Two-Thirds didn't vote for Midterms


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If we removed the term limits for the Presidency and whatever other offices with it, would the prospect of bad Presidents and other officials encourage more voter turn out?
If we removed the term limits for the Presidency and whatever other offices with it, would the prospect of bad Presidents and other officials encourage more voter turn out?
Term limits are pablum for lazy voters, and only run more pols through the system and on to cushy early retirement we can only dream of.
Elections are decided by the people that vote, not getting your way doesn't alter the fact and claiming the unspoken want x,y or z is dishonest.
If we removed the term limits for the Presidency and whatever other offices with it, would the prospect of bad Presidents and other officials encourage more voter turn out?
You're right... We will have a load of threads and posts about voter fraud and voter IDs between now and the next election and nothing hardly said about this.

This election was effectively decided by so few... We are taking about shocking low turnout. From a country that spends so much time talking about there flag, standing for athem, supporting the troops.... Lets just call that a big load of crap...

Not voting is deciding you don't want to be apart of the direction of where your country is going. In Ireland if you open you mouth about politics in company, the one of the first questions asked (Presuming you're eligible) 'Did you vote in the last election?'. If you answer no, then you are politely informed that your opinion doesn't matter and conversations of that type are for people who vote. Does that sound rude? Well No, people sacrificed a lot so we could get the right to vote (our turn out in our last real election was 72%, our locals (which have very little effect on politics) were 60%). I think it has been estimated that our real maximum is about 85-90% (emigration and other people out of the country, mentally Ill, prisoners), lads drug addicts vote(who for I don't know)...

Compulsory voting: Although voting is a fundamental right it is also an obligation. Mandatory voting operates in 31 countries, including Brazil and Australia which have registered a turnout of 91.3 per cent respectively in their last elections. Structures need to be put in place to ensure the framework of the country has the greatest legitimacy along with those who govern it.

But in all fairness the US style and method of election and goverance is grossly outdated and is one of bemusement for the rest of the first world. First past the post, no proportional representation, single vote transfer, uncontrolled money/advertising, fundraising rules, lack of time needed to spent in Washington....
This election was effectively decided by so few... We are taking about shocking low turnout. From a country that spends so much time talking about there flag, standing for athem, supporting the troops.... Lets just call that a big load of crap...
It wasn't shocking at all. Democrats weren't enthused because the direction we've been on is hard to defend. The swing voters clearly had enough and there's no evidence the end result wouldn't have been the same with more bodies voting. Mid terms aren't typically high voter turnout events.
Not voting is deciding you don't want to be apart of the direction of where your country is going. In Ireland if you open you mouth about politics in company, the one of the first questions asked (Presuming you're eligible) 'Did you vote in the last election?'. If you answer no, then you are politely informed that your opinion doesn't matter and conversations of that type are for people who vote. Does that sound rude? Well No, people sacrificed a lot so we could get the right to vote (our turn out in our last real election was 72%, our locals (which have very little effect on politics) were 60%). I think it has been estimated that our real maximum is about 85-90% (emigration and other people out of the country, mentally Ill, prisoners), lads drug addicts vote(who for I don't know)...

Compulsory voting: Although voting is a fundamental right it is also an obligation. Mandatory voting operates in 31 countries, including Brazil and Australia which have registered a turnout of 91.3 per cent respectively in their last elections. Structures need to be put in place to ensure the framework of the country has the greatest legitimacy along with those who govern it.

