USMB Coffee Shop III

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OK pard... spill it... we need details...

Mismatched socks...:eusa_whistle:

Ha! You can't leave the house in your Birkie's until you switch them out! :D :D

I'm afraid to ask but I will. What's a "Birkie's"?
Last night, I was posting away on USMB and I noticed that the system had slowed down, I was giving rep to someone and it wouldn't let me, so I went back a few pages, hoping it would clear up, the next thing you know I get a 502 Error message. So I tried logging on again and it wouldn't go through...did anyone else experience a problem last night?

Well....I'm glad this morning I was able to log on.....and before I go have my breakfast of eggs (omelet), bacon and coffee with biscuits.....yeah....I wanted to say:

Good Morning


May be Flash crashed.
Okay, you're crazy.

This has been an USMB PSA.

I'd just be adding to my stable... :D


If you divide the number of wheels by 2 and don't come up with an even number it doesn't have enough wheels on it to suit me. Like airplanes. If you divide the number of engines by 2 and don't come up with an even number the plane is way to small for me to get in.
Good morning. Another beautiful sunny day here in the Pacific Northwest. Unfortunately the sun brought on a Migraine yesterday. Still not gone.

video of the day:

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With everything that's been going on I finally got into our fridge, found some squash and sweet peppers I had sliced about two weeks ago as well as a pound of Jimmy Deans I had thawed. The zucchini had gone bad but the rest was fine. so I took the yellow squash, sweet peppers, some onion, garlic and ginger and sauteed them in canola oil. Cooked up the sausage and some rice, mixed it all together and added some soy sauce....... :thup:
Good very chilly morning everybody. It is finally up to the high 40's at 10 a.m.--we got up to a really cold house this morning but it will be in the mid 60's today and then tomorrow we will WHAM be into summer with high 80's and maybe 90's. 007 asked about the heat in the house--we have a system where you have heat or cool but can't have both at the same time. So, on the theory that winter was over, we had the furnace shut down and the swamp cooler started up a couple of weeks ago. But instead we had winter, two weeks of spring, winter again, and then tomorrow BAM summer.

Took quite awhile to catch up on all the posts from yesterday afternoon and evening--I see Deridio_Te hasn't posted this morning. I sure hope he is okay. Hope Sheila's migraine has gone away. And yeah, 007 might be a little nuts :) but that is a beautiful bike. Was just thinking that with our UK friends like Dajjal and Stat in Germany and our Aussie friends like Noomi, and we 'mericans stretched from Alaska to the east coast, we have a lot of time zones covered.

I'm feeling TK's concern over needing to do repairs they don't have the money to do. But maybe the suggestion that others in the family could help out is feasible? If not, our church has a ministry to do minor repairs and odd jobs for seniors or other folks who can't do those for themselves. Maybe yours does too? And you might look into what local government programs might be able to help.

Hombre and I need new windows in the house and a new kitchen--new appliances, counter tops, cabinet doors, refinished cabinets etc. and we're really struggling with whether we want to deplete our reserve funds that much to do it all. Sure as we did we would have a real emergency and need that money. But then again, we only live once and it seems silly to do it all just to sell the house sometime instead of enjoying it ourselves now. Decisions decisions.
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