Victoria Nuland is stepping down as deputy of Secretary of State.

Statement by Nazi General Reinecke: Reinecke:
"The war between Germany and Russia is not a war between two states or two armies. It is a war between two worldviews - the National Socialist worldview and the Bolshevik worldview. The Red Army soldier is not regarded as a soldier in the ordinary sense of the word, as it is understood with regard to our Western adversaries. The Red Army soldier must be regarded as an ideological enemy, that is, as a mortal enemy of National Socialism, and must therefore be treated accordingly."

What a stupid, vile rotten bastard you have to be to continue to spout this vile, lying filth about the equality of Nazis and Bolsheviks even after 80 years after the war.... You stinking filth!
The Russians had their view of socialism and the Germans had their view of socialism. I never, and will never, say they were equal except in their evil. The Russians probably murdered more people than the Germans but even that is debatable.

Which one is your favorite --


The whole stupid, diseased, disgusting, filthy, political philosophy of the FILTH of modern socialism began in Germany. Marx was German and an apostate Jew. Lenin was living in Germany until the Germans sent him back to the disease called Russia to try to take them out of the War. He did.

So which view of socialism is correct? The German (orthodox) view or the diseased Russian view?

Neither. socialism is not a political philsophy, it is a disease of the mind and the spirit. A cancer

You might even be able to get people to subscribe to the theory that Plato's 'Republic' was the first communist manifesto.

You're just part of the disease. And there is only one cure.
The Russians had their view of socialism and the Germans had their view of socialism. I
Like I said earlier, you're a dumb bastard, so you can keep to your own thoughts. I'm not interested in educating an asshole like you.
I doubt very much she is "retired". Most likely rotating through a think tank or ngo power team. You have to know the players to understand the offense. Like April Glaspie and her set up of Saddam, the whole play needs to be looked at, not just the camera focus.""April Glaspie was an accomplished diplomat and U.S. ambassador to Iraq when, on July 25, 1990, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein summoned her to his office. President George H.W. Bush sought rapprochement with Iraq, with whom diplomatic relations were long fraught. In response to Saddam’s complaints about Kuwait, Iraq’s neighbor to the south, Glaspie famously quipped, “We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.” The Iraqi leader took Glaspie’s quip to mean that the United States would sit on the sidelines if he resolved to military action to solve his dispute with Kuwait."" i think you know what happened next. They don't "retire". The Real Victoria Nuland: US foreign policy official retires after decades of fomenting conflict and destruction

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