Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty

Ha ha ha. The mind of a crazed bigot, quite entertaining.

Here is from the Jewish bible
So Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her handmaid, at the end of ten years of Abram's dwelling in the land of Canaan, and she gave her to Abram her husband for a wife. גוַתִּקַּח שָׂרַי אֵשֶׁת אַבְרָם אֶת הָגָר הַמִּצְרִית שִׁפְחָתָהּ מִקֵּץ עֶשֶׂר שָׁנִים לְשֶׁבֶת אַבְרָם בְּאֶרֶץ כְּנָעַן וַתִּתֵּן אֹתָהּ לְאַבְרָם אִישָׁהּ לוֹ לְאִשָּׁה:

Even though Yiddish was the language and Hebrew had to be taught to the imposters. Now we get to Moses
Deut 21:45, and apparently God changed his mind and said inheritance belonged to the firstborn, no matter how the man feels about the wife's.

Interesting how fucked up the mind of this lunatic is, it even makes up its own religion. Both the Old and New Testaments state that Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his son Issac, who was then saved before the sacrifice. The Covenant and Promise which included the land of Israel went to Issac's descendants. God then commanded Abraham to kick Ishmael out of his house. Called Ishmael unruly and one who will roam the deserts like a wild jackass, who's descendants will be at war with all nations.

The Old and New Testaments are very clear about this and there are many verses to this effect.
Say hello to the false prophet. The one that helps take away the land that was deeded by God, to Abraham's family. You'll win this battle. Enjoy your 3 and 1/2 years. You are predestined to lose the war.....
Read your Bible.

Ishmael, the father of the arab's, was also part of Abraham'd family. ..... :cool:

Until he was cast out and shunned, remember what the Bile had to say about him ?

God literally called Ishmael a wild jackass who's descendants will be at war with everyone. Had the illiterate prophet Mohammad known this, he would not have made himself a relative of Ishmael. And based the entire religion of Islam on a lie and total misinterpretation.

But considering how Muslims have been behaving, he may have had a point.
Israel belongs to God. Christ will determine Israel's expanded borders when he gets here. His Temple will be in Jerusalem.
What the Bible says about Abraham is that he is God's friend. I don't remember God saying that about Hamas, even if they actually were Semitic.
You're not fooling anybody...
Yes, well that interpretation of ancient texts and an empty bag is worth a bag.

Claiming something because you believe a deity gave it to you is pointless

So the arab muslim claims are pointless then ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Absolutely pointless. They have 99% of the Middle East. Egypt has more than enough room for their outcasts. They need to stop using the self imposed displaced Arabs as a battering ram into Israel, and invite the squatters back home.

Those Palestinians there have stayed there for centuries upon centuries. They are the ones who stayed behind, Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The Jewish diaspora started in about 500 BC and only a handful returned to Judea and then the Roman Empire got rid of them for good, why , because the Jews want to control and fight and Rome got tired of it.

Look up Yahweh on google. The Jewish God is their God, a God of war. They were not monotheistic.

Which islamonazi site did you get this crap from

Her asylum cell mate told her so. Does that count?
What that really says is, screw you Israel!! Believe me there are lots of RC's in the world and if the Pope is for the Pals, so are they. It may not mean much, but is bringing positive attention to the plight of the Pals since their land got infested with thieves and murderers.

So? Israel will still here tomorrow, get over yourself.

They will need to give back the land and go back to the 48 lines. Also leave the neighboring states alone. Everyone is on to Israel now and know they have no right to that land.

Whos going to force Israel to do anything? you and your band of anti semites?

The people in Israel are not Semites, They will do it to themselves.

So the Israelis will just pack up and leave on their own? good luck with that. :thup:

Hey it's a free country, even Jew haters are entitled to their own fantasies, as absurd as they are.
The Vatican actions just demonstrate once again that religious antisemitism is alive and kicking!

You would have thought that with all the persecution and cruelty imposed on the Jews by the Catholic church, the church would have rectified its past errors and tried to adopt a correct attitude towards Israel and the Jews.

The Pope has been badly advised.
How is recognition of Palestine anti-semetic?

The countries friendly to Israel have not recognized Palestine as a State.

It's that simple.

Oh Israel has other friends besides the US, who?

You should do your own research before making comments.

There are many including the US, Canada, Australia, The Czech Republic etc....

Im in the US and believe me many do not like Israel except for the Politicians, Canada and Australia , are you kidding. The only reason to side with Israel is to avoid a terror attack.

