USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning greetings, Everybody!
I have a few minutes before leaving for my morning class. I got my material posted to Blackboard and reviewed my lecture, so I'm feeling as prepared as possible.
This was my last weekend at my country place for a while. No problem, I have plenty to get done around this place. Fall is full upon us here. It's been warm still, but the trees are shedding their summer robes of green and there is a nip in the air, especially at night. I still haven't gotten my heater working, so the next step is to pull it apart and replace the flame sensor. Fall is always a sad time for me, as the seasons roll from the riotous abundance of Summer and Winter inexorably rumbles our way. The fields are barren, all the spring babies are grown or gone.
Whelp, guess I'll get my hobby horse in gear and dash off to the races.
Best to y'all, I'll try to visit more later.

I miss Alaska at this time of the year, last opportunities for rafting the rivers out to the Yukon. A friend is flying in at the end of Sept from Wasilla for a few days. She says Sarah P. is a nice person if totally politically clueless; she spends most of her time in AZ now, she thinkss.
Good morning coffee commandos. Time to go off and conquer the cup of coffee at a time. :)


You go commando when you drink coffee??:afro:
Good morning to you as well, Jake! I plan on making today a good one, too. :)

Been to a charter school where I serve on the Board.

As HOA company rep as well as owner, took care of a few matters.

Day is warming up.
HOAs are a mixed blessing, unfortunately there are some seriously anal people who make the rules, not always based on preserving property values, etc but on personal likes and dislikes. I try to stay away from HOAs.
Oh, I don't know, I'm rather fond of gjetost (also called brunost). It's a Scandinavian cheese made from goat's milk whey. I make it, but it takes most of the day.

One of my best friends loves gjetost. Whe I go to visit here, I bring her a stash from a local shop. Can't stomach the stuff myself....but she adores it.

I admit it's an acquired taste. I experiment with making different cheeses and this was one that worked out really well.

In general, I'm a fan of cheeses...but certain ones such as a really stinky Camembert don't do it for me.

I wonder what you would think of a lovely Limburger?

Not a fan of that either.

I like cheeses such as a sharp cheddar, brie, havarti with dill, blue...

The extremely pungent ones don't do it for me.

I like cheese, all kinds of cheese. Since embarking on this "lifestyle change" diet, and not having dairy at all for a few weeks, I sneak a bit of cheese and get an unusual reaction. I suddenly develop a lot of mucus and have to constantly clear my throat, etc. I don't get that when I snack on my own cheese. It is often the case that people who have a reaction to cow's milk can have goat's milk.

I love goat and sheep's milk cheeses!
Good morning to you as well, Jake! I plan on making today a good one, too. :)

Been to a charter school where I serve on the Board.

As HOA company rep as well as owner, took care of a few matters.

Day is warming up.
HOAs are a mixed blessing, unfortunately there are some seriously anal people who make the rules, not always based on preserving property values, etc but on personal likes and dislikes. I try to stay away from HOAs.

You ae 100% right about the nutheads with whom one deals in an HOA.

Get on the Board, take a simply company job in the condo, make connections, then without notice (if the rules permit it) run off those on the Board who act as if the HOA board is a HS popularity contents.
Good morning to you as well, Jake! I plan on making today a good one, too. :)

Been to a charter school where I serve on the Board.

As HOA company rep as well as owner, took care of a few matters.

Day is warming up.
HOAs are a mixed blessing, unfortunately there are some seriously anal people who make the rules, not always based on preserving property values, etc but on personal likes and dislikes. I try to stay away from HOAs.

You ae 100% right about the nutheads with whom one deals in an HOA.

Get on the Board, take a simply company job in the condo, make connections, then without notice (if the rules permit it) run off those on the Board who act as if the HOA board is a HS popularity contents.
Good morning to you as well, Jake! I plan on making today a good one, too. :)

Been to a charter school where I serve on the Board.

