Video: Black Lives Matter protestors use physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries at Wal-Mart in Arkansas


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
More evidence that BLM doesn't give a shit about black people in general.

Dan from Squirrel Hill's blog

Video: Black Lives Matter protestors use physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries at Wal-Mart in Arkansas

By Daniel Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

July 6, 2020


In the eight minute video below, we see Black Lives Matter protestors using physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries at Wal-Mart in Arkansas.

Alexis Wainwright, the young lady doing the narration in the video, tries very hard to give us an objective view of what is going on. She tries very hard not to take sides. Good for her. She’d make a great reporter.

I’m not a reporter. My blog is not a news website. It’s an opinion website. Everything that I say here is my own opinion.

And I just want to say that in my opinion, what Black Lives Matter is doing here is absolutely despicable.

Using physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries does not do anything to help black lives. On the contrary, since black people need to buy groceries, and since black people work at Wal-Mart, Black Lives Matter is hurting, not helping, black lives.

Using physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries does not do anything to help black lives. On the contrary, since black people need to buy groceries, and since black people work at Wal-Mart, Black Lives Matter is hurting, not helping, black lives.

It's despicable behavior regardless of the skin color of the shoppers.

These animals need to be put down...
I predict that IM2 and other race hustlers will avoid this thread.

After all it goes against their race hustling paradigm, so what if a few blacks die in the process, even little children, it is for the cause, that cause is everything.

They are miserable people spreading misery since that is their projected way of life.
More about black people suffering, BECAUSE of the despicable BLM terrorist group.

Pj Media

Grandpa of Murdered 11-Year Old Destroys Black Lives Matter Charade with Once Sentence


John Ayala, Twitter video screenshot (@RamirezReports for @Fox5DC).
As police across the country are pulling back amid a wave of angry protests and violent rioting, an 11-year-old boy was shot and killed during a family cookout on the Fourth of July in Washington, D.C. Police are offering $25,000 for information leading to an arrest. The victim, identified as Davon McNeal, reportedly loved football. He was shot in the head in Anacostia and pronounced dead at a local hospital, FOX 5 D.C. reported. One of his grandfathers lamented black-on-black crime and criticized Black Lives Matter for ignoring it.

Everybody’s just saying they’re just tired – tired of the shootings in the community,” John Ayala, McNeal’s paternal grandfather, told FOX 5. “Everybody’s running around here thinking they’re Uzi-toting, dope-sucking, psychopathic killing machines and they’re just destroying lives.”

“We’re protesting for months, for weeks, saying, ‘Black Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter.’ Black lives matter it seems like, only when a police officer shoots a black person,” Ayala lamented, bitterly. “What about all the black-on-black crime that’s happening in the community?”

Where the fuck are the forum left loons now?

An innocent little eight year old girl murdered by BLM assholes...not a fucking peep from you.

You assholes disgust me and every other sensible human being

You're all a sham. You know it...fcking own it
They don't really care about "Black lives", it's pretty obvious.
More evidence that BLM doesn't give a shit about black people in general.

Dan from Squirrel Hill's blog

Video: Black Lives Matter protestors use physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries at Wal-Mart in Arkansas

By Daniel Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

July 6, 2020


In the eight minute video below, we see Black Lives Matter protestors using physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries at Wal-Mart in Arkansas.

Alexis Wainwright, the young lady doing the narration in the video, tries very hard to give us an objective view of what is going on. She tries very hard not to take sides. Good for her. She’d make a great reporter.

I’m not a reporter. My blog is not a news website. It’s an opinion website. Everything that I say here is my own opinion.

And I just want to say that in my opinion, what Black Lives Matter is doing here is absolutely despicable.

Using physical force to prevent regular black people from buying groceries does not do anything to help black lives. On the contrary, since black people need to buy groceries, and since black people work at Wal-Mart, Black Lives Matter is hurting, not helping, black lives.


That's my blog!

Thanks for posting it!

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