US warns China, "Russia" to comply on NKorea sanctions


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Great news, finally something real !! Does it mean that Trump has overcome his affection with Muscovite khan (czar) Vova Putler ?

"The Trump administration warned Tuesday that the U.S. will punish companies in China and Russia that don't comply with restrictions in the new international sanctions on North Korea.

State Department and Treasury Department officials testified to the House Foreign Affairs Committee about the U.S. pressure campaign against North Korea's rapid progress toward a nuclear weapon that could strike America.

The hearing came a day after the U.N. Security Council imposed its latest sanctions over what North Korea says was a hydrogen bomb test Sept. 3, its most powerful atomic test yet. The council banned North Korean textile exports, an important source of hard currency, and capped its imports of crude oil.US warns China, Russia to comply on NKorea sanctions

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