As HOA company rep as well as owner, took care of a few matters.

Day is warming up.
HOAs are a mixed blessing, unfortunately there are some seriously anal people who make the rules, not always based on preserving property values, etc but on personal likes and dislikes. I try to stay away from HOAs.

We don't have a HOA, and I wouldn't like the sometimes exaggerated restrictions that are imposed or the dues you have to pay. Our neighborhood association, however, has been great. Purely voluntary though I'm pretty sure all the neighbors contribute a few bucks each year to help pay the small amount of administrative costs, printing, etc. It serves us well by coordinating our volunteer neighborhood watch and taking action if a bad neighbor is compromising all our property values with illegal activities such as a car up on blocks in the front yard or stuff like that.
Good morning everybody. Except for the 90 degrees heat, we are having October's bright blue weather today. The cool down into the low 80's with a chance for more rain begins on the weekend though, so I am assuming this is our last run of really hot summer weather. Autumn in the New Mexico is definitely my favorite season.

Welp, just finished reverting my new laptop from the hated Win 8 to Win 7. Thought I had all the drivers loaded on a DVD but noooooo...... The wireless driver was missing. Spent 2 hours trying to find it online before I gave up and downloaded a "free" driver tool that found it for me, after installation and much fussing and cussing I finally got it to recognize my wireless homegroup connection. Still have 16 more driver updates to download and install but the free version will only allow 2 downloads a day....... :mad:
As it was it took hours for everything as I had to call Dell Support to find out how to get into the boot sequencer, M$ changed it with Win 8 and I couldn't find out the steps online.
Yeah, I know some of this is pure Geekinese to some of you so drivers are "programs" that make the hardware work. A boot sequencer tells the computer where to look for the operating system (in this case Windows) on start up, generally it's set to look in the hard drive, if you're installing a new operating system you want it to look in the CD/DVD drive first so it won't default to the existing operating system on the hard drive.

LOL Ringel. All that to get rid of Windows 8? After all my bitching, whining, and moaning when I first got Windows 8, I have made peace with it and now prefer it to Windows 7. In fact, I have been toying with the idea of upgrading my laptop with Windows 7 to Windows 8. I almost certainly won't go to that kind of trouble and expense, but go figure. :)

I took the short cut when I opted to switch back to Win7 from WinH8. I just purchased another hard drive. The drivers were still on the original drive so I just had to copy them over. :D
Good morning everybody. Except for the 90 degrees heat, we are having October's bright blue weather today. The cool down into the low 80's with a chance for more rain begins on the weekend though, so I am assuming this is our last run of really hot summer weather. Autumn in the New Mexico is definitely my favorite season.

Welp, just finished reverting my new laptop from the hated Win 8 to Win 7. Thought I had all the drivers loaded on a DVD but noooooo...... The wireless driver was missing. Spent 2 hours trying to find it online before I gave up and downloaded a "free" driver tool that found it for me, after installation and much fussing and cussing I finally got it to recognize my wireless homegroup connection. Still have 16 more driver updates to download and install but the free version will only allow 2 downloads a day....... :mad:
As it was it took hours for everything as I had to call Dell Support to find out how to get into the boot sequencer, M$ changed it with Win 8 and I couldn't find out the steps online.
Yeah, I know some of this is pure Geekinese to some of you so drivers are "programs" that make the hardware work. A boot sequencer tells the computer where to look for the operating system (in this case Windows) on start up, generally it's set to look in the hard drive, if you're installing a new operating system you want it to look in the CD/DVD drive first so it won't default to the existing operating system on the hard drive.

