US voting stats - help needed

Nov 8, 2014

Can someone please point me in the right direction?
I'm looking for stats and analysis on the following:
Presidential election voting stats by voting age population, by religion, race, sexual orientation, class/income, etc
Basically, I read an article that Jewish people are starting to switch allegiance from Dem to Rep.
It got me thinking.
What is the actual voting age population of those that consider themselves Jewish, what is the average percentage within that voting age population that are likely to vote, and then which party are they voting for.
Lets say in the last 5 presidential elections.
And then same criteria for Christians, Muslims, LGBT, blacks, latinos, etc
Not just percentages but also actual pop numbers too.
I would be very interested to see what the actual numbers are, how they have changed over time, how they compare to eachother, and if possible what the projections are going forward into 2016 elections.
If anyone can help me, I would be very grateful!

Thanks in advance : )
I'm new to all this, and could use some good sites, stats, pointers that can help put all this together.


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