Here on planet earth, overwhelming majority of Americans support Israel and think Palestinians are just another breed of Islamic scum buckets. Check the polls.
Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty

The Israeli foreign ministry said it was "disappointed." (ahh)

"This move does not promote the peace process and distances the Palestinian leadership from returning to direct and bilateral negotiations," the ministry said in a text message, according to the Associated Press.

As a practical matter, Palestinians must still negotiate the terms of any statehood with Israel. But as the representative of the world's largest Christian constituency, the Vatican does have influence on the question of Jerusalem, which both Israeli and Palestinian leaders claim as their rightful capital, said Hussein Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.

"On the undefined, undecided status of Jerusalem generally, the Vatican has a role in that," Ibish said.

Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty
the Vatican does have influence on the question of Jerusalem

The head of the mackerel snapping kiddie fiddler outfit has no say about Jerusalem

Whatever he dam well wants. The PM of Israel is a tiny tiny tiny speck of dust compared to Pope Francis, a man of integrity.
Of course the Pope can say what is wants to say, just as you seem to have the liberty of saying what you want to say about the Jews. The Pope, though, has a purpose for saying what he did. Maybe your eyes are closed to it because you are obsessed with the Jews, but the Pope is worried about all the Christians being murdered by your friendly Muslims in the Middle East so in this instance he wants to appease those Muslims who hate the Jews by siding with the Palestinians who are mainly Muslims..
Say hello to the false prophet. The one that helps take away the land that was deeded by God, to Abraham's family. You'll win this battle. Enjoy your 3 and 1/2 years. You are predestined to lose the war.....
Read your Bible.

Ishmael, the father of the arab's, was also part of Abraham'd family. ..... :cool:

Until he was cast out and shunned, remember what the Bile had to say about him ?

God literally called Ishmael a wild jackass who's descendants will be at war with everyone. Had the illiterate prophet Mohammad known this, he would not have made himself a relative of Ishmael. And based the entire religion of Islam on a lie and total misinterpretation.

But considering how Muslims have been behaving, he may have had a point.

Here read about Jacobs sons:

Jacob Blesses His SonsA)'>
49 Then Jacob called for his sons and said: “Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come.B)'>
And the Roman Catholic Church has never been a friend to Israel. They didn't arrive at their decision based on fairness, but on bias.

Well the Jews killed Jesus remember, and read about the Kitos War. The Pope is very intelligent and is not to be fooled by Israel propaganda.

Yea a guy in a gown and a pointee hat should be feared!! :laugh2::laugh2:

“How many divisions does the Pope of Rome have?”

Stalin to Churchill

“You can tell my son Joseph that he will meet my divisions in heaven”

Pius XII to Churchill

Pope Pius known as Hitlers Pope? Pfffft!

Hitler s Pope The Secret History of Pius XII John Cornwell 9780143114000 Books

Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty

The Israeli foreign ministry said it was "disappointed." (ahh)

"This move does not promote the peace process and distances the Palestinian leadership from returning to direct and bilateral negotiations," the ministry said in a text message, according to the Associated Press.

As a practical matter, Palestinians must still negotiate the terms of any statehood with Israel. But as the representative of the world's largest Christian constituency, the Vatican does have influence on the question of Jerusalem, which both Israeli and Palestinian leaders claim as their rightful capital, said Hussein Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.

"On the undefined, undecided status of Jerusalem generally, the Vatican has a role in that," Ibish said.

Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty
the Vatican does have influence on the question of Jerusalem

The head of the mackerel snapping kiddie fiddler outfit has no say about Jerusalem

Whatever he dam well wants. The PM of Israel is a tiny tiny tiny speck of dust compared to Pope Francis, a man of integrity.
Of course the Pope can say what is wants to say, just as you seem to have the liberty of saying what you want to say about the Jews. The Pope, though, has a purpose for saying what he did. Maybe your eyes are closed to it because you are obsessed with the Jews, but the Pope is worried about all the Christians being murdered by your friendly Muslims in the Middle East so in this instance he wants to appease those Muslims who hate the Jews by siding with the Palestinians who are mainly Muslims..
Say hello to the false prophet. The one that helps take away the land that was deeded by God, to Abraham's family. You'll win this battle. Enjoy your 3 and 1/2 years. You are predestined to lose the war.....
Read your Bible.

Ishmael, the father of the arab's, was also part of Abraham'd family. ..... :cool:

Until he was cast out and shunned, remember what the Bile had to say about him ?

