USA is 12th/46th/17th and 30th/23rd/20th best


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
National Review

"In the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation’s recently released 2014 Index of Economic Freedom, the United States has dropped from the list of the top ten freest economies in the world. Over the past year the U.S. moved from the tenth-freest economy to the twelfth."

Reporters Without Borders

"This has been the case in the United States (46th place Press Freedom)"

Denmark the world s happiest country - Telegraph

USA is 17th happiest in the world. Mexico's 16th.

U.S. Students Slide In Global Ranking On Math Reading Science The Two-Way NPR

""In mathematics, 29 nations and other jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin, up from 23 three years ago," reports Education Week. "In science, 22 education systems scored above the U.S. average, up from 18 in 2009."

In reading, 19 other locales scored higher than U.S. students — a jump from nine in 2009, when the last assessment was performed."

Since many socialist-democracy nations are better than us, please explain to me how socialism isn't something we should implement more here. For that matter, since Hong Kong (China) remains no. 1 in freest economies (according to National Review) explain to me how communist-socialist isn't something we should implement more here. :)
National Review

"In the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation’s recently released 2014 Index of Economic Freedom, the United States has dropped from the list of the top ten freest economies in the world. Over the past year the U.S. moved from the tenth-freest economy to the twelfth."

Reporters Without Borders

"This has been the case in the United States (46th place Press Freedom)"

Denmark the world s happiest country - Telegraph

USA is 17th happiest in the world. Mexico's 16th.

U.S. Students Slide In Global Ranking On Math Reading Science The Two-Way NPR

""In mathematics, 29 nations and other jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin, up from 23 three years ago," reports Education Week. "In science, 22 education systems scored above the U.S. average, up from 18 in 2009."

In reading, 19 other locales scored higher than U.S. students — a jump from nine in 2009, when the last assessment was performed."

Since many socialist-democracy nations are better than us, please explain to me how socialism isn't something we should implement more here. For that matter, since Hong Kong (China) remains no. 1 in freest economies (according to National Review) explain to me how communist-socialist isn't something we should implement more here. :)

Since many socialist-democracy nations are better than us, please explain to me how socialism isn't something we should implement more here.

Because as we implement more socialism, our performance declines.
National Review

"In the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation’s recently released 2014 Index of Economic Freedom, the United States has dropped from the list of the top ten freest economies in the world. Over the past year the U.S. moved from the tenth-freest economy to the twelfth."

Reporters Without Borders

"This has been the case in the United States (46th place Press Freedom)"

Denmark the world s happiest country - Telegraph

USA is 17th happiest in the world. Mexico's 16th.

U.S. Students Slide In Global Ranking On Math Reading Science The Two-Way NPR

""In mathematics, 29 nations and other jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin, up from 23 three years ago," reports Education Week. "In science, 22 education systems scored above the U.S. average, up from 18 in 2009."

In reading, 19 other locales scored higher than U.S. students — a jump from nine in 2009, when the last assessment was performed."

Since many socialist-democracy nations are better than us, please explain to me how socialism isn't something we should implement more here. For that matter, since Hong Kong (China) remains no. 1 in freest economies (according to National Review) explain to me how communist-socialist isn't something we should implement more here. :)

Your theory is nonsense. When this country was ACTUALLY the light of the world (for the last 200 or so years - ending around 1975) we were the example to the rest of the world as to how successful capitalism could be. Socialism has nothing to do with it. Since then - we have gone to hell. I have begged folks here to watch this video. Watch it and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand what the hell has happened (and what WILL happen) to us in the near future.

We are headed down the exact same road - and it will destroy this country.
This is no surprise. This system is set up for the wealthy only to do well. The big secret is that no matter how hard one is willing to work, it isn't going to get them far ahead.
National Review

"In the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation’s recently released 2014 Index of Economic Freedom, the United States has dropped from the list of the top ten freest economies in the world. Over the past year the U.S. moved from the tenth-freest economy to the twelfth."

Reporters Without Borders

"This has been the case in the United States (46th place Press Freedom)"

Denmark the world s happiest country - Telegraph

USA is 17th happiest in the world. Mexico's 16th.

U.S. Students Slide In Global Ranking On Math Reading Science The Two-Way NPR

""In mathematics, 29 nations and other jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin, up from 23 three years ago," reports Education Week. "In science, 22 education systems scored above the U.S. average, up from 18 in 2009."

In reading, 19 other locales scored higher than U.S. students — a jump from nine in 2009, when the last assessment was performed."

