Value Voters support Trump

Adam Schiff is saint compared to Trump. But almost everybody is a saint compared to Trump.
I know God would not vote for Trump.

Ideas are great, ideals are more important.
Trump has many immoral ideas and no ideals, at all.

Which of the great things which have happened to and continue to happen to America do you hate? What "ideals" has President Donald Trump put in place that you hate?
the coxswain is the one who steers the boat, the inspiration. if you have a good coxswain you can win the race even if you dont have athletes as good as those in the other boats. and Trump is the Value Voter's coxswain. there are naysayers, not that they are critical, but its too hard for them to imagine. but Trump gets it. for him, no dream is too big!
Like all value voters Trump dreams of grabbing women by the pussy because he can because he is famous. Like all value voters he has had 5 children with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married.
As with most value voters Trump resorts to name calling to those who do not agree with him.
As with most value voters he brags he would date his daughter if she was not his daughter, on national TV.
As with most value voters Trump claims there are some good people among the neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
The guy has value voter written all over him.

Nearly everything you just said was a vile lie. You are a vile liar.

Trump ran on jobs and immigration, both valid issues. ONly a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

Value voters had a choice between him, and someone who was their active enemy, ie Hillary.

Only a fucking asshole could fault them for not going with the woman that hates them with a fiery passion.
Trump invited to speak to the Value Voters.

Trump threatens to sue top Democrats Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi - CNNPolitics

These are people that supposedly vote based on family values.

So how do they support this amoral, lying, bigoted, con man piece of shit?
yeah how do they support Adam Schiff, that lying piece of shit.
Adam Schiff is saint compared to Trump. But almost everybody is a saint compared to Trump.
I know God would not vote for Trump.

Right.....because it sounds like you know God so well......
watching a Trump speech is like standing inside a tornado.

trust me, i've been to 8 Trump rallies!
Like all value voters Trump dreams of grabbing women by the pussy because he can because he is famous. Like all value voters he has had 5 children with 3 wives and multiple affairs while married.
As with most value voters Trump resorts to name calling to those who do not agree with him.
As with most value voters he brags he would date his daughter if she was not his daughter, on national TV.
As with most value voters Trump claims there are some good people among the neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
The guy has value voter written all over him.

Yeah, I'm not far from NYC and AC. He was a local embarrassment for decades before becoming a national laughing stock. Restoring the previous dignity and respect the office previously evoked and enjoyed will now take decades no matter who wins. He and his fellow billionaires are doing just great, no question. That's not the economy.
Hopelessness has a cure but it’s not a popular one. That cure is the Christian religion and the civil institutions that give it sanction.
The campaign to destroy the traditional moral order has coincided, and I believe has brought with it, immense suffering and misery. And yet the forces of secularism, ignoring these tragic results, press on with even greater militancy

The result has been a moral upheaval... all in the name of “progress.”

But where is the progress? Those who defy the [secular] creed risk a figurative burning at the stake: social, educational, and professional ostracism and exclusion waged through lawsuits and savage social media campaigns.

Today’s progressives are indeed militant secularists. Look no further than the plight of Colorado baker Jack Phillips
Yeah, I'm not far from NYC and AC. He was a local embarrassment for decades before becoming a national laughing stock. Restoring the previous dignity and respect the office previously evoked and enjoyed will now take decades no matter who wins. He and his fellow billionaires are doing just great, no question. That's not the economy.

You seem to be confusing President Donald Trump with New York City mayor Bill de Blasio regarding being an embarrassment.

National laughing stock? Not even the far left Progressives are laughing, they're running for the exits and have no one to run against him in 2020.

As you know, since announcing his candidacy, President Trump has lost money and he works for free. How is that "doing great".

Why are you skipping the economy?

Restoring the previous dignity? Really?

Yeah, I'm not far from NYC and AC. He was a local embarrassment for decades before becoming a national laughing stock. Restoring the previous dignity and respect the office previously evoked and enjoyed will now take decades no matter who wins. He and his fellow billionaires are doing just great, no question. That's not the economy.

You seem to be confusing President Donald Trump with New York City mayor Bill de Blasio regarding being an embarrassment.

National laughing stock? Not even the far left Progressives are laughing, they're running for the exits and have no one to run against him in 2020.

As you know, since announcing his candidacy, President Trump has lost money and he works for free. How is that "doing great".

Why are you skipping the economy?

Restoring the previous dignity? Really?

Trump is a national embarrassment
Conservative writer George Will: Trump is a "national embarrassment"
Trump's peculiar relationship with the truth is becoming a national embarrassment (opinion) - CNN
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There is no such thing as "the wealth" in this country. It's a liberal myth. It's based on the phony philosophy that the reason some have too little, is because others have too much.

Now if there was any truth to that, I would go for a car loan, and the bank would tell me they would love to lend me money, but they can't, because the rich have all the money. Or if I asked my employer for a raise, and he told me he'd love to give me one, but the rich have it all.

Wealthy is virtually infinite in this country, not finite. We don't live in a bubble. You can make as much as you wish anytime you like. And if you took every dollar from every wealthy person in this country today, you'd be no better off tomorrow, because you wouldn't get one dime of it.

If the bottom 50 percent pay no income taxes, what difference does it make if the rate is 10 times that of the "super-rich"?

More than 44% of Americans pay no federal income tax
By Quentin Fottrell
Published: Feb 26, 2019 5:45 a.m. ET

Tax-filing season has begun. Americans have until April 15 to file their income taxes. There’s been some good news for workers over the last year: Unemployment hovers at 3.9% and average hourly earnings rose by 3.2% on the year in December. And nearly half of Americans don’t owe a dime of federal income tax.
More than 44% of Americans pay no federal income tax

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