LOL Ringel. All that to get rid of Windows 8? After all my bitching, whining, and moaning when I first got Windows 8, I have made peace with it and now prefer it to Windows 7. In fact, I have been toying with the idea of upgrading my laptop with Windows 7 to Windows 8. I almost certainly won't go to that kind of trouble and expense, but go figure. :)

I took the short cut when I opted to switch back to Win7 from WinH8. I just purchased another hard drive. The drivers were still on the original drive so I just had to copy them over. :D

Yeah but you understand this stuff in a way that I do not. I don't pretend (and don't really care) HOW it all works. I just want it to work when I want to use it. Now that I have made peace with Windows 8, and figured out a few workarounds to replace functions that are different from earlier Windows versions, I now prefer Windows 8. Just goes to show you can teach an old dog new tricks. :)

It's kind of like the new USMB. I hated, hated, HATED it at first. Dreaded logging in each day. But as it becomes more functional, I am figuring out how to make stuff work, and as admin is little by little correcting some of the more annoying things, I am getting comfortable with it. I am again looking forward to logging in here now and feel much less frustration and irritation.
Good morning to you as well, Jake! I plan on making today a good one, too. :)

Been to a charter school where I serve on the Board.

As HOA company rep as well as owner, took care of a few matters.

Day is warming up.
HOAs are a mixed blessing, unfortunately there are some seriously anal people who make the rules, not always based on preserving property values, etc but on personal likes and dislikes. I try to stay away from HOAs.

I agree! The original board when I moved in was that way. It took a lot of effort but 2/3rd of the homeowners got together and evicted the entire board and appointed a new one. Then it took about 3 years to undo the damage and put the place on the right track. 15 years later and it is now one of the most desirable HOA's in the town.

During that period we did have another attempt to usurp the board by a couple of home owners who thought that they knew better and the board was spending too much of "their money". Once elected they tried to evict the management company with their personal choice. So we made them go through the standard process of obtaining competitive bids and interviews. They couldn't come up with a cost saving justification for removing the existing management company.

Then we had a showdown at one meeting where one of them was demanding something that violated the bylaws. The majority voted for the bylaws so he "resigned" in a hissyfit only to be replaced immediately by another volunteer. A couple of years later he came to a meeting to protest an increase in the fees. One of the reasons the increase was necessary was because he had cut back on the reserve funding and the auditor had caught the underfunding. When this was revealed during the meeting he received a whole lot of dirty looks from his neighbors. He sold up and moved out the next Summer. :lol:
Going to need a good chainsaw, if you get into logging foxfyre. I also recommend several sharp chains, makes the work faster and easier.
This video cracked me up. Watch it. You'll laugh. I promise!

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Okay. I have mixed emotions. I felt ashamed for laughing at somebody getting the * beat out of them. But apparently it wasn't too bad a beating as he didn't seem to be hurt. And.....okay, it was funny. I laughed. :)
Just finished dealing with a boatload of text messages. As I said there was a hickup that postponed the closing. The wife is still on medical leave, no short term disability, no leave left, waiting on long term disability so the loan underwriter refused to sign off until he/she sees an active income stream. That will happen by next week at the latest, one way or the other. Also I have yet to hear on my SSDI so nothing there yet.
My brother's starting to panic because he wants the house sold by October 1st and again there's been some miscommunication concerning the income stream situation....... :bang3:
Good morning to you as well, Jake! I plan on making today a good one, too. :)

Been to a charter school where I serve on the Board.

As HOA company rep as well as owner, took care of a few matters.

Day is warming up.
HOAs are a mixed blessing, unfortunately there are some seriously anal people who make the rules, not always based on preserving property values, etc but on personal likes and dislikes. I try to stay away from HOAs.

We don't have a HOA, and I wouldn't like the sometimes exaggerated restrictions that are imposed or the dues you have to pay. Our neighborhood association, however, has been great. Purely voluntary though I'm pretty sure all the neighbors contribute a few bucks each year to help pay the small amount of administrative costs, printing, etc. It serves us well by coordinating our volunteer neighborhood watch and taking action if a bad neighbor is compromising all our property values with illegal activities such as a car up on blocks in the front yard or stuff like that.

Seems like that's how such things should be run. Voluntary and dominated by the majority of the populace.

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