Since many socialist-democracy nations are better than us, please explain to me how socialism isn't something we should implement more here. For that matter, since Hong Kong (China) remains no. 1 in freest economies (according to National Review) explain to me how communist-socialist isn't something we should implement more here. :)

Your theory is nonsense. When this country was ACTUALLY the light of the world (for the last 200 or so years - ending around 1975) we were the example to the rest of the world as to how successful capitalism could be. Socialism has nothing to do with it. Since then - we have gone to hell. I have begged folks here to watch this video. Watch it and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand what the hell has happened (and what WILL happen) to us in the near future.

We are headed down the exact same road - and it will destroy this country.

My theory's irrefutable.

Our system of government isn't the system used by any of the no. 1 countries in any of the metrics above. Socialist and variations of socialist are.
This is no surprise. This system is set up for the wealthy only to do well. The big secret is that no matter how hard one is willing to work, it isn't going to get them far ahead.

You are partially correct. This country wasn't always like this. In the past, the idea was that, keep your nose to the grindstone, keep your mouth shut and work hard and you will get a fair shake. Hell, you might even become "wealthy". Those days are gone for the most part. Now, the vast majority of people in this country are slaves. Just like the 14th century. The Very Rich (the bankers) are the Kings and Queens and we are the serfs.

And God help you if you rock the boat......
National Review

"In the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation’s recently released 2014 Index of Economic Freedom, the United States has dropped from the list of the top ten freest economies in the world. Over the past year the U.S. moved from the tenth-freest economy to the twelfth."

Reporters Without Borders

"This has been the case in the United States (46th place Press Freedom)"

Denmark the world s happiest country - Telegraph

USA is 17th happiest in the world. Mexico's 16th.

U.S. Students Slide In Global Ranking On Math Reading Science The Two-Way NPR

""In mathematics, 29 nations and other jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin, up from 23 three years ago," reports Education Week. "In science, 22 education systems scored above the U.S. average, up from 18 in 2009."

In reading, 19 other locales scored higher than U.S. students — a jump from nine in 2009, when the last assessment was performed."

Since many socialist-democracy nations are better than us, please explain to me how socialism isn't something we should implement more here. For that matter, since Hong Kong (China) remains no. 1 in freest economies (according to National Review) explain to me how communist-socialist isn't something we should implement more here. :)

Your theory is nonsense. When this country was ACTUALLY the light of the world (for the last 200 or so years - ending around 1975) we were the example to the rest of the world as to how successful capitalism could be. Socialism has nothing to do with it. Since then - we have gone to hell. I have begged folks here to watch this video. Watch it and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand what the hell has happened (and what WILL happen) to us in the near future.

We are headed down the exact same road - and it will destroy this country.

My theory's irrefutable.

Our system of government isn't the system used by any of the no. 1 countries in any of the metrics above. Socialist and variations of socialist are.

Well then, rather than stick around and take on this BS system that has got us into this mess - guess you'd better head to Sweden. You'll be much happier there, I'm sure.
National Review

"In the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation’s recently released 2014 Index of Economic Freedom, the United States has dropped from the list of the top ten freest economies in the world. Over the past year the U.S. moved from the tenth-freest economy to the twelfth."

Reporters Without Borders

"This has been the case in the United States (46th place Press Freedom)"

Denmark the world s happiest country - Telegraph

USA is 17th happiest in the world. Mexico's 16th.

U.S. Students Slide In Global Ranking On Math Reading Science The Two-Way NPR

""In mathematics, 29 nations and other jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin, up from 23 three years ago," reports Education Week. "In science, 22 education systems scored above the U.S. average, up from 18 in 2009."

In reading, 19 other locales scored higher than U.S. students — a jump from nine in 2009, when the last assessment was performed."

Since many socialist-democracy nations are better than us, please explain to me how socialism isn't something we should implement more here. For that matter, since Hong Kong (China) remains no. 1 in freest economies (according to National Review) explain to me how communist-socialist isn't something we should implement more here. :)

Your theory is nonsense. When this country was ACTUALLY the light of the world (for the last 200 or so years - ending around 1975) we were the example to the rest of the world as to how successful capitalism could be. Socialism has nothing to do with it. Since then - we have gone to hell. I have begged folks here to watch this video. Watch it and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand what the hell has happened (and what WILL happen) to us in the near future.

We are headed down the exact same road - and it will destroy this country.

My theory's irrefutable.