God literally called Ishmael a wild jackass who's descendants will be at war with everyone. Had the illiterate prophet Mohammad known this, he would not have made himself a relative of Ishmael. And based the entire religion of Islam on a lie and total misinterpretation.

But considering how Muslims have been behaving, he may have had a point.

Here read about Jacobs sons:

Jacob Blesses His SonsA)'>
49 Then Jacob called for his sons and said: “Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come.B)'>

And? :cuckoo:
And the Roman Catholic Church has never been a friend to Israel. They didn't arrive at their decision based on fairness, but on bias.

Well the Jews killed Jesus remember, and read about the Kitos War. The Pope is very intelligent and is not to be fooled by Israel propaganda.

Yea a guy in a gown and a pointee hat should be feared!! :laugh2::laugh2:

“How many divisions does the Pope of Rome have?”

Stalin to Churchill

“You can tell my son Joseph that he will meet my divisions in heaven”

Pius XII to Churchill

Pope Pius known as Hitlers Pope? Pfffft!

Hitler s Pope The Secret History of Pius XII John Cornwell 9780143114000 Books


Lets see Pope Pius, stand with the Red Army and Bolsheviks who burnt down Christian churches and destroyed Catholicism in Russia (with his atheist jews) and the mass murderer Stalin, or Germany, no brainer.
And the Roman Catholic Church has never been a friend to Israel. They didn't arrive at their decision based on fairness, but on bias.

Well the Jews killed Jesus remember, and read about the Kitos War. The Pope is very intelligent and is not to be fooled by Israel propaganda.

Yea a guy in a gown and a pointee hat should be feared!! :laugh2::laugh2:

“How many divisions does the Pope of Rome have?”

Stalin to Churchill

“You can tell my son Joseph that he will meet my divisions in heaven”

Pius XII to Churchill

Pope Pius known as Hitlers Pope? Pfffft!

Hitler s Pope The Secret History of Pius XII John Cornwell 9780143114000 Books


Lets see Pope Pius, stand with the Red Army and Bolsheviks who burnt down Christian churches and destroyed Catholicism in Russia (with his atheist jews) and the mass murderer Stalin, or Germany, no brainer.

Was that English?
And the Roman Catholic Church has never been a friend to Israel. They didn't arrive at their decision based on fairness, but on bias.

Well the Jews killed Jesus remember, and read about the Kitos War. The Pope is very intelligent and is not to be fooled by Israel propaganda.

Yea a guy in a gown and a pointee hat should be feared!! :laugh2::laugh2:

“How many divisions does the Pope of Rome have?”

Stalin to Churchill

“You can tell my son Joseph that he will meet my divisions in heaven”

Pius XII to Churchill

As he ordered his priests to throw Jews on the fires to get rid of the evidence. Dont forget the Catholic church gave its approval to the Nazi's

Link to the Zionists throwing Jews on the fires then, or admit you are telling LIES
Whatever he dam well wants. The PM of Israel is a tiny tiny tiny speck of dust compared to Pope Francis, a man of integrity.
Of course the Pope can say what is wants to say, just as you seem to have the liberty of saying what you want to say about the Jews. The Pope, though, has a purpose for saying what he did. Maybe your eyes are closed to it because you are obsessed with the Jews, but the Pope is worried about all the Christians being murdered by your friendly Muslims in the Middle East so in this instance he wants to appease those Muslims who hate the Jews by siding with the Palestinians who are mainly Muslims..
No. Just no. The pope is not in the appeasement business.
Fascinating. Did he tell you that?
Did he tell you that he was?
Yes indeed. He said he didn't want to see anymore Christians slaughtered by Muslims.
You realize how dumb your statement is, right? If not wanting more deaths of christians makes one an appeaser by definition everyone who isn't must want more deaths.

Do you want to see more dead christians or are you an appeaser?
Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty

The Israeli foreign ministry said it was "disappointed." (ahh)

"This move does not promote the peace process and distances the Palestinian leadership from returning to direct and bilateral negotiations," the ministry said in a text message, according to the Associated Press.

As a practical matter, Palestinians must still negotiate the terms of any statehood with Israel. But as the representative of the world's largest Christian constituency, the Vatican does have influence on the question of Jerusalem, which both Israeli and Palestinian leaders claim as their rightful capital, said Hussein Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.

"On the undefined, undecided status of Jerusalem generally, the Vatican has a role in that," Ibish said.

Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty
the Vatican does have influence on the question of Jerusalem

The head of the mackerel snapping kiddie fiddler outfit has no say about Jerusalem

Whatever he dam well wants. The PM of Israel is a tiny tiny tiny speck of dust compared to Pope Francis, a man of integrity.

