US & UK pissing contest between diapered Trump & Khan blimps...

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The UK has freedom of speech.

Unfortunately, very untrue. Some actually get prison time for pointing out facts that the midget Muslim POS mayor finds offensive.

Well, that depends on whether you think freedom of speech means you can legally say anything you want.

I don't know a single country where you can say everything you want legally. Do you?

Canada, the UK, and Germany to name a few.
The UK has freedom of speech.

Unfortunately, very untrue. Some actually get prison time for pointing out facts that the midget Muslim POS mayor finds offensive.

Well, that depends on whether you think freedom of speech means you can legally say anything you want.

I don't know a single country where you can say everything you want legally. Do you?

Canada, the UK, and Germany to name a few.

Not at all.

Germany has laws making it illegal to deny the Holocaust, to say Nazi things.

All three of these countries have Treason laws and libel laws too. They have hate speech laws too.
The UK has freedom of speech.

Unfortunately, very untrue. Some actually get prison time for pointing out facts that the midget Muslim POS mayor finds offensive.

Well, that depends on whether you think freedom of speech means you can legally say anything you want.

I don't know a single country where you can say everything you want legally. Do you?

Canada, the UK, and Germany to name a few.

Not at all.

Germany has laws making it illegal to deny the Holocaust, to say Nazi things.

All three of these countries have Treason laws and libel laws too. They have hate speech laws too.
And you can be jailed in Canada for using the wrong pronoun for a transgender. All examples of no freedom of speech.
The UK has freedom of speech.

Unfortunately, very untrue. Some actually get prison time for pointing out facts that the midget Muslim POS mayor finds offensive.

Well, that depends on whether you think freedom of speech means you can legally say anything you want.

I don't know a single country where you can say everything you want legally. Do you?

Canada, the UK, and Germany to name a few.

Not at all.

Germany has laws making it illegal to deny the Holocaust, to say Nazi things.

All three of these countries have Treason laws and libel laws too. They have hate speech laws too.
And you can be jailed in Canada for using the wrong pronoun for a transgender. All examples of no freedom of speech.

It's not an example of "no freedom of speech", it's an example of limited speech, which exists everywhere.
Unfortunately, very untrue. Some actually get prison time for pointing out facts that the midget Muslim POS mayor finds offensive.

Well, that depends on whether you think freedom of speech means you can legally say anything you want.

I don't know a single country where you can say everything you want legally. Do you?

Canada, the UK, and Germany to name a few.

Not at all.

Germany has laws making it illegal to deny the Holocaust, to say Nazi things.

All three of these countries have Treason laws and libel laws too. They have hate speech laws too.
And you can be jailed in Canada for using the wrong pronoun for a transgender. All examples of no freedom of speech.

It's not an example of "no freedom of speech", it's an example of limited speech, which exists everywhere.
Just much more limited in certain countries, like Germany, the UK, Canada, and Saudi Arabia.
Well, that depends on whether you think freedom of speech means you can legally say anything you want.

I don't know a single country where you can say everything you want legally. Do you?

Canada, the UK, and Germany to name a few.

Not at all.

Germany has laws making it illegal to deny the Holocaust, to say Nazi things.

All three of these countries have Treason laws and libel laws too. They have hate speech laws too.
And you can be jailed in Canada for using the wrong pronoun for a transgender. All examples of no freedom of speech.

It's not an example of "no freedom of speech", it's an example of limited speech, which exists everywhere.
Just much more limited in certain countries, like Germany, the UK, Canada, and Saudi Arabia.

Er... what?

So, the US doesn't have libel or treason laws?

They don't seek out people like Julian Assange and try and stop Wikileaks from existing?
The difference is, Khan doesn't care, but Trump has a fragile ego.
Khan’s ego is every bit as fragile as you say Trumps is.
He’s also every bit as thin skinned as you say Trump is.
He’s also every bit as childish as you say Trump is.

Note his response to this Trump Tweet:

‘At least seven dead and 48 wounded . . . and Mayor of London says there’s no reason to be alarmed.’

Cue bien-pensant outrage and a hissy fit from the mayor himself, Sadiq Khan, demanding that Trump’s proposed state visit to Britain should be cancelled, on the grounds that the President had insulted all Londoners.

No he hadn’t. He’d insulted Sadiq Khan, which is not the same thing at all...

At least Trump would stop Hammas mob marching the streets | Daily Mail Online

Khan is an infantile twat who has been terrible for London, and who even places his own hurt feelings above the welfare of Londoners and London.
I expect Mayor Khant will wish he’d never approved the Trump blimp.

They are crowdfunding for their own humiliating balloon portraying the London mayor – and have smashed their target. More than £50,000 has been raised by the online fundraiser in just a week.


‘Unlike the Baby Trump team who plan to take their inflatable on ‘tour’, i.e using the money they raised to have a few holidays, fund luxury hotels and probably fly first class, we are putting ALL of the money into hosting a demo in Whitehall, called “Make London Safe Again” due to be held in August, where Baby Khan will flown into the London sky! ‘There will be mini ‘baby Khan’ balloons for supporters on the day (not from moonpig!) and we’re even working on a plane with an 80ft banner to take to the skies in our protest.

