USA Mortality of COVID-19 0.004%


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Trump, our great POTUS made the point that well under 1% of Americans have died of COVID-19. Course the left got their panties in a bunch.

Trump is right, it appears most people don't have symptoms. 44 of every one million Americans have died of COVID, that's 0.004% of the population.

There's another way to look at it too, which is the number of tests divided by number of deaths. The USA currently stands at 0.67%.
Trump, our great POTUS made the point that well under 1% of Americans have died of COVID-19. Course the left got their panties in a bunch.

Trump is right, it appears most people don't have symptoms. 44 of every one million Americans have died of COVID, that's 0.004% of the population.

There's another way to look at it too, which is the number of tests divided by number of deaths. The USA currently stands at 0.67%.

Comparing Trump's record to President Wilson's record during the 1918-19 Pandemic, or Richard III during the 1349-50 pandemic, that is a pretty sweet record.
Since the Dems are already locked into "Trump didn't do enough" it is going to be hypocritical and damn near impossible to switch to "Trump did too much".

Don't get me wrong...those egomaniacal, power hungry dumb shits will try it. They'll try anything. But don't let them get away with it. Search their posts and call out their hypocrisy.
Trump, our great POTUS made the point that well under 1% of Americans have died of COVID-19. Course the left got their panties in a bunch.

Trump is right, it appears most people don't have symptoms. 44 of every one million Americans have died of COVID, that's 0.004% of the population.

There's another way to look at it too, which is the number of tests divided by number of deaths. The USA currently stands at 0.67%.
And then there is the REAL way, divide the number of US deaths by the number of cases. which now stands at 3.42%
14,473 human lives have been lost.

Trump lied, not enough people died.
Way too many have died.
The 14,473 was for the virus.
I have lost 6 friends so far this year.
Those 6 alone are too many.

My condolences to you on this. Around here, most of the folks who have died of the Chinese Kung Flu have been patients in nursing care facilities. None in my county, but a number in Beaver County just south of here that were in a home died. Regardless of how bad a shape someone is in to start, its always a loss when they achieve room temp.
Trump, our great POTUS made the point that well under 1% of Americans have died of COVID-19. Course the left got their panties in a bunch.

Trump is right, it appears most people don't have symptoms. 44 of every one million Americans have died of COVID, that's 0.004% of the population.

There's another way to look at it too, which is the number of tests divided by number of deaths. The USA currently stands at 0.67%.

While I agree with you—about DT being an awesome President and the small number of deaths and infections relative to the total population—no one should want to be "that guy", the guy who either dies from the virus or spreads it through his family and/or group of friends. Therein lies the COVID-19 "catch 22". Stay safe by any and all means necessary and in doing so potentially surrender some of your rights and freedoms, or damn the torpedoes and risk everything and the lives of those you love. I absolutely believe there's some seriously malevolent ideological/germ warfare bullshit behind this plague. However, with that said, there's still a very clear and present danger associated with not taking sensible precautions when out and about.
Trump, our great POTUS made the point that well under 1% of Americans have died of COVID-19. Course the left got their panties in a bunch.

Trump is right, it appears most people don't have symptoms. 44 of every one million Americans have died of COVID, that's 0.004% of the population.

There's another way to look at it too, which is the number of tests divided by number of deaths. The USA currently stands at 0.67%.
And then there is the REAL way, divide the number of US deaths by the number of cases. which now stands at 3.42%

The number of positive cases is a phony, cooked number, because it doesn't account for the many other cases which haven't been tested yet. A high percentage of 3.42 only indicates a low percentage of the people who have been tested.
Trump, our great POTUS made the point that well under 1% of Americans have died of COVID-19. Course the left got their panties in a bunch.

Trump is right, it appears most people don't have symptoms. 44 of every one million Americans have died of COVID, that's 0.004% of the population.

There's another way to look at it too, which is the number of tests divided by number of deaths. The USA currently stands at 0.67%.
And then there is the REAL way, divide the number of US deaths by the number of cases. which now stands at 3.42%

The number of positive cases is a phony, cooked number, because it doesn't account for the many other cases which haven't been tested yet. A high percentage of 3.42 only indicates a low percentage of the people who have been tested.
Thank Tramp for the delay in testing. And then YOUR numbers are just as phony because you use the same phony, crooked Tramp manipulated numbers!
Trump, our great POTUS made the point that well under 1% of Americans have died of COVID-19. Course the left got their panties in a bunch.

Trump is right, it appears most people don't have symptoms. 44 of every one million Americans have died of COVID, that's 0.004% of the population.

There's another way to look at it too, which is the number of tests divided by number of deaths. The USA currently stands at 0.67%.
And then there is the REAL way, divide the number of US deaths by the number of cases. which now stands at 3.42%

3.25% according to my numbers, which is quite favorable compared to the global rate of 5.76%

Trump, our great POTUS made the point that well under 1% of Americans have died of COVID-19. Course the left got their panties in a bunch.

Trump is right, it appears most people don't have symptoms. 44 of every one million Americans have died of COVID, that's 0.004% of the population.

There's another way to look at it too, which is the number of tests divided by number of deaths. The USA currently stands at 0.67%.
And then there is the REAL way, divide the number of US deaths by the number of cases. which now stands at 3.42%

The number of positive cases is a phony, cooked number, because it doesn't account for the many other cases which haven't been tested yet. A high percentage of 3.42 only indicates a low percentage of the people who have been tested.
Thank Tramp for the delay in testing. And then YOUR numbers are just as phony because you use the same phony, crooked Tramp manipulated numbers!

How is it the President's responsibility to force testing?

The only people inclined to get tested are those who are pretty sick when they see the doctor. If someone has a mild respiratory condition, there is no point in testing. They are just going to be prescribed supportive and symptomatic support, and told to go home and rest. Unlikely they will be asked to pay for a test.
14,473 human lives have been lost.

Trump lied, not enough people died.
Way too many have died.
The 14,473 was for the virus.
I have lost 6 friends so far this year.
Those 6 alone are too many.
Ages please and contributing factors
Per YEAR!!!!!
Trump-45 virus after just over 3 months,
United States
Coronavirus Cases:

So 50,000 deaths from the flu means nothing to you. Thank you.

How about the 600,000 who will die of cancer this year?

Or the 600,000 who will die of heart disease?

Do they matter?
Trump, our great POTUS made the point that well under 1% of Americans have died of COVID-19. Course the left got their panties in a bunch.

Trump is right, it appears most people don't have symptoms. 44 of every one million Americans have died of COVID, that's 0.004% of the population.

There's another way to look at it too, which is the number of tests divided by number of deaths. The USA currently stands at 0.67%.

Comparing Trump's record to President Wilson's record during the 1918-19 Pandemic, or Richard III during the 1349-50 pandemic, that is a pretty sweet record.

Damn. That’s stupid.

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