The holy roman church lost all its integrity when it sided with Hitler in the final solution, which is why catholic priests were used to load the ovens.............
The vatican is ran by criminals and was nearly brought down some years bank when the Catholic banker was found to be paying protection to the mafia

Only if you are an islamomoron like you.
And the Roman Catholic Church has never been a friend to Israel. They didn't arrive at their decision based on fairness, but on bias.

Well the Jews killed Jesus remember, and read about the Kitos War. The Pope is very intelligent and is not to be fooled by Israel propaganda.

The Jews didn't kill Jesus he died of old age after being released from crucifixion. Don't you read the Bible accounts how he was deliberately crucified late in the week because he would most probably still be alive by Friday night. Jewish law said that all criminals should be taken down on the Friday because it was the Sabbat the next day.
The Jews are more intelligent and could spill the beans on Vatican secrets

Whats wrong found that this is the true story and don't like it.
And the Roman Catholic Church has never been a friend to Israel. They didn't arrive at their decision based on fairness, but on bias.

Well the Jews killed Jesus remember, and read about the Kitos War. The Pope is very intelligent and is not to be fooled by Israel propaganda.

Yea a guy in a gown and a pointee hat should be feared!! :laugh2::laugh2:

Hey I see the way some Jews dressed, what are those banana curls about on boys and men.

I've seen the way some Muslims burn people alive and slit the throats of little children. What's up with that?

You have seen it? Where?

In Kosovo, Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.
Yes yes, by all means, LET'S SEE:

The Bellamy salute is the salute described by Francis Bellamy, Christian socialist minister and author, to accompany the American Pledge of Allegiance, which he had authored. During the period when it was used with the Pledge of Allegiance, it was sometimes known as the "flag salute". Later, during the 1920s and 1930s, Italian fascists and Nazis adopted a salute which had the same form, and which was derived from the Roman salute. This resulted in controversy over the use of the Bellamy salute in the United States. It was officially replaced by the hand-over-heart salute when Congress amended the Flag Code on December 22, 1942.
Yes yes, by all means, LET'S SEE:

The Bellamy salute is the salute described by Francis Bellamy, Christian socialist minister and author, to accompany the American Pledge of Allegiance, which he had authored. During the period when it was used with the Pledge of Allegiance, it was sometimes known as the "flag salute". Later, during the 1920s and 1930s, Italian fascists and Nazis adopted a salute which had the same form, and which was derived from the Roman salute. This resulted in controversy over the use of the Bellamy salute in the United States. It was officially replaced by the hand-over-heart salute when Congress amended the Flag Code on December 22, 1942.

So it seems that the Nazi salute was deemed inappropriate in the US and so was done away with.
Yes yes, by all means, LET'S SEE:

The Bellamy salute is the salute described by Francis Bellamy, Christian socialist minister and author, to accompany the American Pledge of Allegiance, which he had authored. During the period when it was used with the Pledge of Allegiance, it was sometimes known as the "flag salute". Later, during the 1920s and 1930s, Italian fascists and Nazis adopted a salute which had the same form, and which was derived from the Roman salute. This resulted in controversy over the use of the Bellamy salute in the United States. It was officially replaced by the hand-over-heart salute when Congress amended the Flag Code on December 22, 1942.

What are you blabbering now, freak? Those are Catholic priests with Nazis doing the Nazi salute.
Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty

The Israeli foreign ministry said it was "disappointed." (ahh)

"This move does not promote the peace process and distances the Palestinian leadership from returning to direct and bilateral negotiations," the ministry said in a text message, according to the Associated Press.

As a practical matter, Palestinians must still negotiate the terms of any statehood with Israel. But as the representative of the world's largest Christian constituency, the Vatican does have influence on the question of Jerusalem, which both Israeli and Palestinian leaders claim as their rightful capital, said Hussein Ibish, senior resident scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.

"On the undefined, undecided status of Jerusalem generally, the Vatican has a role in that," Ibish said.

Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty
the Vatican does have influence on the question of Jerusalem

The head of the mackerel snapping kiddie fiddler outfit has no say about Jerusalem

Whatever he dam well wants. The PM of Israel is a tiny tiny tiny speck of dust compared to Pope Francis, a man of integrity.
A man of integrity wouldn't do this to a "tiny tiny speck of dust" Arab/Israel land.

It was also pretty nauseating reading all the comments fawning over this move. A few think he should get the Noble peace prize. :cuckoo:

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