‘This is about putting as much pressure as possible on Khan and showing him that we don’t want him as our Mayor any longer! ‘We’ll be using this event to raise awareness of the soaring crime in London under Khan and be supporting as many victims of crime in London as possible

Read more: Campaign to fly Sadiq Khan baby blimp in London raises £50,000 | Metro News
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This was Mayor ‘it’s more better’ Khans response to Piers Morgan asking him if he would endorse:

‘ image depicting Mr Khan as a pig despite that being offensive to Muslims...’

Mr Khan said:

'If it's peaceful and if it's safe. Look, I can't be the censor. It's not for me to decide what's in good taste or bad taste.'

Sadiq Khan and Piers Morgan clash over Trump 'baby' balloon | Daily Mail Online

Tory MP Michael Fabricant apologises for tweeting 'Islamophobic' image of Sadiq Khan

'I would never deliberately put up a racist or Islamophobic tweet'


Khan is now calling for Fabricants resignation, which I don’t disagree with.

But I don’t believe for a minute Khant would be OK with and endorse a blimp of him as a pig, as he said he would.

My question is why do insults over religion, most often Islam it seems, ‘trump’ very public insults of people on any other basis?
Canada, the UK, and Germany to name a few.

Not at all.

Germany has laws making it illegal to deny the Holocaust, to say Nazi things.

All three of these countries have Treason laws and libel laws too. They have hate speech laws too.
And you can be jailed in Canada for using the wrong pronoun for a transgender. All examples of no freedom of speech.

It's not an example of "no freedom of speech", it's an example of limited speech, which exists everywhere.
Just much more limited in certain countries, like Germany, the UK, Canada, and Saudi Arabia.

Er... what?

So, the US doesn't have libel or treason laws?

They don't seek out people like Julian Assange and try and stop Wikileaks from existing?

Treason is for giving out very specific classified information. Not the same as merely displaying something offensive like a swastika, using a normal pronoun, or insulting someone.

Nice try though.
Not at all.

Germany has laws making it illegal to deny the Holocaust, to say Nazi things.

All three of these countries have Treason laws and libel laws too. They have hate speech laws too.
And you can be jailed in Canada for using the wrong pronoun for a transgender. All examples of no freedom of speech.

It's not an example of "no freedom of speech", it's an example of limited speech, which exists everywhere.
Just much more limited in certain countries, like Germany, the UK, Canada, and Saudi Arabia.

Er... what?

So, the US doesn't have libel or treason laws?

They don't seek out people like Julian Assange and try and stop Wikileaks from existing?

Treason is for giving out very specific classified information. Not the same as merely displaying something offensive like a swastika, using a normal pronoun, or insulting someone.

Nice try though.

Treason can be for speaking something which is classified. It's speech.

Don't bullshit me with "Nice try though", it can be SPEECH.

And you ignored libel. Nice try though.
It takes a lot of gall for the mayor of London to personally approve this sort of 'sheite' for the 2hr's that Trump will be, literally, under the blimp. It's funny and all but really...? They do say that one goes full circle in life ending, as started, petulant, selfish and saying no, no, no to everything. That's the only explanation that I can come up with for Khan... (but then again he was banning butter knives & scissors as weapons) there really might be something wrong with him! lol
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'Baby Khan" Balloon Fundraiser Blows Past £34,000 -- Organizers Now Discuss Second Balloon over Parliament
One thing I can understand about trump supporters .......dont you get tired of defending his stupidity on daily basis ? I mean he is laterally hated by everyone in the world and the majority in the US...when are you gonna wake up and say , yes he deserves many people he had fights and exchanged insults with ? 1000? 2000? Can they all be wrong?
I speak to people from all over the world and trust me everyone I met hated him his guts...they cant be all wrong cant they ?
And always keep in mind that most of Us Americans didnt vote for him.
So far Trump sheep hate:
The media
Central america
The pope
Some veterans
Asylum seekers
Most Americans that voted against the orange.
Who is next ? Jesus?
I started to believe that the orange is the anti christ.
And you can be jailed in Canada for using the wrong pronoun for a transgender. All examples of no freedom of speech.

It's not an example of "no freedom of speech", it's an example of limited speech, which exists everywhere.
Just much more limited in certain countries, like Germany, the UK, Canada, and Saudi Arabia.

Er... what?

So, the US doesn't have libel or treason laws?

They don't seek out people like Julian Assange and try and stop Wikileaks from existing?

Treason is for giving out very specific classified information. Not the same as merely displaying something offensive like a swastika, using a normal pronoun, or insulting someone.

Nice try though.

Treason can be for speaking something which is classified. It's speech.

Don't bullshit me with "Nice try though", it can be SPEECH.

And you ignored libel. Nice try though.

So what does libel have to do with displaying offensive symbols, not using a certain pronoun, or just insulting someone? Oh yea, nothing at all. Libel laws usually only apply to print and published works, not individuals protesting.

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