Our system of government isn't the system used by any of the no. 1 countries in any of the metrics above. Socialist and variations of socialist are.'s worked so well all throughout history. :disagree:
National Review

"In the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation’s recently released 2014 Index of Economic Freedom, the United States has dropped from the list of the top ten freest economies in the world. Over the past year the U.S. moved from the tenth-freest economy to the twelfth."

Reporters Without Borders

"This has been the case in the United States (46th place Press Freedom)"

Denmark the world s happiest country - Telegraph

USA is 17th happiest in the world. Mexico's 16th.

U.S. Students Slide In Global Ranking On Math Reading Science The Two-Way NPR

""In mathematics, 29 nations and other jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin, up from 23 three years ago," reports Education Week. "In science, 22 education systems scored above the U.S. average, up from 18 in 2009."

In reading, 19 other locales scored higher than U.S. students — a jump from nine in 2009, when the last assessment was performed."

Since many socialist-democracy nations are better than us, please explain to me how socialism isn't something we should implement more here. For that matter, since Hong Kong (China) remains no. 1 in freest economies (according to National Review) explain to me how communist-socialist isn't something we should implement more here. :)

Your theory is nonsense. When this country was ACTUALLY the light of the world (for the last 200 or so years - ending around 1975) we were the example to the rest of the world as to how successful capitalism could be. Socialism has nothing to do with it. Since then - we have gone to hell. I have begged folks here to watch this video. Watch it and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand what the hell has happened (and what WILL happen) to us in the near future.

We are headed down the exact same road - and it will destroy this country.

My theory's irrefutable.

Our system of government isn't the system used by any of the no. 1 countries in any of the metrics above. Socialist and variations of socialist are.

Well then, rather than stick around and take on this BS system that has got us into this mess - guess you'd better head to Sweden. You'll be much happier there, I'm sure.

Pretty happy here reminding people such as yourself that longing for what was isn't productive.
Keep in mind that America supports more illegal aliens than the entire population of the "world's happiest country" that's covered in snow for most of the year. Thanks to half a century of left wing education system, American professors don't want to fly the Stars and Stripes on campus, America educates illegal aliens for free and the only thing kids are good at is putting a condom on a banana.
National Review

"In the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation’s recently released 2014 Index of Economic Freedom, the United States has dropped from the list of the top ten freest economies in the world. Over the past year the U.S. moved from the tenth-freest economy to the twelfth."

Reporters Without Borders

"This has been the case in the United States (46th place Press Freedom)"

Denmark the world s happiest country - Telegraph

USA is 17th happiest in the world. Mexico's 16th.

U.S. Students Slide In Global Ranking On Math Reading Science The Two-Way NPR

""In mathematics, 29 nations and other jurisdictions outperformed the United States by a statistically significant margin, up from 23 three years ago," reports Education Week. "In science, 22 education systems scored above the U.S. average, up from 18 in 2009."

In reading, 19 other locales scored higher than U.S. students — a jump from nine in 2009, when the last assessment was performed."

Since many socialist-democracy nations are better than us, please explain to me how socialism isn't something we should implement more here. For that matter, since Hong Kong (China) remains no. 1 in freest economies (according to National Review) explain to me how communist-socialist isn't something we should implement more here. :)

Your theory is nonsense. When this country was ACTUALLY the light of the world (for the last 200 or so years - ending around 1975) we were the example to the rest of the world as to how successful capitalism could be. Socialism has nothing to do with it. Since then - we have gone to hell. I have begged folks here to watch this video. Watch it and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand what the hell has happened (and what WILL happen) to us in the near future.

We are headed down the exact same road - and it will destroy this country.

My theory's irrefutable.

Our system of government isn't the system used by any of the no. 1 countries in any of the metrics above. Socialist and variations of socialist are.

Well then, rather than stick around and take on this BS system that has got us into this mess - guess you'd better head to Sweden. You'll be much happier there, I'm sure.

Pretty happy here reminding people such as yourself that longing for what was isn't productive.

Obviously we aren't going "back". The Super Rich would never stand for it. However, if you are stupid enough to believe that this country will EVER embrace socialism - then you need to be checked out by mental health professionals. The "rich" never let go of what is theirs - even in socialist countries.

I may believe in the past - but you believe in a fairyland. Wake the hell up.
Keep in mind that America supports more illegal aliens than the entire population of the "world's happiest country" that's covered in snow for most of the year. Thanks to half a century of left wing education system, American professors don't want to fly the Stars and Stripes on campus, America educates illegal aliens for free and the only thing kids are good at is putting a condom on a banana.

It's all part of the plan, my friend. In another 20-30 years, you can kiss this country goodbye. I truly hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there it is.

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