US & UK pissing contest between diapered Trump & Khan blimps...


VIP Member
Mar 2, 2018
It takes a lot of gall for the mayor of London to personally approve this sort of 'sheite' for the 2hr's that Trump will be, literally, under the blimp. It's funny and all but really...? They do say that one goes full circle in life ending, as started, petulant, selfish and saying no, no, no to everything. That's the only explanation that I can come up with for Khan... (but then again he was banning butter knives & scissors as weapons) there really might be something wrong with him! lol

'Baby Khan" Balloon Fundraiser Blows Past £34,000 -- Organizers Now Discuss Second Balloon over Parliament
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It takes a lot of gall for the mayor of London to personally approve this sort of 'sheite' for the 2hr's that Trump will be, literally, under the blimp. It's funny and all but really...? They do say that one goes full circle in life ending, as started, petulant, selfish and saying no, no, no to everything. That's the only explanation that I can come up with for Khan... (but then again he was banning butter knives & scissors as weapons) there really might be something wrong with him! lol
View attachment 203722

'Baby Khan" Balloon Fundraiser Blows Past £34,000 -- Organizers Now Discuss Second Balloon over Parliament

I hope they take our President's security more seriously.

As a once scholar specializing in human rights Sadiq Khan seems to selectively recognize which humans have rights. This mockery of our POTUS is one thing, and yet I wonder who speaks for the UK? Khan, the most popular politician in England's history (according to poll results from his 2016 election ), Theresa May, or the British people. Having a laugh at the expense of a world leader is great fun and should always be a right of people anywhere. Sending a message that one nation takes another's leader as a fool to be nationally jested could backfire in Britain's face.
Trump wouldn't understand any protests that are too clever or nuanced.
Childish taunts are the only kind that he could comprehend.
It takes a lot of gall for the mayor of London to personally approve this sort of 'sheite' for the 2hr's that Trump will be, literally, under the blimp. It's funny and all but really...? They do say that one goes full circle in life ending, as started, petulant, selfish and saying no, no, no to everything. That's the only explanation that I can come up with for Khan... (but then again he was banning butter knives & scissors as weapons) there really might be something wrong with him! lol
View attachment 203722

'Baby Khan" Balloon Fundraiser Blows Past £34,000 -- Organizers Now Discuss Second Balloon over Parliament

The UK has freedom of speech.

If Trump doesn't like being criticized, he should stay away from places with freedom of speech.

Go to Moscow instead.
It is sad to see folks stoop to even below Trump's level of decency and as with Trump, I think they're embarrassing mostly themselves.
It takes a lot of gall for the mayor of London to personally approve this sort of 'sheite' for the 2hr's that Trump will be, literally, under the blimp. It's funny and all but really...? They do say that one goes full circle in life ending, as started, petulant, selfish and saying no, no, no to everything. That's the only explanation that I can come up with for Khan... (but then again he was banning butter knives & scissors as weapons) there really might be something wrong with him! lol
View attachment 203722

'Baby Khan" Balloon Fundraiser Blows Past £34,000 -- Organizers Now Discuss Second Balloon over Parliament

The UK has freedom of speech.

If Trump doesn't like being criticized, he should stay away from places with freedom of speech.

Go to Moscow instead.


who you kidding

no they dont

Censorship in the United Kingdom has a long history with variously stringent and lax laws in place at different times.

British citizens have a negative right to freedom of expression under the common law.[1] In 1998, the United Kingdom incorporated the European Convention, and the guarantee of freedom of expression it contains in Article 10, into its domestic law under the Human Rights Act. However, there is a broad sweep of exceptions including threatening or abusive words or behaviour intending or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress or cause a breach of the peace (which has been used to prohibit racist speech targeted at individuals),[2][3][4] sending another any article which is indecent or grossly offensive with an intent to cause distress or anxiety (which has been used to prohibit speech of a racist or anti-religious nature),[5][6][7] incitement,[8] incitement to racial hatred,[9] incitement to religious hatred, incitement to terrorism including encouragement of terrorism and dissemination of terrorist publications,[8][10][11] glorifying terrorism,[12][13] collection or possession of a document or record containing information likely to be of use to a terrorist,[14][15] treason including advocating for the abolition of the monarchy or compassing or imagining the death of the monarch,[16][17][18][19][20] sedition,[17] obscenity,[21] indecency including corruption of public morals and outraging public decency,[22] defamation,[23] prior restraint, restrictions on court reporting including names of victims and evidence and prejudicing or interfering with court proceedings,[24][25] prohibition of post-trial interviews with jurors,[25] time, manner, and place restrictions,[26] harassment, privileged communications, trade secrets, classified material, copyright, patents, military conduct, and limitations on commercial speech such as advertising.

subjects dont really have rights

they are granted privileges
It takes a lot of gall for the mayor of London to personally approve this sort of 'sheite' for the 2hr's that Trump will be, literally, under the blimp. It's funny and all but really...? They do say that one goes full circle in life ending, as started, petulant, selfish and saying no, no, no to everything. That's the only explanation that I can come up with for Khan... (but then again he was banning butter knives & scissors as weapons) there really might be something wrong with him! lol
View attachment 203722

'Baby Khan" Balloon Fundraiser Blows Past £34,000 -- Organizers Now Discuss Second Balloon over Parliament

Freedom of speech. Londoners signed a petition and the Mayor granted it. It’s what the people of London wanted.
It is sad to see folks stoop to even below Trump's level of decency and as with Trump, I think they're embarrassing mostly themselves.
With Trump's history of pussy-grabbing, disability-mocking, and marital infidelity, there's hardly a person alive who could go lower.
It takes a lot of gall for the mayor of London to personally approve this sort of 'sheite' for the 2hr's that Trump will be, literally, under the blimp. It's funny and all but really...? They do say that one goes full circle in life ending, as started, petulant, selfish and saying no, no, no to everything. That's the only explanation that I can come up with for Khan... (but then again he was banning butter knives & scissors as weapons) there really might be something wrong with him! lol
View attachment 203722

'Baby Khan" Balloon Fundraiser Blows Past £34,000 -- Organizers Now Discuss Second Balloon over Parliament

They need to grow up this is very juvenile, both of these things the Trump one and the Paki Haji Mayor Khan one are juvenile and illustrate that the British are now just low IQ Muppets, combined these two things have cost 70,000 what a TOTAL waste of moneys, instead of them wasting 70,000 on these two things they could have raised that amount and given it to a homeless charity or whatever ie. something that would have served good use.
WASHINGTON -- When it comes to protesting against the president, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday, free speech has its limits.
The justices ruled unanimously that the Secret Service acted appropriately when it moved anti-Bush protesters several blocks further away from the president's dinner table, even while allowing a friendly crowd of demonstrators to hold their ground.
What the Brits are doing is great! They know that we have a childish, bellicose whore and conman occupying the Oval Office, a baby who has chosen to attack the mayor of London because of his religion and ethnic background, and who does nothing but bring shame on the American People. He's supposed to meet Queen Elizabeth. I suspect that HRH is an old hand at this, but I hope that she has a barf-bag handy.

Give 'em hell, Brits!
Personally...I hope a balloon featuring the royals in an unflattering way is hoisted during a parade here. That would be sweet.

Hmmm. Any ideas?

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