US role as global leader looks over — and we will miss it more than most


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
This is all very dangerous for us, because Ireland has benefited overwhelmingly from Pax Americana. We are umbilically tied to the US. Furthermore, any withdrawal of America from the world stage would leave the world a much more dangerous place.

David Mcwilliams
This is all very dangerous for us, because Ireland has benefited overwhelmingly from Pax Americana. We are umbilically tied to the US. Furthermore, any withdrawal of America from the world stage would leave the world a much more dangerous place.

David Mcwilliams

Yep...Obama's do nothing foreign policy really did hurt us. Fortunately, Trump is setting things right. :thup:

Like jailing deniers or worse
This is all very dangerous for us, because Ireland has benefited overwhelmingly from Pax Americana. We are umbilically tied to the US. Furthermore, any withdrawal of America from the world stage would leave the world a much more dangerous place.

David Mcwilliams
It appears to me the U.S. under Trump is withdrawing save potentially from being a vigilante enforcer of its will.
This is all very dangerous for us, because Ireland has benefited overwhelmingly from Pax Americana. We are umbilically tied to the US. Furthermore, any withdrawal of America from the world stage would leave the world a much more dangerous place.

David Mcwilliams

From the article:
"Years ago, a mate of mine, the son of a hard-working Jewish butcher from Brooklyn, managed to get into Harvard. This was a huge undertaking for this average family without the financial resources to pay Ivy League fees. But they managed, as families tend to do. They saved, scrimped and borrowed so eventually the son emerged from one of America’s finest universities with brilliant results. He hasn’t looked back since.

Two decades later in New York, when we were chatting to his dad, discussing the sacrifices parents have to make to send their kids to top US universities, the old man looked at me and chuckled: “If you think Harvard is expensive, try ignorance!”

Ignorance is expensive and Donald Trump is testament to this. By pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord yesterday, he is signalling to the world that the United States — for so long the world’s pre-eminent home of scientific enquiry — is rejecting science. For the country that sent the first man to the moon, this is shameful. American universities produce far more Nobel Prize winners for science than the rest of the world combined — what does this say to them?

Having a climate change denier in the White House is frankly embarrassing."

There are no vacuums except in space. Wherever the US pulls out or rejects cooperation and leadership with its allies or the rest of the world, another power like China or Russia will greedily step in. Both would love to take the world off the dollar standard and weaken the US economically. Our allies Germany and Japan have relied on us for mutual defense, however now both see they will have to start rearming.Where was that on the campaign trail, "I will force Germany and Japan to rearm to military levels they haven't seen since the end of WW2." One would imagine WW2 veterans not taking kindly to this.

After the fall of Rome historians were known to say "the mother of the Earth has died". Rome was generally run as a dictatorship with an Emperor and did many abhorrent things in it's long history. Slavery was one of them. But once the conquered another nation they granted Roman rights to it's citizens along with protection of Rome. When it finally fell there was no super power to keep the myriad war lords and tribes in check so they roamed the Earth terrorizing all of humanity at their leisure.

The Dark Ages, which lasted about 700 years from the end of the Roman Empire.

The US is nowhere near the brutality Rome was, it is for the most part benign and an aid to humanity. Which in fact makes it all the less dispensable as the leader of the world. Trump and his backward klan or ignorants do not know history and more importantly could not care less about it. Which makes them utterly dangerous to the human race.
This is all very dangerous for us, because Ireland has benefited overwhelmingly from Pax Americana. We are umbilically tied to the US. Furthermore, any withdrawal of America from the world stage would leave the world a much more dangerous place.

David Mcwilliams
To begin with, David McWilliams is the windbag economist who advised the Irish government some years ago to prop-up the failing banks in Ireland by giving a guarantee to all speculative bondholders that their investments will be covered. This put on the shoulders of the Irish people such a burden that the country went into austerity mode and financial obligations will still be being paid by children yet unborn there. The man is a self-promoting blabbermouth who is best ignored.

Secondly, Ireland is a small country and was not dragged into foreign entanglements by the Americans as the English were, to their regret. American claims to be a leader of the world has brought misery to people from Vietnam to Iraq and Latin America.

Thirdly, although the Irish did not send bombers to Libya or soldiers to the Hindu Kush, they have allowed their airport at Shannon to be used by American war planes transporting personnel and material to countries in the Middle East, making Ireland a vulnerable target for Islamist terror.

Contrary to what McWilliams claims, the Irish have not benefited from American foreign policy, nor has the world.
This is all very dangerous for us, because Ireland has benefited overwhelmingly from Pax Americana. We are umbilically tied to the US. Furthermore, any withdrawal of America from the world stage would leave the world a much more dangerous place.

David Mcwilliams

More dangerous? For who?

Certainly not for all those countries the US, as the biggest threat to global security, has bombed or invaded in the last 20 years, 50 years, 100 years.
Ignorance is expensive and Donald Trump is testament to this.
"the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant,
but that they know so much that isn't so."
~Ronald Reagan~

Expensive indeed!...To the tune of 20 trillion and counting
and, that's just in monetary terms!

Ignorance, complacency, stupidity, foolishness, moral decay,
laziness, irresponsibility and unaccountability
has eroded and replaced, priceless principles and standards...
costing our country and every generation to come, dearly....
where we are now is a testament to this
and past and present generations are to blame!
By pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord yesterday, he is signalling to the world that the United States — for so long the world’s pre-eminent home of scientific enquiry — is rejecting science.
Really...rejecting science, huh


American universities produce far more Nobel Prize winners for science than the rest of the world combined — what does this say to them?
Lol...not for long
College kids are resorting to safe spaces, play doh
bubbles and coloring books
Having a climate change denier in the White House is frankly embarrassing."
No one is denying climate change,
the denial is that it can be reversed or stopped
Ignorance is expensive and Donald Trump is testament to this.
"the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant,
but that they know so much that isn't so."
~Ronald Reagan~

Expensive indeed!...To the tune of 20 trillion and counting
and, that's just in monetary terms!

Ignorance, complacency, stupidity, foolishness, moral decay,
laziness, irresponsibility and unaccountability
has eroded and replaced, priceless principles and standards...
costing our country and every generation to come, dearly....
where we are now is a testament to this
and past and present generations are to blame!
By pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord yesterday, he is signalling to the world that the United States — for so long the world’s pre-eminent home of scientific enquiry — is rejecting science.
Really...rejecting science, huh


American universities produce far more Nobel Prize winners for science than the rest of the world combined — what does this say to them?
Lol...not for long
College kids are resorting to safe spaces, play doh
bubbles and coloring books
Having a climate change denier in the White House is frankly embarrassing."
No one is denying climate change,
the denial is that it can be reversed or stopped

Sorry I don't read or respond to posts that are cut up and parsed like this. And don't feel singled out, whenever someone does this I don't read it. If someone can't put together a coherent statement I'm not interested. And lay off the caps except for a word here or there.

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