But in all fairness the US style and method of election and goverance is grossly outdated and is one of bemusement for the rest of the first world. First past the post, no proportional representation, single vote transfer, uncontrolled money/advertising, fundraising rules, lack of time needed to spent in Washington....
There's nothing on Earth more bemusing than listening to liberals when they don't get their way.
This election was effectively decided by so few... We are taking about shocking low turnout. From a country that spends so much time talking about there flag, standing for athem, supporting the troops.... Lets just call that a big load of crap...
It wasn't shocking at all. Democrats weren't enthused because the direction we've been on is hard to defend. The swing voters clearly had enough and there's no evidence the end result wouldn't have been the same with more bodies voting. Mid terms aren't typically high voter turnout events.
Not voting is deciding you don't want to be apart of the direction of where your country is going. In Ireland if you open you mouth about politics in company, the one of the first questions asked (Presuming you're eligible) 'Did you vote in the last election?'. If you answer no, then you are politely informed that your opinion doesn't matter and conversations of that type are for people who vote. Does that sound rude? Well No, people sacrificed a lot so we could get the right to vote (our turn out in our last real election was 72%, our locals (which have very little effect on politics) were 60%). I think it has been estimated that our real maximum is about 85-90% (emigration and other people out of the country, mentally Ill, prisoners), lads drug addicts vote(who for I don't know)...

Compulsory voting: Although voting is a fundamental right it is also an obligation. Mandatory voting operates in 31 countries, including Brazil and Australia which have registered a turnout of 91.3 per cent respectively in their last elections. Structures need to be put in place to ensure the framework of the country has the greatest legitimacy along with those who govern it.

But in all fairness the US style and method of election and governance is grossly outdated and is one of bemusement for the rest of the first world. First past the post, no proportional representation, single vote transfer, uncontrolled money/advertising, fundraising rules, lack of time needed to spent in Washington....
There's nothing on Earth more bemusing than listening to liberals when they don't get their way.

This is not a liberal v conservative thing... I believe there should be plenty of choice when you goto the ballot... Our voting structure allows us to have many viable candidates on the ticket when we vote. This is as much about independents, libertarian and green party having representatives rather than going to polls. This about choice be it if you are voting because personality, ideology, competency....

That diverse group electorates actually makes politics more sane. People aren't voting for the one they last like in some case but the one they want, leaving the more perceived real candidates lower on their preference...


How can you tell me a first term congressman (GOP or Dem) spending 8 hours a day pleading for money for re-election during his first term is a good thing. What is he promising? Be it to a Corporation, Union, Rich guy or PAC....
Only the most naive would think that this is not just buying votes on the floor. They literally are on the phone asking for money, get up and vote and then go back to the phone. Long termers have usually there special interests fully set up by that stage.

Try stop being partisan for two seconds and look at this destroying both sides.
Term limits have nothing to do with voter turnout. On the contrary, the advantage of incumbency is the most important factor in most elections.
Even if only the runners closets friends and family voted for them, they would still take office. You see how that works?
Not voting is a vote against the party you would normally support, so yes, the Democrats voted -- they voted Republican even if they didn't actually go to the polls. This was a protest on a massive scale.
Not voting is a vote against the party you would normally support, so yes, the Democrats voted -- they voted Republican even if they didn't actually go to the polls. This was a protest on a massive scale.

So one can be participating in a game they wish not to be simply by tacitly being present. We know. This is the type of brain damage people actually believe when it comes to politics and the Statist Quo that those politics support.
When people talk about voting for a Third party candidate they are bombed withthe typical "You are wasting your vote!".

For those who see little difference between the two major parties, not voting means they are not wasting their vote (as so many claim they will do).

Offer more viable options than the two main parties and voter turnout may improve.
How can you tell me a first term congressman (GOP or Dem) spending 8 hours a day pleading for money for re-election during his first term is a good thing. What is he promising? Be it to a Corporation, Union, Rich guy or PAC....
Only the most naive would think that this is not just buying votes on the floor. They literally are on the phone asking for money, get up and vote and then go back to the phone. Long termers have usually there special interests fully set up by that stage.

Try stop being partisan for two seconds and look at this destroying both sides.

You can disallow funds from unions, corporations and PAC's ... But you will never get the money out of politics and vote buying as long as you can secure a vote with government controlled redistribution.

The only difference between corporate money and government money is that the corporation actually had to build something or provide a service to get their money. The government doesn't earn money ... It takes money from whoever they choose ... And then uses that money to secure bigger government.

