USDA Moves to End Questionable Food Stamp Ads After Criticism


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
USDA Moves to End Questionable Food Stamp Ads After Criticism

1. The Department of Agriculture moved Friday to "cease future production" of advertisements that encourage people to go on food stamps, has learned, following criticism over what was described as an "aggressive" campaign to grow enrollment.

2. The department had come under fire for a 10-part series of Spanish-language "novelas" that trumpeted the benefits of the food stamp program. The radio ads were produced in 2008, but continued to be available for use.

3. "The American people support helping those in need, but they want to know their tax dollars are being spent wisely.

4. The food stamp rolls have swelled since the recession, growing roughly 40 percent since 2009. As of April, more than 46 million people were in the program, which costs $80 billion a year.

5. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, slammed the campaign as a push to enroll individuals who don't feel they need it.

6. Sessions noted the radio ads are part of an effort to enroll immigrants and non-citizens, who are eligible provided they meet certain requirements.

Read more: USDA moves to end questionable food stamp ads after criticism | Fox News

Thank goodness someone came to their senses!
These agencies are totally out of control with taxpayers monies..

The liberal mindset that would give non citizens food stamps then bitch, whine, moan about conservatives wanting to starve America's poor is just quite simply insane.

Get rid of the non citizens and feed America's poorest and most helpless. No brainer. But that's if one has a brain.

I really think that progressives are just too far gone into some weirdo lala land these days. They wouldn't know common sense if it smacked them upside the head.

aka they're nuts.

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