Vermont woman delivering meals to homeless gets dose of diversity

What the hell was this savages motive? These creatures are beyond understanding.

Probably wanted to rape her and she resisted, the usual thing the Kebabs are all about Muh Dick like the Jungle Bunnies are all about Muh Dick, neither belong in Civilised nations.'s what males do.

^^^^ No, the majority of men do not think of attacking women.

If you say this, you deeply offend the feminists. Have you thought of that?

I don't give a fuck about Feminists, well what you mean is the Radical Feminists essentially, they just hate men and would like men to cease to exist on all levels.

Normal women like men, I like men and I do not know of any men who have attacked a woman and I have never been attacked by some random man or by any man, so the Radical Feminists should just STFU and stay in their Lesbo Bubble and then society would be better for it.

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