Us Smokers Rule!

Also note, many of those places were 'smoke free' long before there were laws, the laws were added so they could create more controlling laws not because they needed them in the first place ... so again ... next.

What places were smoke free? At one time EVERYPLACE was smoke free.
I don't get your point about "controlling laws" and how does any of this justify subjecting bar employees to something all other employees are protected from? Why would you think bar employees are somehow less deserving of the protecction of the law?
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The smoking ban is the best thing that ever happened in the UK.I can understand addicts reluctance to give up their fix but for the life of me I cannot understand why anyone in this day and age would choose to begin smoking.

go brush your teeth you gap toothed wanker.
You know, Ang.. SHS wont both you one bit if you choose to go to a smoke free bar and leave smokers to their smoky bar.

Shogun dance around the issue all you want, but you'll never be able to justify treating bar workers as second class citizens not deserving of the same protections all other workers get.
So Shogun, do you think we should relax those laws for all business owners?

Remember, for all you crappy logic about personal freedoms and cigarette smoking, every time you light up within breathing distance of anyone else, you have taken away their choice as to whether they they want to be a smoker too. All this talk about freedom is a crock of shit.
Why can't you rationalising smokers just come out and admit that every time you light up and blow smoke in someone's face, you are being an asshole?
I have some sympathy for smokers seeing as I was addicted once myself and know how difficult it is to deny the cravings. Nicotene is a powerful drug. But I don't have any sympathy for smokers who are hypocrites.
Though I do know that drug addled minds are not always capable of rational thought and perhaps not entirely guilty of their crimes.

NO, I have not taken away a single choice of yours. YOU could take your ass down the street to a smoke free bar. THAT is your choice. don't like smoking? Take off to the smoke free bar. THAT is a choice.

HA! a pink lunger calling someone ELSE an asshole? Now THAT is a fucking rich piece of cake, Ang. go take your criticism of smokers and put that much effort into finding tangible evidence for your goofy fucking anti-tobacco quest since the gun you have is shooting blanks.
I'm sure those charities continued to get donations through other means. But Luissa, can you give me a good reason why employees on bingo halls don't deserve the same protections office workers have?
You say don't get a job where people smoke. Suppose you have a choice between working in a smoking environment or not feeding your kids? Suppose second hand smoke didn't really bother you at first but after a while you began to get sick from it and you had to quit and find other work? Why should you lose your job because of someone else's rude behavior?


go feed your fucking kids without assuming that the world is responsible for your choice to get pregnant. There's always a mcdonalds hiring!

Oh, and im calling shennanigans on your "bar income GREW after the ban" bullshit. Show me your data 'cause I can show you mine.
NO, I have not taken away a single choice of yours. YOU could take your ass down the street to a smoke free bar. THAT is your choice. don't like smoking? Take off to the smoke free bar. THAT is a choice.

HA! a pink lunger calling someone ELSE an asshole? Now THAT is a fucking rich piece of cake, Ang. go take your criticism of smokers and put that much effort into finding tangible evidence for your goofy fucking anti-tobacco quest since the gun you have is shooting blanks.

Like most smokers, you are an ignorant, abusive nugget.:D
NO, I have not taken away a single choice of yours. YOU could take your ass down the street to a smoke free bar. THAT is your choice. don't like smoking? Take off to the smoke free bar. THAT is a choice.

HA! a pink lunger calling someone ELSE an asshole? Now THAT is a fucking rich piece of cake, Ang. go take your criticism of smokers and put that much effort into finding tangible evidence for your goofy fucking anti-tobacco quest since the gun you have is shooting blanks.

Okay, just avoid the issues. Whatever it takes for you to justify imposing your addiction on everyone else.

go feed your fucking kids without assuming that the world is responsible for your choice to get pregnant. There's always a mcdonalds hiring!

Oh, and im calling shennanigans on your "bar income GREW after the ban" bullshit. Show me your data 'cause I can show you mine.

I showed it to you last time. Go find the thread.
Anything to avoid facing the fact that to light up where any other person is near and insisting they need to move elsewhere is selfish bullying behavior.
Drugs can do that to the nicest people though.
Okay, just avoid the issues. Whatever it takes for you to justify imposing your addiction on everyone else.

Im not avoiding shit, Ang. Im READY to point out the failure of your evidence, the FAILURE of your logic and the FAILURE of your choice to enter a smoky bar. I don't impose shit onto you if YOU don't choose to enter where I am smoking. I'm not begging you for your presence when I go out drinking. You go to YOUR bar and ILL go to mine. It's as simple as that. And, since no one makes you work anywhere and the public is not responsible for feeding your kids.. well.. it's pretty fucking clear why smoking bans do nothing but run bar owners out of business.
I showed it to you last time. Go find the thread.
Anything to avoid facing the fact that to light up where any other person is near and insisting they need to move elsewhere is selfish bullying behavior.
Drugs can do that to the nicest people though.

You didn't show me a damn thing, Ang. I'd have pounced all over it if you had. And YOU can't talk about FACTS with the bullshit you use as evidence, yo. Projected estimates are not facts. YOUR OPINION about smoking is not a fact. And yes, if the BAR OWNER decides to allow smoking then yes YOU need to move along. Just like an owner who decides to go smoke free can tell a SMOKER TO MOVE ALONG. What you DONT have is a fucking monopoly on choices just because you refuse to make better personal choices.
Im not avoiding shit, Ang. Im READY to point out the failure of your evidence, the FAILURE of your logic and the FAILURE of your choice to enter a smoky bar. I don't impose shit onto you if YOU don't choose to enter where I am smoking. I'm not begging you for your presence when I go out drinking. You go to YOUR bar and ILL go to mine. It's as simple as that. And, since no one makes you work anywhere and the public is not responsible for feeding your kids.. well.. it's pretty fucking clear why smoking bans do nothing but run bar owners out of business.

Try explaining yourself and your blatant disregard for others to someone with a terminal smoking related disease due to passive smoking cigs belonging to ignorant morons like you.
You didn't show me a damn thing, Ang. I'd have pounced all over it if you had. And YOU can't talk about FACTS with the bullshit you use as evidence, yo. Projected estimates are not facts. YOUR OPINION about smoking is not a fact. And yes, if the BAR OWNER decides to allow smoking then yes YOU need to move along. Just like an owner who decides to go smoke free can tell a SMOKER TO MOVE ALONG. What you DONT have is a fucking monopoly on choices just because you refuse to make better personal choices.

You are quite the defensive one, aren't you!!!!
Care to answer my questions about allowing smoking everywhere, according to the property owner's whims?
Shall we allow rape and murder too? According to property owner's whims?
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