USMB Coffee Shop IV

My first day back to work yesterday my 2 he commute was 3 1/2 due to a tunnel accident. Day two, I've already been standing herewaitin for a bus for an hr. The releasing into town has been closed due to a major accident
My first day back to work yesterday my 2 he commute was 3 1/2 due to a tunnel accident. Day two, I've already been standing herewaitin for a bus for an hr. The releasing into town has been closed due to a major accident

Tunnel accidents are the worst. I sat for 7 hours in Virginia in July, there sometimes is no way around them.
Enough of the bickering. Go to the flame zone and bash away....but not here.

There has been bickering here in the CS?? Boy, the good and bad things I miss by not living online. I do hope bickering does not move to the CS, as one of the main reasons I enjoy coming here, is because of the lack of negativity. We all have many sides to our personality and I have always appreciated the fact that most CS patrons, bring their best side when posting in the Coffee Shop. :thup:
Oh, I don't know, I'm rather fond of gjetost (also called brunost). It's a Scandinavian cheese made from goat's milk whey. I make it, but it takes most of the day.

One of my best friends loves gjetost. Whe I go to visit here, I bring her a stash from a local shop. Can't stomach the stuff myself....but she adores it.

I admit it's an acquired taste. I experiment with making different cheeses and this was one that worked out really well.

In general, I'm a fan of cheeses...but certain ones such as a really stinky Camembert don't do it for me.

I wonder what you would think of a lovely Limburger?

Not a fan of that either.

I like cheeses such as a sharp cheddar, brie, havarti with dill, blue...

The extremely pungent ones don't do it for me.
Good morning everybody. Except for the 90 degrees heat, we are having October's bright blue weather today. The cool down into the low 80's with a chance for more rain begins on the weekend though, so I am assuming this is our last run of really hot summer weather. Autumn in the New Mexico is definitely my favorite season.

Welp, just finished reverting my new laptop from the hated Win 8 to Win 7. Thought I had all the drivers loaded on a DVD but noooooo...... The wireless driver was missing. Spent 2 hours trying to find it online before I gave up and downloaded a "free" driver tool that found it for me, after installation and much fussing and cussing I finally got it to recognize my wireless homegroup connection. Still have 16 more driver updates to download and install but the free version will only allow 2 downloads a day....... :mad:
As it was it took hours for everything as I had to call Dell Support to find out how to get into the boot sequencer, M$ changed it with Win 8 and I couldn't find out the steps online.
Yeah, I know some of this is pure Geekinese to some of you so drivers are "programs" that make the hardware work. A boot sequencer tells the computer where to look for the operating system (in this case Windows) on start up, generally it's set to look in the hard drive, if you're installing a new operating system you want it to look in the CD/DVD drive first so it won't default to the existing operating system on the hard drive.

LOL Ringel. All that to get rid of Windows 8? After all my bitching, whining, and moaning when I first got Windows 8, I have made peace with it and now prefer it to Windows 7. In fact, I have been toying with the idea of upgrading my laptop with Windows 7 to Windows 8. I almost certainly won't go to that kind of trouble and expense, but go figure. :)
As for cheeses, I will don't really go for the really strong ones though I will indulge for a bite or two. I prefer a more subtle flavor like the medium cheddars, Swiss, and mozzarella. One annoying thing though is that so many otherwise good looking casserole recipes call for cheese as a primary ingredient. I want some great tasting make ahead and freeze casserole recipes, that don't call for a lot of uncommon ingredients, that don't have cheese. (I have friends and relatives who are allergic or just don't like cheese.)
Good morning everybody. Except for the 90 degrees heat, we are having October's bright blue weather today. The cool down into the low 80's with a chance for more rain begins on the weekend though, so I am assuming this is our last run of really hot summer weather. Autumn in the New Mexico is definitely my favorite season.

Welp, just finished reverting my new laptop from the hated Win 8 to Win 7. Thought I had all the drivers loaded on a DVD but noooooo...... The wireless driver was missing. Spent 2 hours trying to find it online before I gave up and downloaded a "free" driver tool that found it for me, after installation and much fussing and cussing I finally got it to recognize my wireless homegroup connection. Still have 16 more driver updates to download and install but the free version will only allow 2 downloads a day....... :mad:
As it was it took hours for everything as I had to call Dell Support to find out how to get into the boot sequencer, M$ changed it with Win 8 and I couldn't find out the steps online.
Yeah, I know some of this is pure Geekinese to some of you so drivers are "programs" that make the hardware work. A boot sequencer tells the computer where to look for the operating system (in this case Windows) on start up, generally it's set to look in the hard drive, if you're installing a new operating system you want it to look in the CD/DVD drive first so it won't default to the existing operating system on the hard drive.

