption is defend the warren commission.:cuckoo::rolleyes:
Trump and his sheep always have their fingers crossed hoping for a good terrorist attack. Extra glee if it's mostly Democrats that are killed.
If democrats are killed in a terrorist attack they engineered how can that possibly be a bad thing?
I can make predictions too, Chumpski. Watch this...

Democrats are going to stage a terrorist attack somewhere in the world this month. When the attack happens, thats when youll know i was telling you the truth about Democrats staging terrorist attacks.
Well that Khymer Rouge, VC, PLO, Hamas, FLMN, etc. etc., supporting piece of shit would know all about terrorist attacks wouldn't he?
Well that Khymer Rouge, VC, PLO, Hamas, FLMN, etc. etc., supporting piece of shit would know all about terrorist attacks wouldn't he?
The First Amendment allows people to say all kinds of shit but Noah Chomsky is a liberal hero so now we know he's a completely insane man just as all of them are.

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