If you can't tell the difference between the parties you shouldn't be voting. Leave it to those paying attention.

The differences are minor compared to the similarities.

Both parties have been bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporations. Both parties are more concerned with beating the other party than with serving the people. Neither party is interested in controlling illegal immigration. Neither party has stopped our interference with other sovereign nations and sending our young men & women to die there. Neither party gives a rats ass about overhauling the tax system that desperately needs it. Both parties are more interested in special interests than in the people they took an oath to serve. Both parties will ignore the US Constitution when it is convenient. And both parties will lie thru their teeth to get what they want.

The fact that they differ on gay marriage, abortion or whether to spend us deeper into debt over the DOD or Social services, is largely meaningless when you consider the ways they are the same.
If you can't tell the difference between the parties you shouldn't be voting. Leave it to those paying attention.

The differences are minor compared to the similarities.

Both parties have been bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporations. Both parties are more concerned with beating the other party than with serving the people. Neither party is interested in controlling illegal immigration. Neither party has stopped our interference with other sovereign nations and sending our young men & women to die there. Neither party gives a rats ass about overhauling the tax system that desperately needs it. Both parties are more interested in special interests than in the people they took an oath to serve. Both parties will ignore the US Constitution when it is convenient. And both parties will lie thru their teeth to get what they want.

The fact that they differ on gay marriage, abortion or whether to spend us deeper into debt over the DOD or Social services, is largely meaningless when you consider the ways they are the same.
Then please don't vote. America voting to toss out the Dems in record number because they are blocking all efforts to cut back on government size scope and taxes. I don't understand people that join political forums when they see no difference in politics.
Not voting is a vote against the party you would normally support, so yes, the Democrats voted -- they voted Republican even if they didn't actually go to the polls. This was a protest on a massive scale.

I suspect the narcissist in the WH, would disagree with you.
If you can't tell the difference between the parties you shouldn't be voting. Leave it to those paying attention.

The differences are minor compared to the similarities.

Both parties have been bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporations. Both parties are more concerned with beating the other party than with serving the people. Neither party is interested in controlling illegal immigration. Neither party has stopped our interference with other sovereign nations and sending our young men & women to die there. Neither party gives a rats ass about overhauling the tax system that desperately needs it. Both parties are more interested in special interests than in the people they took an oath to serve. Both parties will ignore the US Constitution when it is convenient. And both parties will lie thru their teeth to get what they want.

The fact that they differ on gay marriage, abortion or whether to spend us deeper into debt over the DOD or Social services, is largely meaningless when you consider the ways they are the same.
Then please don't vote. America voting to toss out the Dems in record number because they are blocking all efforts to cut back on government size scope and taxes. I don't understand people that join political forums when they see no difference in politics.

Did the size of the gov't or the size of the debt shrink when George W was president? No.

Republicans had the majority in the 104th, 105th, 106th, 108th and 109th congress. Did the size of the gov't shrink then?

In fact, the 104th congress and the 105th congress were both when George W. was president. Why didn't the gov't shrink or the debt go down?

I don't understand people who join political forums with such blinders on that they cannot see the facts.
If you can't tell the difference between the parties you shouldn't be voting. Leave it to those paying attention.

The differences are minor compared to the similarities.

Both parties have been bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporations. Both parties are more concerned with beating the other party than with serving the people. Neither party is interested in controlling illegal immigration. Neither party has stopped our interference with other sovereign nations and sending our young men & women to die there. Neither party gives a rats ass about overhauling the tax system that desperately needs it. Both parties are more interested in special interests than in the people they took an oath to serve. Both parties will ignore the US Constitution when it is convenient. And both parties will lie thru their teeth to get what they want.

The fact that they differ on gay marriage, abortion or whether to spend us deeper into debt over the DOD or Social services, is largely meaningless when you consider the ways they are the same.

That is a perfect summation of our political system.

It is too bad so many Americans fail to see this reality.

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