LOL Ringel. All that to get rid of Windows 8? After all my bitching, whining, and moaning when I first got Windows 8, I have made peace with it and now prefer it to Windows 7. In fact, I have been toying with the idea of upgrading my laptop with Windows 7 to Windows 8. I almost certainly won't go to that kind of trouble and expense, but go figure. :)
You know me, I tend towards exaggeration for the dramatic/comedic effect. :D
With the extra discount Dell refunded me I was able to buy a Win 7 system builder disc, so no added cost. The majority of the time when loading an OS you sit and wait or go do other things while the OS is installing. The call to Dell Support was awesome, my wait was less than a minute and the Asian Indian tech spoke almost perfect English, I was on the phone maybe ten minutes total while he made sure my Win 7 was installing.
The only real frustration was when I would find the wireless drivers online but couldn't download them without installing adware, found that out the first time and spent an hour getting rid of the adware, uninstall doesn't always get rid of everything, especially this type of invasive crap.
Most of my frustration derived from the fact it was so late and I was tired hence I was starting to make mistakes.
I'm glade you like Win 8, there are people who loved Vista, I hate both but I really despise Win 8 for multiple reasons. Personal preference.
Oh, I don't know, I'm rather fond of gjetost (also called brunost). It's a Scandinavian cheese made from goat's milk whey. I make it, but it takes most of the day.

One of my best friends loves gjetost. Whe I go to visit here, I bring her a stash from a local shop. Can't stomach the stuff myself....but she adores it.

I admit it's an acquired taste. I experiment with making different cheeses and this was one that worked out really well.

In general, I'm a fan of cheeses...but certain ones such as a really stinky Camembert don't do it for me.

I wonder what you would think of a lovely Limburger?

Not a fan of that either.

I like cheeses such as a sharp cheddar, brie, havarti with dill, blue...

The extremely pungent ones don't do it for me.

I like cheese, all kinds of cheese. Since embarking on this "lifestyle change" diet, and not having dairy at all for a few weeks, I sneak a bit of cheese and get an unusual reaction. I suddenly develop a lot of mucus and have to constantly clear my throat, etc. I don't get that when I snack on my own cheese. It is often the case that people who have a reaction to cow's milk can have goat's milk.
My first day back to work yesterday my 2 he commute was 3 1/2 due to a tunnel accident. Day two, I've already been standing herewaitin for a bus for an hr. The releasing into town has been closed due to a major accident

Tunnel accidents are the worst. I sat for 7 hours in Virginia in July, there sometimes is no way around them.
Bay Bridge Tunnel?
My first day back to work yesterday my 2 he commute was 3 1/2 due to a tunnel accident. Day two, I've already been standing herewaitin for a bus for an hr. The releasing into town has been closed due to a major accident

Tunnel accidents are the worst. I sat for 7 hours in Virginia in July, there sometimes is no way around them.
Bay Bridge Tunnel?

Could be the Hampton Tunnel. That one is a bitch. :)
As for cheeses, I will don't really go for the really strong ones though I will indulge for a bite or two. I prefer a more subtle flavor like the medium cheddars, Swiss, and mozzarella. One annoying thing though is that so many otherwise good looking casserole recipes call for cheese as a primary ingredient. I want some great tasting make ahead and freeze casserole recipes, that don't call for a lot of uncommon ingredients, that don't have cheese. (I have friends and relatives who are allergic or just don't like cheese.)

Some cultures don't use or even like cheese much. I treated a Korean friend of mine and took him to a Mexican restaurant. Of course, just about everything on the menu was loaded with cheese. Korean cuisine is glaringly lacking in cheese components and he was overwhelmed by the Mexican fare.
My first day back to work yesterday my 2 he commute was 3 1/2 due to a tunnel accident. Day two, I've already been standing herewaitin for a bus for an hr. The releasing into town has been closed due to a major accident

Tunnel accidents are the worst. I sat for 7 hours in Virginia in July, there sometimes is no way around them.
Bay Bridge Tunnel?

No, it was out west in the mountains.
Morning greetings, Everybody!
I have a few minutes before leaving for my morning class. I got my material posted to Blackboard and reviewed my lecture, so I'm feeling as prepared as possible.
This was my last weekend at my country place for a while. No problem, I have plenty to get done around this place. Fall is full upon us here. It's been warm still, but the trees are shedding their summer robes of green and there is a nip in the air, especially at night. I still haven't gotten my heater working, so the next step is to pull it apart and replace the flame sensor. Fall is always a sad time for me, as the seasons roll from the riotous abundance of Summer and Winter inexorably rumbles our way. The fields are barren, all the spring babies are grown or gone.
Whelp, guess I'll get my hobby horse in gear and dash off to the races.
Best to y'all, I'll try to visit more later.
Some cultures don't use or even like cheese much. I treated a Korean friend of mine and took him to a Mexican restaurant. Of course, just about everything on the menu was loaded with cheese. Korean cuisine is glaringly lacking in cheese components and he was overwhelmed by the Mexican fare.

It is sometimes a problem here right in the heart of Mexican/Southwestern/New Mexican cuisine. Even restaurants that don't intentionally feature those kinds of foods seem to use an uncommon amount of cheese. Both Hombre and I do like cheese though, but sometimes I would like to vary the menu more. :)

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